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Post by Rainbow Dash » Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:07 pm

do you have plans to make a cohesive storyline type thing with these characters at some point or do you want it to remain simple one-shot slice-of-life things?

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Post by Valigarmander » Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:39 pm

You could have an arc where they find a wounded raccoon in the woods and learn a touching lesson about death, or an arc where one of them waits at the pumpkin patch for the Great Pumpkin.

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Post by Rainbow Dash » Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:43 pm

or an arc where all the shy-people are forced to reveal themselves to the public because the government demands it

antisocial is sniped

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Post by X-3 » Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:33 pm

That one topic (the one I'll keep mentioning mysteriously to sound cool) seemed to indicate a deep and moving story behind Cream.

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Post by Antisocial » Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:15 pm

Character development? In MY series?!

^^^^ At the moment, I'm keeping this story-free and merely a comedic series with little continuity, so to anybody reading this, don't expect an actual story anytime soon. I've learned in the past that I'm not cut out to actually continue an actual story because I lose interest in things too quickly. I have a Paper Mario fanfic I've never finished that's up to chapter 7 and I haven't touched it since, what, 2002? 2003? Whatever. The point is I'm not up to a stage where I can be consistent with actually drawing a story. I have a hard enough time being consistent just drawing the comics I do now.

Which isn't to say that these characters have any lack of depth. I DO have stories behind certain characters that only me and HotD know. And I apologize in advance for dumping WALLS OF TEXT on you, but I'm going to omit a comic today for the sake of explaining such (besides, I'm feeling sick and I spent a remainder doing sketches for Auron).

There's a sliding scale of realism and comedy that I form the basis of my series on. Whereas there's the hijinks you guys see here, there's also the other side with characters such as Aya, who still mourns her dead mother, Sensa, who got assaulted in an alley as a teen and almost perished, and Pleasance, who lived a normal life, got into a car accident, got ostracized by most of her friends, and went through a huge trial of breaking through her newly formed communication barrier that involved a Toad who sold her a special translating device (seriously; I'm a total nerd that way).

However, I feel I don't fit the mold as of yet to draw out these story arcs because my main interest lies in comedy, and for me, it's hard to make myself just start drawing passable drama all of a sudden. I just don't have the mindset for it.

Which brings me to what ^ said. Cream is a special case, for she's probably the only character with the closest thing to a life story, and here's the abridged version, complete with cliches: A daughter of the Shitaba clan, born in an assassin's organization called Nocturnal. Lived out most of her life in the grueling authority of this guild, which is all physical and nothing emotional. Years of building her up into a killing machine left her with no ability for remorse and she heeded all her masters' objectives with nary a pause. Nothing was sacred. She effectively grew into a monster with superhuman abilities.

Eventually, Nocturnal fell under by the authorities and was shut down. All members were ordered executed. Cream managed to escape with the help of her assassin parents (who also got executed). She was a drifter for a bit until she ran into an insistent hobo named Rory at the top of a hill. First impressions were more than strained on Cream's part, who almost offed him a couple times, but backed down because he wasn't an actual threat or obstacle. But Rory was one of those characters that was oblivious to hostility and had a sixth sense that Cream was...special. So after bothering her enough that she eventually stopped caring to deal with him, Rory eventually grew on her. Slowly.

Imperceptibly, Cream would gain humanity, bit by bit. In fact, it came to a point that once the ability to feel got to her, her past began to haunt her and drove her to suicidal tendencies. She ran away, only to fall off a building and have Rory barely save her. Here would probably mark the point Cream lost all her desire to do harm unto others.

Then things turned ****ty. A gang started to hear about this "ninja" Rory's been hanging with, and after a few confrontations that were less than friendly, things heated up when the gang cornered Rory in an alley and demanded Cream to join them by taking him hostage (since Cream kicked their asses before when they tried to take her by force themselves). They both refused. So, the gang proceeded to beat Rory furiously. Cream was horrified to a point that she said she would join just to get them to stop, but Rory, being the moral idiot he is, insisted she not give in--she is the valued one here and he is just a lowly beggar. She hesitated, but the gang didn't.


