Spider-Man reboot in 2012

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:45 pm

Hahahah, "Spidemo." Gotta remember that.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:35 pm

Recently when there's a movie I've got mixed feelings about seeing, I usually wait until it hits the budget theaters/DVD. Only real exceptions have been Transformers 2 which I only saw because I was bored out of my mind in Wisconsin and Wolverine which I only saw because I really wanted to hang out with some of my friends and we couldn't think of anything else.

I started doing this because of disappointing movies like Pirates sequels, Spider-Man 3, and Superman Returns. I'd suggest you doing that too.
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Metal Mario » Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:54 pm

Lurch1982 wrote:I'm not asking you to read a full plot synopsis or a leaked script, but there are numerous ways you can get buzz on movies. Also, whining about spoilers is pretty ****ing stupid after a certain point. Like when people were doing it for the Harry Potter movies, Lord of the Rings, etc. Protip: the hero generally wins.
Don't be deliberately obtuse. You know I'm not talking about whether or not the hero wins in the end. Hell, the hero won at the end of The Crying Game as well, but there was a pretty big twist on the way there. And, if memory serves, Roger Ebert went ahead and blabbed all about it in his review.
Lurch1982 wrote:I grew up with GIJoe and I have a box of the toys somewhere (if it wasn't destroyed or trashed). I tend to like mindless action movies from time to time. The GIJoe live action probably should have appealed to me. Then I read a few reactions like "cinematic abortion" or "worst movie ever made" or "Where did the budget go because it certainly wasn't used for actors or script." I didn't see it in theatres (though I did get a Snakeeyes cup from 7/11) and wound up Netflixing the DVD. It was one of the worst movies I've ever sat through.
I don't see why anybody should have expected a G.I. Joe movie to be good. Spider-Man 3, on the other hand was:

1. Following two successful, satisfactory predecessors.

2. Was based on a license that actually has (or used to have) some self-respect and dignity. Y'know, like how you'd expect a War & Peace adaptation to be better than The Last House On the Left.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:20 am

Metal Mario wrote:Don't be deliberately obtuse. You know I'm not talking about whether or not the hero wins in the end. Hell, the hero won at the end of The Crying Game as well, but there was a pretty big twist on the way there. And, if memory serves, Roger Ebert went ahead and blabbed all about it in his review.
Don't read Ebert's reviews or anything else in depth. As already said: user rankings on metacritic are a good barometer, among the millions of other ones out there ranging from blogs to briefs to facebook status updates. Or, ya know, ask friends.

I don't see why anybody should have expected a G.I. Joe movie to be good. Spider-Man 3, on the other hand was:

1. Following two successful, satisfactory predecessors.

2. Was based on a license that actually has (or used to have) some self-respect and dignity. Y'know, like how you'd expect a War & Peace adaptation to be better than The Last House On the Left.
If you read any news story on the development of Spiderman 3, you knew it would have the potential to be a total train wreck. Infighting with the director and studio, vocally wondering if he'd do another one, etc. Even taking into account there were non-steriod Eddie Brock iterations in the various Spiderman universes, casting Topher Grace should have raised a red flag.

Even if something followed insanely successful prior movies that I enjoyed, I wouldn't blindly go into a movie without making sure it was at least decent (which SM3 WAS, stop being melodramatic about it). Going to he movies is too much of a pain in the ass and too expensive to blindly waste money on it.

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Post by glux » Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:26 am

PandaFan :3 wrote:Recently when there's a movie I've got mixed feelings about seeing, I usually wait until it hits the budget theaters/DVD. Only real exceptions have been Transformers 2 which I only saw because I was bored out of my mind in Wisconsin and Wolverine which I only saw because I really wanted to hang out with some of my friends and we couldn't think of anything else.

I started doing this because of disappointing movies like Pirates sequels, Spider-Man 3, and Superman Returns. I'd suggest you doing that too.
Yup. The theater here in Wayne has $0.99 nights on Thursdays. I just wait for them to come out there.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:28 am

Rotten Tomatoes is honestly one of the best sites imo for finding aggregated scores (again, no spoilers). I suggest you use it wisely, MM.
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Post by Deepfake » Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:44 am

I have a theory that the quality of a superhero movie is inversely proportional to the amount of Nickelback on the soundtrack, bimbos in the cast, and tv personalities in the cast.

