I'm surprised this received a following. Somewhat.
All right, this next one is--
Oh. Wait. This is the 25th page. The thread is now full.
Well, I guess that's it for this one.
Thanks to each and every one of you for bothering to read my sketchy excuses for comic strips and thank you all for letting me try to amuse you with my predictable humor. Special thanks to HotD, who I mainly draw this crap for and for laughing at them even when she didn't get the joke.
I'm still drawing these things with regularity, so I'll probably post another topic soon.
As parting words, here is the full list of the stock characters introduced to you so far (minus extras), just to show you what monsters I've created and developed in the history of this independent comic.
Main cast roll call and character types:
Misanthropy: The abusive coach
Aya Iyama - student #1: The quiet, athletic one
Seisma Oyo - student #2: The flat-chested bitch
Keiguru Nakahoro - student #3: The hapless, levelheaded kid
Mikato Gohru - student #4: The excitable Pollyanna
Eli Brimmer - student #5: The smart but not-athletic one
Shye Itsuu - student #6: The militant bully
Tsu-xia Tenor - student #7: The perpetually late, submissive one
Shini Shimii - student #8: The hyperactive sugar fiend
Yokina Take - student #9: The klutz that tries too hard
Hinigata To - student #10: The gaming blowhard
Sensa "Nabooru" Katae - student #11: The laid-back, eternal straight man
Zash Tekku - student #12: The ostentatious ninja wannabe
Bridget Kendo - student #13: The sensitive strongwoman
Michel Lapland - student #14: The impulsive daredevil
Constantine Lin - student #15: The grandiloquent sage
Ivy Synthet - student #16: The chain-smoking slacker with a heart of gold
Retsu Iota - student #17: The seriously serious kid*
Emily Yurimitsu - student #18: The busty, kindhearted girl
Candice Blenny - student #19: The egotistic fashionista
Itsuki Penn - student #20: The nervous germophobe
Canterbury Kawibara - student #21: The short girl that's hard to impress
Quail Korshe - student #22: The frail artist prone to nausea
Gai Itsuu - student #23: The extroverted audiophile
Farian Denz - student #24: The fearless (except for cameras), unassuming schoolgirl
Mindy "Loop" Bauri - student #25: The nosy journalist with endless curiosity
Asago Tokohoma - student #26: The forgetful princess
Niin Tenn - student #27: The naughty prankster
Yin Chizumi - student #28: The whiny animal-lover
Kaimiru Wun - student #29: The tall, kid-at-heart professor
Xingo Taromujo - student #30: The lovable idiot
What Langston - student #31: The witty one
* I suppose Retsu needs more love somehow, since she's the only one absent in this thread (until now). But her "NO FUN ALLOWED" demeanor makes it hard to feature her anywhere. (Shown in the middle, below)
Hope you all enjoyed the party.