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by Ultra » Wed May 09, 2012 7:47 pm
Jere wrote:Sweet, still i expected to get a conclusion on The missing mother really
amen to that.
CuccoLady wrote:
I love how tLoK is managing to be a sequel that has the heart of its predecessor but its own originality, and equal quality.
Well said. i feel the same way.
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by P3t3r » Wed May 09, 2012 7:58 pm
i remember that jere, thats how the first series ended... zoku's mother. its justify-able to be skeptical about long lasting great sequels now a days thats all im saying.
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by Ultra » Wed May 09, 2012 8:15 pm
P3t3r wrote:i remember that jere, thats how the first series ended... zoku's mother. its justify-able to be skeptical about long lasting great sequels now a days thats all im saying.
The fan base for tLoK is extremely loyal and it turns out alot of people have been wondering, in fact it was one of the first serious questions asked in tLoK. I believe nick had the 20/20 vision to make it part of the end and the starting point of the new series. I entirely expect to learn the answer, nick is beating around the bush, as if it was taunting us to watch. I am completely hooked. Nick has done a great job. And IMO it will be a great sequel no matter what happens at this point. unless it turns out like M night shamalan's movie... *shudder*
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by Apollo the Just » Thu May 10, 2012 2:58 am
^Speaking of which, I heard he's making the second book into a movie now.
Let us all hope to GOD that is just a false rumor.
anyway yeah agreed about Zuko's mom. They made a big enough deal out of it for me to be confident it'll be resolved eventually. It's important to the plot of the first series, for one thing.
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by 1-up Salesman » Thu May 10, 2012 9:18 pm
So...Amon theories? I'll post some of my speculation once I hear yours.
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by Apollo the Just » Thu May 10, 2012 9:36 pm
he's the cabbage merchant, granted eternal life by the gods who find justice in his quest to STOP THOSE BLASTED BENDERS WHO KEEP RUINING MY CABBAGES SERIOUSLY WHAT KIND OF JERKS EVEN DO THAT
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by NickHaldenJr » Thu May 10, 2012 10:07 pm
i think he is actually a bender....just speculation.......possibly one of the probenders of the wolfbats.
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by 1-up Salesman » Thu May 10, 2012 10:18 pm
[Spoiler] I think he is, is related to or has some connection to Yakone.[/Spoiler]
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by Ultra » Thu May 10, 2012 11:26 pm
Descendant of Azula. Obviously still wanting revenge. ooooooooooor, Sparky Sparky Boom Man.
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by Apollo the Just » Fri May 11, 2012 1:45 am
Honestly, and I know this isn't gonna happen and also I'm probably the only one who feels this way, but I kind of would be ok with Amon just being... Amon. No one we know. His identity isn't some giant spoiler; he just hides his face because he's leading a giant freaking cult and is kind of taking people's bending and is probably not a completely law-abiding citizen
Hiding his identity and then NOT being someone important has a lot more impact than hiding his identity BECAUSE he's someone important, imo. Like... he's hiding it and doing everything despite not having GRANDEUR REASON
idk I know it won't happen and his identity will be a giant spoiler but I kind of want him to be just some dude who is bat**** because it kind of makes his revolution seem a bit more epic
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by Kil'jaeden » Fri May 11, 2012 2:56 am
The early 20th century China Shanghai-ish setting, with the Equalist posters and rhetoric, reminds me of the Communist movement that was growing at the time. However, there were a lot of political groups at the time, and most of them had gangs on the street. Government corruption was rampant, and most places were run by warlords and gang leaders. Republic City is not so bad that it has open warfare (yet), but it fits well. Though a pro-bender reactionary movement would make sense too.
I agree with the above person. It would be better that Amon is a masked revolutionary, not connected with some past event. Other questions are there too. [spoiler]Why and how can he take people's bending (or can he really take it at all)?[/spoiler] Was he telling the truth about his past? What is his movement really about?
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by Apollo the Just » Fri May 11, 2012 3:20 am
^ Hey, I just spoiler'd that because even though it's not really a huge spoiler, it's still kind of T3H SHOCK1NG D3V3LOPM3NT in that episode, and it's a bit more crazy and awesome if you aren't expecting it.
["That episode" being 5, for curious peeps]
Korra's new, so I like to spoiler everything JUST IN CASE so everyone can have teh shocking revelations even if they're watching it a few weeks after.
now about that same sentence
[spoiler]I was wondering the same thing. It seemed like that was something special to Aang because he got it from the turtle god thing, and I don't see that turtle god handing it over to someone like Amon. Maybe it WAS a trick, to scare the public. Who knows?[/spoiler]
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by 1-up Salesman » Fri May 11, 2012 9:09 pm
[Spoiler] Yeah, I definitely think he is an original character rather than being
Zuko or something like some people think, but I think there's more to it all than just what's been said. That's why the Yukone guy was mentioned, and remember that Korra had her vision about Aang and his friends fighting him after Amon knocked her out.[/Spoiler]
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by Speed » Sat May 12, 2012 11:52 pm
Legend of Korra is all of my yes. And Bolin. Is the ****. And this series just...eeeeeee.
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by 1-up Salesman » Sun May 13, 2012 12:44 am
New episode was fantastic, a lot better than episode 5.
Basically, from what I've seen, Yakone was some sort of criminal and threat to Republic City. Sokka was involved in his capture/defeat. Toph sent her metal-bending police force to capture him. Eventually he was and put on trial, and then he seemed to break free. Aang went into the Avatar state and took care of it.[/Spoiler]
Also, did anyone else notice
[Spoiler] that in the flashback when Aang ecountered Yakone he seemed to be Air-bending without his hands?[/spoiler]
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by Apollo the Just » Sun May 13, 2012 4:31 am
I didn't get the chance to catch the episode today. I'll watch it some coming day and share my thoughts :{DDDDDDDD
....presuming tumlr doesn't spoil it for me
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by Ultra » Sun May 13, 2012 1:08 pm
New episode has some sweet character development. and it turns out the site where i watch always lags during probending. i guess it cant handle the action.
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by heh » Sun May 13, 2012 3:16 pm
appa is still the best, but pabu is better then momo. Important Opinions itt.
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by 1-up Salesman » Tue May 15, 2012 12:45 am
Come on, guys, am I the only one making anything of all of these [spoiler]flashbacks[/spoiler]?
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by Apollo the Just » Tue May 15, 2012 3:10 am
Still haven't caught the new episode. My [ex]roommate is on a two-day roadtrip and I promised that she, myself, and our OTHER ex roommate would watch it together whilst audiochatting.
Although about ^ that, based on just the episode before last
[spoiler]I figured it was just something triggered by Korra facing a really scary and possibly near-death experience, causing her emotions to flip and somehow connecting her to her past lives? But you may be on to something, IDK. Especially if there's more in the next episode, which I have yet to watch.[/spoiler]
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