James Cameron's Avatar
- t3hDarkness
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- Valigarmander
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- Valigarmander
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It's just that your notion of "extreme" left seems so broadly connoted that I find it hard to believe you have a very strong or accurate understanding of what makes the left-wing left and the right-wing right. If anything, it makes it sound like your idea of the center in the left/right is further to the right than it is in real politics.
Or maybe you didn't mean it was extremely-leftist, you meant the majority of the folks from Hollywood are left-wing. Either way, I'd like to see some more examples as to why Hollywood is extremely leftist.
Or maybe you didn't mean it was extremely-leftist, you meant the majority of the folks from Hollywood are left-wing. Either way, I'd like to see some more examples as to why Hollywood is extremely leftist.
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Just watch any movie made since the 1960s. For decades, Hollywood has been churning out one movie after another in which big corporations are evil, the American military is demonized, traditional values are mocked, white people are painted as racists, communists and radicals are portrayed as heroes, Christians and Republicans are presented as sinister at worst and buffoonish at best, and global warming is going to kill us all if we don't stop driving cars.Valigarmander wrote:I'd like to see some more examples as to why Hollywood is extremely leftist.
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Nice strawman, really though going more in depth would do wonders a list of notible titles and summeries of why they are radicaly pro Libirel would help. Granted I'm a right winger myself but it's because I know that I'd end up making these kinds of arguments that I don't normal debate this stuff online affter getting my ass handed to me many times before.
- You stupid dog.
- You stupid dog.
Quotes to live by.
\"A man\'s fate is a man\'s fate and life is but an illusion\" Shogun
\"I think therfore I am dangerus.\" Unknown
\"Knowlegde without wisdome is a ticking timebomb.\" Myself
\"A man\'s fate is a man\'s fate and life is but an illusion\" Shogun
\"I think therfore I am dangerus.\" Unknown
\"Knowlegde without wisdome is a ticking timebomb.\" Myself
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Oh dear
Being a hardcore, radical, far-far-right-wing conservative myself, can I say this:
Shut up, Metal Mario.
You give us conservative types a bad name with pointless rants like these.
Try and follow this simple logic:
1. You refuse to watch Avatar.
(Presumably, you also refuse to watch many other movies. We could put Brokeback Mountain on the top of that list and work our way down from there)
2. You therefore make less/no money for Hollywood.
3. Hollywood therefore does not cater its movies toward you, the less profitable audience.
So in a sense, yes, it IS geared less toward conservatives and right-wingers. Far less, actually.
I do in fact, agree with everything you said that was not idiotic. I agree about the content of movies in general being opposed to traditional values.
(How many movies can anyone here count in the last decade that feature a stable, traditional family, with mom, dad, and kids living together harmoniously? .... lol...
Excellent for real life, horribly boring for a movie.
You need the kids to rebel and run away from home or join the army, have a bitter divorce, or whatever, to make people keep watching. Would you ever watch a movie that amounted to little more than your activities from last Monday? Methinks not)
But, as seen above, they have no reason to care about the people who do not generate money for them. They are a profit motivated company like everyone else; targeting them as the source of all evil is short-sighted (read: retarded).
In other words,
Shut. Up.
This topic is about whether it was an entertaining movie, not the deeper philosophical insights you may infer from it, and seeing as how you have not actually watched it, you are grossly unqualified to make judgments in either of those areas.
Now I am going to go watch the movie myself.
PK Fire, stop encouraging him. Having already stated in your previous post that you have been roasted in online arguments before, you should know from experience that (A) this is stupid and pointless and (B) this is pointless and stupid.
Being a hardcore, radical, far-far-right-wing conservative myself, can I say this:
Shut up, Metal Mario.
You give us conservative types a bad name with pointless rants like these.
Try and follow this simple logic:
1. You refuse to watch Avatar.
(Presumably, you also refuse to watch many other movies. We could put Brokeback Mountain on the top of that list and work our way down from there)
2. You therefore make less/no money for Hollywood.
3. Hollywood therefore does not cater its movies toward you, the less profitable audience.
So in a sense, yes, it IS geared less toward conservatives and right-wingers. Far less, actually.
I do in fact, agree with everything you said that was not idiotic. I agree about the content of movies in general being opposed to traditional values.
(How many movies can anyone here count in the last decade that feature a stable, traditional family, with mom, dad, and kids living together harmoniously? .... lol...
Excellent for real life, horribly boring for a movie.
You need the kids to rebel and run away from home or join the army, have a bitter divorce, or whatever, to make people keep watching. Would you ever watch a movie that amounted to little more than your activities from last Monday? Methinks not)
But, as seen above, they have no reason to care about the people who do not generate money for them. They are a profit motivated company like everyone else; targeting them as the source of all evil is short-sighted (read: retarded).
