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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:27 pm

Why would I waste my beloveds like that???

No, I just wouldn't let you pass by until you solved my latest puzzle. And then I would reward you with a plushie if you got it right.
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Post by LOOT » Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:31 pm


An update to my FotNS fanboyism: Just to attest to my dedication to the series, Ken's Rage is going to be my absolute first non-Arcade game that I will get 100% Achievements for. Granted it's not the worst for Achievements but some of them are a tad dedicated (5000 kills for each martial style, 30 hours, and OH MY GOD THE LAST BOSS FOR RAOH BOTH LEGEND AND DREAM MODE ARE CHEAP AS ****).

I will one day put together a Kenshiro costume. Just don't count on 500 shirts so I can rip them off when I get the least bit agitated.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:49 am

man I don't care how "not hard" it is 100% completion anything is ultimate proof of dedication and fangirl/boyism in my book


Out of curiosity, back on the topic of anime and cartoons, how many of you splurge ridiculously when you're into something? Like, 100 episodes gone in the course of 3 days splurging. That is definitely my preferred method of fangirlism.
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Post by Rainbow Dash » Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:01 am

my attention span is not that long

also i'm not sure 100 episodes in 3 days is possible

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Post by Kargath » Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:46 am

Well it would work out to 13 hours or so a day if they're 20 minute episodes. Beyond that we're talking sleep deprivation...
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Post by Apollo the Just » Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:12 pm

here let me help you sort out your priorities


feel free to apply "work," "homework," "sleep," or any other thing that you might find even somewhat important in homework's stead. It remains accurate.
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Post by Marilink » Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:27 pm

CL, have you watched Sherlock yet? That strikes me as something you might fangirl over.
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Post by Lilac DownDeep » Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:55 pm



No seriously. All dirty girls love Benedict Cumberbatch. cB

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Post by LOOT » Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:25 pm

CuccoLady wrote:man I don't care how "not hard" it is 100% completion anything is ultimate proof of dedication and fangirl/boyism in my book


Out of curiosity, back on the topic of anime and cartoons, how many of you splurge ridiculously when you're into something? Like, 100 episodes gone in the course of 3 days splurging. That is definitely my preferred method of fangirlism.
oh god no

At most I can handle, oh, ten episodes in 24 hours.

Edit: Here's another fad: Rooting for some minor villain simply because you saw some awesome things they did even though they're supposed to be scum. Case in point: Jagi, third brother of Hokuto Shinken, never even really mentioned once he bites it (In a rather one-sided battle, too). Still plenty strong compared to non-main characters, especially in Ken's Rage when he's the most fun when taking down entire armies of baddies using nothing but a sawed-off shotgun.

ANOTHER ONE: Alternative/Dream Scenarios. Ken's Rage has an entire new story based on the Nanto users teaming up to fight all four Hokuto brothers. There are some strange team-ups in this mode, but it works. And the character development, hell even Souther/Thouzer has his moment at the end, and this bastard used child slaves to build a pyramid.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:47 am

oh snap the fact that you didn't know I adore Sherlock means that I DIDN'T FANGIRL HARD ENOUGH


that or it was promptly overshadowed by dragons/homestuck

yeah Sherlock is the ****, especially given the awesome references to the books and the fact that it is probably the most loyal and legit Sherlock Holmes adaptation ever despite being set in modern times.


^ten episodes in 24 hours? That's, like, not even 5 hours. That's like one-fifth of the day, maximum.

what do you do with the rest of that time
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Post by LOOT » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:41 am

Oh, eat, sleep, play video games, play with the animals in the house, classes, umm... play... video games.

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Post by Lilac DownDeep » Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:08 pm

CuccoLady wrote: yeah Sherlock is the ****, especially given the awesome references to the books and the fact that it is probably the most loyal and legit Sherlock Holmes adaptation ever despite being set in modern times.
I know, right? Mom and I sat down to watch the first season quite awhile ago. We both loved it to death. I think this weekend we're going to sit down together to watch the recent three episodes.

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Post by LOOT » Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:18 pm

I'm on my last achievement: 5000 Hokuto Ujoken (Offspring of Hokuto Shinken where the victim feels euphoria before exploding) kills. I'm at about 2000 right now. I can get, if I'm lucky, 500 kills in a chapter with Jagi, who owns with wiping out mass armies.

Mmm, blood shed. Also I have 68 hours logged. I think that should tell you something, CL, lololloollololo

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:07 pm

^^ my roomies and I did that recently. 'Twas a night of deductions, dead bodies, and awesome.
Loot wrote:Oh, eat, sleep, play video games, play with the animals in the house, classes, umm... play... video games.
oh ok totally fair enough carry on

I tend to abandon any and all of my other interests to obsess over one thing [hence the 100 episodes in three days trend] and then abandon that thing to obsess over something else [like a video game I will proceed to clock ridiculous amounts of hours into]. It's how I roll.

My fangirlism is dedicated, if only for short periods of time.
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Post by 1-up Salesman » Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:13 pm people have more free time than me.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Apr 26, 2012 12:34 am

My schedule this semester has me done every day at 1 pm except Mondays [lab] so yep lotsa free time <33
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Post by LOOT » Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:12 pm

Well I managed to recover my old hard drive that has a bunch of Fist of the North Star crap like the main series, the dubbed series and movie, and other stuff. OH BOY.

Also I have the subbed movie of Raoh Gaiden II. BEST FIGHT SCENES EVER.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:06 pm

So what you're saying is, "I'll see you at three in the morning in two days when I'm done experiencing and re-experiencing and re-re-experiencing all of it and need to fanboy on the interwebs" right?

Because if not, I'm disappointed.
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Post by LOOT » Sat May 05, 2012 10:06 pm

CL you must teach me your ways of devotion

Unfortunately thanks to a combo of WoW, League of Legends, and finals I haven't been able to get that last achievement on Ken's Rage yet. :( On the other hand, with disposable income finally coming in I'll finally be able to rent the New Fist of the North Star OVA. Three episodes isn't enough. :mad:

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Post by Apollo the Just » Sun May 06, 2012 12:22 am

CL you must teach me your ways of devotion
This sentence alone tells me that you are not ready. For it is a devotion so pure and so overwhelming that it cannot be taught-- it must be felt. In every facet of your being. It is not enough to "like" a thing. You must BECOME the thing. The thing must become you. You should not be able to go five minutes in a day without some completely irrelevant trigger irl causing you to internally debate the meaning behind some obscure thing that only you and your devotion managed to notice in the thing.

You need to love it so much that work, responsibilities, and sleep are simply NOT IMPORTANT in light of your quest for more. You must feel starved if you don't have it RIGHT NOW, RIGHT HERE, IN FRONT OF YOU. If presented with a choice between something important and "the thing," you must feel that choosing anything but "the thing" will cause you withdrawal and misery.

It is clear that you are not yet ready. You are too absorbed in the world, in goals, in things that matter. You must let go of these things in order for your passion for the WAY BETTER THINGS to truly come to fruition.
I believe in second chances, and that's why I believe in you.

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