A lead pipe ended Rory's life. The gang foolishly asks Cream once more, but that was it.

The gang took the full force of a rage that cannot be illustrated.

Let's just say that they were dead. VERY dead. EXTREMELY ****ING DEAD.

Cream, needless to say, was devastated. She kneeled at her father figure's body and wept. But felt his warm hand at her cheek, and with a dying breath, beseeched her to find happiness. Just now, without him.

She then personally buried him at the same hill where they met.

After much mourning, she would drift some more, doing good deeds along the way until she ran into a cross-eyed militant woman named Yamagura. The story just kinda goes on as you would expect from there...well, except the part when Cream accidentally injured a student with her ninja skills and felt like taking her own life again, until Yamagura broke through a window, slapped the knife out of her hand, and called her an idiot (Yama's a little more forceful than Rory was). Since then, Cream would learn the ways of society, forgiveness of oneself, and when being a ninja does not apply.

But really, I just find her interesting because she as all the physical features of an emotionless killer, but the personality of a ditz trying hard to please everybody. That and the acrobatics, lightning reflexes, incredible accuracy, and other stuff you'd expect out of a physically adept protagonist. Just...without the brains.

I guess I have a thing for the concept of "Even though your past sucked, you can still live a pretty good life."

...Oh, and about the "no comic today" thing...I lied.

Ninja: Cream Shitaba
Non-ninja: Yamagura

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Post by Rainbow Dash » Tue Jul 20, 2010 11:42 pm

Antisocial wrote:^^^^ At the moment, I'm keeping this story-free and merely a comedic series with little continuity, so to anybody reading this, don't expect an actual story anytime soon. I've learned in the past that I'm not cut out to actually continue an actual story because I lose interest in things too quickly. I have a Paper Mario fanfic I've never finished that's up to chapter 7 and I haven't touched it since, what, 2002? 2003? Whatever. The point is I'm not up to a stage where I can be consistent with actually drawing a story. I have a hard enough time being consistent just drawing the comics I do now.

Which isn't to say that these characters have any lack of depth. I DO have stories behind certain characters that only me and HotD know. And I apologize in advance for dumping WALLS OF TEXT on you, but I'm going to omit a comic today for the sake of explaining such (besides, I'm feeling sick and I spent a remainder doing sketches for Auron).

There's a sliding scale of realism and comedy that I form the basis of my series on. Whereas there's the hijinks you guys see here, there's also the other side with characters such as Aya, who still mourns her dead mother, Sensa, who got assaulted in an alley as a teen and almost perished, and Pleasance, who lived a normal life, got into a car accident, got ostracized by most of her friends, and went through a huge trial of breaking through her newly formed communication barrier that involved a Toad who sold her a special translating device (seriously; I'm a total nerd that way).

However, I feel I don't fit the mold as of yet to draw out these story arcs because my main interest lies in comedy, and for me, it's hard to make myself just start drawing passable drama all of a sudden. I just don't have the mindset for it.

Which brings me to what ^ said. Cream is a special case, for she's probably the only character with the closest thing to a life story, and here's the abridged version, complete with cliches: A daughter of the Shitaba clan, born in an assassin's organization called Nocturnal. Lived out most of her life in the grueling authority of this guild, which is all physical and nothing emotional. Years of building her up into a killing machine left her with no ability for remorse and she heeded all her masters' objectives with nary a pause. Nothing was sacred. She effectively grew into a monster with superhuman abilities.

Eventually, Nocturnal fell under by the authorities and was shut down. All members were ordered executed. Cream managed to escape with the help of her assassin parents (who also got executed). She was a drifter for a bit until she ran into an insistent hobo named Rory at the top of a hill. First impressions were more than strained on Cream's part, who almost offed him a couple times, but backed down because he wasn't an actual threat or obstacle. But Rory was one of those characters that was oblivious to hostility and had a sixth sense that Cream was...special. So after bothering her enough that she eventually stopped caring to deal with him, Rory eventually grew on her. Slowly.