In other words,
Shut. Up.
This topic is about whether it was an entertaining movie, not the deeper philosophical insights you may infer from it, and seeing as how you have not actually watched it, you are grossly unqualified to make judgments in either of those areas.
Now I am going to go watch the movie myself.

PK Fire, stop encouraging him. Having already stated in your previous post that you have been roasted in online arguments before, you should know from experience that (A) this is stupid and pointless and (B) this is pointless and stupid.
- spooky scary bearatons
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Well, the reason I didn't provide a list is because I was hoping that I wouldn't have to compile such a sprawling catalog of evidence to support a statement that is so blatantly obvious. But if you insist, here are some I cherry-picked from the past ten years alone. (And yes, I am aware that some of these films were based upon or inspired by pre-existing material.)
American Beauty: A good film, but it's basically an indictment of what the leftist elite perceives to be the lies, hypocrisy, and quiet despair of suburban America (and the fact that it has "American" in its title shows that it's trying to go after American lifestyles, rather than universal themes)
American Psycho: Along the same lines; why is it so important that we understand this man is an American psycho? The implication is that there's something about his distinctly American, capitalist lifestyle that turns him into a psycho
Erin Brockovich: Damn those evil corporations!
Shaft: A rich white guy kills a black guy, then flees the country. He gets recaptured two years later, and then is let out on bail again, much to Shaft's dismay. The implication is that rich white guys can get away with whatever they want. (Actually, this seems less far-fetched ever since the Swiss let Roman Polanski out of jail...)
High Crimes: Psychotic soldiers
John Q.: Gee, if only health care was nationalized, then Denzel Washington's son wouldn't have to be consigned to death by the heartless doctors. Damn those insurance companies! The government is obviously less greedy and more concerned about our health than they are!
The Quiet American: One American in the whole movie and - surprise, surprise - he turns out to be a douchebag. But he works for that evil, corrupt American government, so what can we expect, amirite?
Dogville: I didn't really see any anti-American sentiment in this myself, but if liberal Roger Ebert can criticize the film for being anti-American, that's good enough for me
Good Bye, Lenin!: This is actually a German film, but its blatant glorification of East Germany under the tyranny of the Soviets earns it a spot on this list anyway
The Last Samurai: Psychotic American soldiers, virtuous American Indians, and Tom Cruise rejects his whiteness. Actually, it sounds kind of like Avatar, doesn't it?
Mona Lisa Smile: Julia Roberts tells her female college students that if they are content with being housewives, then they're stupid. And, predictably, her chief antagonist (Kirsten Dunst) is rich and conservative.
Monster: You can argue that this movie doesn't try to portray a despicable human being in a sympathetic light, but how did you feel about her after watching the movie?
Ned Kelly: Yeah, this takes place in Australia, but cheering for a bunch of outlaws blowing away dozens of police officers is bad in any country
Runaway Jury: Furiously anti-gun
X2: X-Men United: Wolverine viciously murders a bunch of American soldiers. We're supposed to enjoy watching it
The Assassination of Richard Nixon: Duh.
Crash: Duh again.
The Day After Tomorrow: We didn't listen! We didn't listen! Now half the world is dead, and we're treated to a poetically ironic image of Americans surging illegally over the Mexican border. Boy, I guess we know how it feels now, eh? Not only that, but the astronauts looking down at the Earth at the end of the movie exclaim in wonder, "Gee, have you ever seen the air look so clear?" Yeah, I getcha. Millions have died and half the world is uninhabitable, but hey, at least the pollution has cleared up, right?
A Day Without A Mexican: Tries to show us how awful life in America would be if we tried just a bit harder to curb illegal immigration from Mexico. (So, are you saying that continuing to import a slave class of peasants from Mexico to mow our lawns and pick our strawberries for less than minimum wage is justifiable somehow? Nice one, Mr. Liberal Filmmaker.)
Fahrenheit 9/11: I know I don't really have to mention this one, but I just wanted to point out the fact that it won the Palme d'Or award for Best Documentary, in spite of the fact that Michael Moore fabricated most of it
The Manchurian Candidate: In the original version of the film, the communists were the villains. Now a big corporation is. Just goes to show how our priorities have changed; we hate capitalism now
Saved!: Yes, yes, I know this movie makes fun of fundamentalism and extremism rather than ordinary Christians. My point is, when are we going to start seeing movies that make fun of or demonize Islamic extremists? They're certainly the more dangerous ones
Silver City: A film about a buffoonish, corrupt Republican gubernatorial candidate who can't speak well. Sound familiar?