Spiderman 3 was watchable. Grace's performance was suprisingly less horrible than I remembered, when I was unexpectedly made to re-watch it whilst riding a tour bus in the UK. It wasn't a fan's total nightmare like X-Men 3, to say the least, but subpar to the series' reputation.

I, however, am under no impressions that my tastes, and myself as a single person with interest, are the driving force behind decisions in the film industry.

They shouldn't have cast Grace for any parts in their film if they wanted decent acting. He got a break because the script was crappy and they probably couldn't get anyone else to take a chance on it. They also could've used the movie to setup Venom in the next. They didn't, though, because the production end didn't want it to be a good movie - they wanted it to make money.

And yeah, fans poured into the theaters - in part just to see Topher ham it up, out of curiosity.

Bee tee dubs, I still don't see why people act like it's a bad thing for Peter Parker to be a little pissed off. His girlfriend's a flighty ditz, his best friend is a self-absorbed villain, and he's constantly saving everyone's asses from maniacs with no compassion expected from his professor when his assignments are late. Not to mention his inability to deal with the self-blame inspired by his uncle's death, or the death of the death of the assailant. He's not a strong adult character like Bruce Wayne - he's a young adult with one person in his life who genuinely gives a **** about him; his aunt. So when he's castoff by MJ's self-importance for the hundredth time, and Harry beats the **** out of him, what do you expect? Unphasing resilience?
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Post by CodenameV » Sun Jan 17, 2010 1:15 pm

^We don't expect him to wear completely black and dance down the streets being a womanizing, Mary Jane-beating jerk. The hip gyrations. Oh God, the hip gyrations. -uses mental floss-

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Post by Metal Mario » Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:54 pm

Yeah, the parts of the movie where he was angry (like when he tried to kill the Sandman, or when he threw a Pumpkin Bomb at Harry's face) were cool. But how the **** does that translate to him shuffling and jiving down the street like John Travolta?

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Post by PK FIRE! » Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:18 pm

He apprently has a deep seeded hate for musicals baised off the rose tinted version of the 1950's?

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Post by Deepfake » Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:37 am

Metal Mario wrote:Yeah, the parts of the movie where he was angry (like when he tried to kill the Sandman, or when he threw a Pumpkin Bomb at Harry's face) were cool. But how the **** does that translate to him shuffling and jiving down the street like John Travolta?
Okay, yeah that was weird. How does that have to do with him being resentful? You're pointing out that it doesn't. Why did you just make that connection? :confused: I don't say to myself "Spiderman being angry? You must be talking about the part where he got all Wayne's World and practically dry-humped some stranger in the street. I always hump ladies when I'm angry."

That was obviously supposed to be a symptom of him being overall more aggressive because of the suit, as far as the script is concerned. (it's also a symptom of poor execution of concept, but that's not what I'm getting at)
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Post by CaptHayfever » Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:30 pm

My interpretation was that the symbiote brings out the worst in its host, but Peter is a complete nerd, so the worst in him (superpowers aside) would be an annoying emo who steps on people emotionally & thinks he's much cooler than he is.

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Post by Bomby » Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:06 pm

Not much to say here, but regarding information on upcoming films:

For the average viewer, the best way to go in deciding what films to watch would be to consult sources on the internet that specialize in the types of films that said viewer it interested in. Spill.com is a nice little niche area for opinions about the type of fare we're talking about here. Opinions that I generally disagree with, but that the average citizen would find useful. If you want to get a bit more adventurous, try Twitch.

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Post by Deepfake » Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:42 am

Shush, Bomby. We're all obviously much happier just making blind assumptions about things based on targeted advertising.
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:54 am

Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:39 am

hey gaiz.



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Post by Bomby » Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:31 pm

jeez gaiz im sory.

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Post by Deepfake » Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:28 am

Not as sorry as you're gonna be. And that's a lot. Of sorry. That you're gonna be.
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Post by 1-up Salesman » Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:20 am

I just hope they do the Symbiote stuff right this time around, if they ever get to it.

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Post by Metal Mario » Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:08 am

I hope they don't do the Symbiote at all. It's not as if it was a part of Spider-Man's early career anyway. Venom didn't come along until the 1980s.

Besides, Venom hasn't been cool for fifteen years now.

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