Imperceptibly, Cream would gain humanity, bit by bit. In fact, it came to a point that once the ability to feel got to her, her past began to haunt her and drove her to suicidal tendencies. She ran away, only to fall off a building and have Rory barely save her. Here would probably mark the point Cream lost all her desire to do harm unto others.

Then things turned ****ty. A gang started to hear about this "ninja" Rory's been hanging with, and after a few confrontations that were less than friendly, things heated up when the gang cornered Rory in an alley and demanded Cream to join them by taking him hostage (since Cream kicked their asses before when they tried to take her by force themselves). They both refused. So, the gang proceeded to beat Rory furiously. Cream was horrified to a point that she said she would join just to get them to stop, but Rory, being the moral idiot he is, insisted she not give in--she is the valued one here and he is just a lowly beggar. She hesitated, but the gang didn't.


A lead pipe ended Rory's life. The gang foolishly asks Cream once more, but that was it.

The gang took the full force of a rage that cannot be illustrated.

Let's just say that they were dead. VERY dead. EXTREMELY ****ING DEAD.

Cream, needless to say, was devastated. She kneeled at her father figure's body and wept. But felt his warm hand at her cheek, and with a dying breath, beseeched her to find happiness. Just now, without him.

She then personally buried him at the same hill where they met.

After much mourning, she would drift some more, doing good deeds along the way until she ran into a cross-eyed militant woman named Yamagura. The story just kinda goes on as you would expect from there...well, except the part when Cream accidentally injured a student with her ninja skills and felt like taking her own life again, until Yamagura broke through a window, slapped the knife out of her hand, and called her an idiot (Yama's a little more forceful than Rory was). Since then, Cream would learn the ways of society, forgiveness of oneself, and when being a ninja does not apply.

But really, I just find her interesting because she as all the physical features of an emotionless killer, but the personality of a ditz trying hard to please everybody. That and the acrobatics, lightning reflexes, incredible accuracy, and other stuff you'd expect out of a physically adept protagonist. Just...without the brains.

I guess I have a thing for the concept of "Even though your past sucked, you can still live a pretty good life."

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Post by Antisocial » Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:05 am

actual comic-less post

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I did warn you.

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Post by X-3 » Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:06 am

ruined forever



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Post by Antisocial » Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:15 am

It's hard to get good PR nowadays.


Troubled: Saijin Saturday - Principal of the Soprano School District
Defense: Blackhouse - Misanthropy's agent

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Post by MeowMan » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:07 pm


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Post by Rainbow Dash » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:25 pm

does saijin use a lot of prozac

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Post by Valigarmander » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:28 pm

I don't think I've seen any girls realistically-sized chests yet.

You're good at drawing anime-style.

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Post by Rainbow Dash » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:37 pm

Valigarmander wrote:I don't think I've seen any girls realistically-sized chests yet.
you're not actually reading the topic are you

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Post by Antisocial » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:56 pm


^^^ Probably.

^^ You must be living in the Land of the Flat-chested or something. Or I must be living in Perkycity, Bustyland--who knows. But seriously, I try not to make that too obvious for most female characters, so it's surprising that you think this.

Saying that, I give you this.

Schmuck: Shoemi Tsuboshin
Chestburster: Emily Yurimitsu

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Post by Valigarmander » Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:20 pm


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Post by CaptHayfever » Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:49 pm

I am reminded of Really Really Big Man.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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Post by MeowMan » Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:51 pm


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Post by Apiary Tazy » Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:58 pm

Welcome to the mindscrew.

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Post by DarkZero » Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:33 pm

How to turn men gay:
shane nuked my best posts

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Post by Antisocial » Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:09 pm

A little joke for I have little time.

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