Vera Drake: It won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival for showing how awesome abortion is
Assault on Precinct 13: In the original film, the villains were gang members. Now the villains are corrupt cops. Another shift in cultural perceptions
The Constant Gardener: Those evil corporations are at it again!
Good Night, and Good Luck: Yeah, this one is kind of self-explanatory
Jarhead: Even in an operation as short and uneventful as Desert Storm, the entire American military finds time to go completely insane
Syriana: No blood for oil!!!!!1111
Munich: I dunno. I included this movie here because director Steven Spielberg billed it as his "prayer for peace" between the Israelis and the Palestinians. I sure didn't feel bad watching the terrorists get blown away, though. I guess that's because I'm a cold, heartless Republican
16 Blocks: Wall-to-wall dirty cops
American Dreamz: Boy, Bush sure is a ****ing moron, isn't he? And his war sucks, too.
Superman Returns: "Truth, justice, and stuff like that" was the biggest cop-out ever
The Ant Bully: Communism is awesome, and George W. Bush isn't
All the King's Men: Sean Penn does what he loves best; taking cheap shots at Republicans
Man of the Year: Robin Williams wants you to know how disappointed he is that the Florida recount favored Bush
Death of a President: A British mockumentary about the assassination of George W. Bush. It's the ultimate in left-wing masturbation. Can you even imagine the ****-storm that would come down on anybody who made a movie about a hypothetical Obama assassination?
Find Me Guilty: Another movie that turns a criminal into a good guy
An Inconvenient Truth: Hell yeah!
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: More demonizing of big business. Sure, the movie is filled with pirates who rape, murder, and steal on a regular basis, but they're all sweet, gentle folks underneath. None of them are as bad as that big shipping company anyway.
Across the Universe: As left-wing and one-dimensional as the Beatles themselves
In the Valley of Elah: More anti-war BS
Shoot 'Em Up: Interrupts the fun, anarchic action to rail against the Second Amendment
Michael Clayton: If I had a nickel for every time an evil corporation tried to have me whacked, I could empty the gumball machine down at the 7-Eleven
Rendition: Oh, the evil perpetrated by the American government!
Lions For Lambs: Oh, the evil perpetrated by the American government!
Stop Loss: Oh, the evil perpetrated by the American government!
American Gangster: Another film about a murderous douchebag who's actually a nice guy
There Will Be Blood: Just in case you didn't already know that oil is the root of all evil
Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay: Uh-huh.
The Happening: Stop hurting the environment, or the environment will hurt you!!!!!!!!
Wall-e: Humanity killed Earth and got super-fat. Then they came back to Earth to resume a highly moral, respect-the-land, sixteenth century lifestyle in which doubtless thousands of people will die
The Invasion: Tries to sell the point that humanity would be much better off if it was controlled en masse by something emotionless and dispassionate. After the aliens take over, the evil pharmaceutical companies release that cure for AIDS they've been holding back all these years, and Bush pulls all American troops out of Iraq. Surely that's worth giving up our individual autonomy and free will, right?
The Day the Earth Stood Still: We've abused our planet, so an alien came and killed a bunch of us. And it served us damn well right.
Traitor: The terrorists turns out to be the hero. Go figure
Religulous: If you believe in any kind of deity, you're ****ing stupid
W.: Oliver Stone meets George W. Bush. What could go wrong?
Che: Che Guevara was a murderous Communist who helped Castro come to power in Cuba. But in this movie, he's awesome!
The International: Bankers are soulless and evil, and they will kill you if you get in their way
Crossing Over: A love letter to illegal immigrants of all shapes, colors, and sizes
War, Inc.: Did I mention that the American government was evil?
Ninja Assassin: Even this stupid piece of popcorn crap had to squeeze in a Guantanamo Bay reference
Whatever Works: Words fail me. Watch it for yourself
And that's just the recent ones.
American Beauty: A good film, but it's basically an indictment of what the leftist elite perceives to be the lies, hypocrisy, and quiet despair of suburban America (and the fact that it has "American" in its title shows that it's trying to go after American lifestyles, rather than universal themes)
American Psycho: Along the same lines; why is it so important that we understand this man is an American psycho? The implication is that there's something about his distinctly American, capitalist lifestyle that turns him into a psycho
Erin Brockovich: Damn those evil corporations!
Shaft: A rich white guy kills a black guy, then flees the country. He gets recaptured two years later, and then is let out on bail again, much to Shaft's dismay. The implication is that rich white guys can get away with whatever they want. (Actually, this seems less far-fetched ever since the Swiss let Roman Polanski out of jail...)
