Anyway, these are comic strips I do every now and then. Some censored for the chaste eyes of VGF. First, a few things you should know.
1. I've been developing these characters for around the course of five years--because seniority makes things more acceptable--and the basic premise revolves around a Shy Guy who teaches a girls' P.E. class (no, seriously) including slice-of-life episodes of the students. You would probably think it's the brainchild of a socially bereft nerd who's making a lame attempt to mix up his fondness for Mario and manga befitting of Deviantart and general fanfiction. Well, that's because it is. But hey, I'm showing it to you anyway.
2. I admit it--I like to draw stereotypical manga girls (MOE-STYLE BISHOUJO MOTHER****ERS! HELL YEAH!). I have the intention to possibly use these characters professionally somehow someday (because the genre doesn't have enough harem series, amirite?) and my basic concept is mixing manga with Western satire, but we'll see how that goes. As far as I'm concerned, I'm currently just drawing these for fun at the moment.
3. Speaking of Deviantart, I do not have a gallery anywhere on the internet (my tiny Photobucket page doesn't count). Apparently, people keep telling me I should for some reason.
4. Yes, I know I should diversify artistically. I'll get to that eventually.
Hopefully, if I can keep this up, it might even actually gain some appreciation. Some of you may even recognize these characters from my past posts. I might as well point out these characters' names, because unnecessary information is sometimes interesting.
Also, excuse the dirty scans. I spent all day yesterday scanning my sketchbook, which is pretty old. Anyway...

Girl on left: Shye Itsuu - student
Girl on right: Gai Itsuu - student; sister of above

Leftmost: Michel Lapland - student
Middle: Emily Yurimitsu - student
Rightmost: Canterbury Kawibara - student
Shy Guy: Misanthropy - coach
Feedback is always welcome.