High Crimes: Psychotic soldiers
John Q.: Gee, if only health care was nationalized, then Denzel Washington's son wouldn't have to be consigned to death by the heartless doctors. Damn those insurance companies! The government is obviously less greedy and more concerned about our health than they are!
The Quiet American: One American in the whole movie and - surprise, surprise - he turns out to be a douchebag. But he works for that evil, corrupt American government, so what can we expect, amirite?
Dogville: I didn't really see any anti-American sentiment in this myself, but if liberal Roger Ebert can criticize the film for being anti-American, that's good enough for me
Good Bye, Lenin!: This is actually a German film, but its blatant glorification of East Germany under the tyranny of the Soviets earns it a spot on this list anyway
The Last Samurai: Psychotic American soldiers, virtuous American Indians, and Tom Cruise rejects his whiteness. Actually, it sounds kind of like Avatar, doesn't it?
Mona Lisa Smile: Julia Roberts tells her female college students that if they are content with being housewives, then they're stupid. And, predictably, her chief antagonist (Kirsten Dunst) is rich and conservative.
Monster: You can argue that this movie doesn't try to portray a despicable human being in a sympathetic light, but how did you feel about her after watching the movie?
Ned Kelly: Yeah, this takes place in Australia, but cheering for a bunch of outlaws blowing away dozens of police officers is bad in any country
Runaway Jury: Furiously anti-gun
X2: X-Men United: Wolverine viciously murders a bunch of American soldiers. We're supposed to enjoy watching it
The Assassination of Richard Nixon: Duh.
Crash: Duh again.
The Day After Tomorrow: We didn't listen! We didn't listen! Now half the world is dead, and we're treated to a poetically ironic image of Americans surging illegally over the Mexican border. Boy, I guess we know how it feels now, eh? Not only that, but the astronauts looking down at the Earth at the end of the movie exclaim in wonder, "Gee, have you ever seen the air look so clear?" Yeah, I getcha. Millions have died and half the world is uninhabitable, but hey, at least the pollution has cleared up, right?
A Day Without A Mexican: Tries to show us how awful life in America would be if we tried just a bit harder to curb illegal immigration from Mexico. (So, are you saying that continuing to import a slave class of peasants from Mexico to mow our lawns and pick our strawberries for less than minimum wage is justifiable somehow? Nice one, Mr. Liberal Filmmaker.)
Fahrenheit 9/11: I know I don't really have to mention this one, but I just wanted to point out the fact that it won the Palme d'Or award for Best Documentary, in spite of the fact that Michael Moore fabricated most of it
The Manchurian Candidate: In the original version of the film, the communists were the villains. Now a big corporation is. Just goes to show how our priorities have changed; we hate capitalism now
Saved!: Yes, yes, I know this movie makes fun of fundamentalism and extremism rather than ordinary Christians. My point is, when are we going to start seeing movies that make fun of or demonize Islamic extremists? They're certainly the more dangerous ones
Silver City: A film about a buffoonish, corrupt Republican gubernatorial candidate who can't speak well. Sound familiar?
Vera Drake: It won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival for showing how awesome abortion is
Assault on Precinct 13: In the original film, the villains were gang members. Now the villains are corrupt cops. Another shift in cultural perceptions
The Constant Gardener: Those evil corporations are at it again!
Good Night, and Good Luck: Yeah, this one is kind of self-explanatory
Jarhead: Even in an operation as short and uneventful as Desert Storm, the entire American military finds time to go completely insane
Syriana: No blood for oil!!!!!1111
Munich: I dunno. I included this movie here because director Steven Spielberg billed it as his "prayer for peace" between the Israelis and the Palestinians. I sure didn't feel bad watching the terrorists get blown away, though. I guess that's because I'm a cold, heartless Republican
16 Blocks: Wall-to-wall dirty cops
American Dreamz: Boy, Bush sure is a ****ing moron, isn't he? And his war sucks, too.
Superman Returns: "Truth, justice, and stuff like that" was the biggest cop-out ever
The Ant Bully: Communism is awesome, and George W. Bush isn't
All the King's Men: Sean Penn does what he loves best; taking cheap shots at Republicans
Man of the Year: Robin Williams wants you to know how disappointed he is that the Florida recount favored Bush
Death of a President: A British mockumentary about the assassination of George W. Bush. It's the ultimate in left-wing masturbation. Can you even imagine the ****-storm that would come down on anybody who made a movie about a hypothetical Obama assassination?
Find Me Guilty: Another movie that turns a criminal into a good guy
An Inconvenient Truth: Hell yeah!
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End: More demonizing of big business. Sure, the movie is filled with pirates who rape, murder, and steal on a regular basis, but they're all sweet, gentle folks underneath. None of them are as bad as that big shipping company anyway.
Across the Universe: As left-wing and one-dimensional as the Beatles themselves
In the Valley of Elah: More anti-war BS
Shoot 'Em Up: Interrupts the fun, anarchic action to rail against the Second Amendment
Michael Clayton: If I had a nickel for every time an evil corporation tried to have me whacked, I could empty the gumball machine down at the 7-Eleven
Rendition: Oh, the evil perpetrated by the American government!
Lions For Lambs: Oh, the evil perpetrated by the American government!
Stop Loss: Oh, the evil perpetrated by the American government!
American Gangster: Another film about a murderous douchebag who's actually a nice guy
There Will Be Blood: Just in case you didn't already know that oil is the root of all evil
Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay: Uh-huh.
The Happening: Stop hurting the environment, or the environment will hurt you!!!!!!!!
Wall-e: Humanity killed Earth and got super-fat. Then they came back to Earth to resume a highly moral, respect-the-land, sixteenth century lifestyle in which doubtless thousands of people will die
The Invasion: Tries to sell the point that humanity would be much better off if it was controlled en masse by something emotionless and dispassionate. After the aliens take over, the evil pharmaceutical companies release that cure for AIDS they've been holding back all these years, and Bush pulls all American troops out of Iraq. Surely that's worth giving up our individual autonomy and free will, right?
The Day the Earth Stood Still: We've abused our planet, so an alien came and killed a bunch of us. And it served us damn well right.
Traitor: The terrorists turns out to be the hero. Go figure
Religulous: If you believe in any kind of deity, you're ****ing stupid
W.: Oliver Stone meets George W. Bush. What could go wrong?
Che: Che Guevara was a murderous Communist who helped Castro come to power in Cuba. But in this movie, he's awesome!
The International: Bankers are soulless and evil, and they will kill you if you get in their way
Crossing Over: A love letter to illegal immigrants of all shapes, colors, and sizes
War, Inc.: Did I mention that the American government was evil?
Ninja Assassin: Even this stupid piece of popcorn crap had to squeeze in a Guantanamo Bay reference
Whatever Works: Words fail me. Watch it for yourself
And that's just the recent ones.
No.A traveller wrote:Shut up, Metal Mario.
- t3hDarkness
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- Valigarmander
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- spooky scary bearatons
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No, just the movies that disparage conservatives, America, capitalism, and Christianity.Valigarmander wrote:I see... so every movie that isn't strictly conservative, Americentric, pro-capitalist and shows Christians and white people in a positive light is leftist? Got it.
How convenient.The World is Awesome wrote:I have too little attention span to read all that.
- Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds
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I stopped reading at Ned Kelly, because you obviously avoided educating yourself on anything to do with said subject. Oh, trust me, no one's taking you seriously anyway.
If ANYONE wants to continue this discussion, rather than talk about watching Avatar, make a new thread. Do not perpetuate this thread as a "I have infered this political agenda from a movie" argument. It's not a natural progression of the discussion. It's only very loosely connected to the subject, mostly on behalf of one member. End it, or out.
So, I wasn't actually going to see Avatar. There's nothing about what I've seen and heard so far that interests me too much. HotD was going to see it next week, though (IN 3D WHOA), so I might get dragged along. Or I might go see Fantastic Mr. Fox instead. :3
If ANYONE wants to continue this discussion, rather than talk about watching Avatar, make a new thread. Do not perpetuate this thread as a "I have infered this political agenda from a movie" argument. It's not a natural progression of the discussion. It's only very loosely connected to the subject, mostly on behalf of one member. End it, or out.
So, I wasn't actually going to see Avatar. There's nothing about what I've seen and heard so far that interests me too much. HotD was going to see it next week, though (IN 3D WHOA), so I might get dragged along. Or I might go see Fantastic Mr. Fox instead. :3
Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.
- spooky scary bearatons
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It's a good movie, sis, admittedly the plot is very predictable, but, the world building is amazing, everything from the navi's spirituality, to the flora and fauna of the world is well built. It's a good watch, with some particulary epic scenes.
[spoiler] Like the kickass hammerhead rhino like things kicking the **** into the mechs [/spoiler]
[spoiler] Like the kickass hammerhead rhino like things kicking the **** into the mechs [/spoiler]
"whether you have or have no wealth, the system might fail you, but don't fail yourself" -
GET BETTER - dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip
GET BETTER - dan le sac Vs Scroobius Pip
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- Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds
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