Paranormal Activity

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Sean P Kelly
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Paranormal Activity


Post by Sean P Kelly » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:07 pm

Now the film is in wide release, I thought I would make a topic for it.

I actually saw it in a midnight screening about 2-3 weeks ago and I thought it was absolutely terrifying.

Of course, it seems that the mainstream audience is more polarized on the film, some saying it's scary and some saying that it sucks.

I would have to estimate that the backlash is probably based on the mainstream audience being constantly fed gorefests such as My Bloody Valentine, Final Destination, and Saw that they are conditioned for horror films to be more visual than atmospheric.

Take this quote from the "Last Movie You Watched" topic:
CodenameV wrote:I saw paranormal activities with CL today. Cheap scares, although it did have atmosphere going for it. It was more funny than scary. But I was probably the biggest wimp in the theatre when it came to the scary parts. xD
Yeah the film did have "cheap" scares, considering the film cost only $11,000 to make. I personally thought the haunting scenes were really well done, considering the budget and the film has the realism factor going for it.

Personally, I thought the film was more successful than (the similar) The Blair Witch Project at being a truly scary "found footage" type film.

I probably can't convince the mainstream audience made up of mostly young teens that this little independent horror films is probably ten times better than nearly every so-called horror film released this year.

However, you do have to agree that is is amazing in this day and age that a film can still be released in (very) limited release and go on through word of mouth to top the box office a month later.

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Post by CodenameV » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:16 pm

Repo! The Genetic Opera pulled a similar feat, becoming one of the most famous movies that people know nothing about. But I never bought into the supernatural phenomena, so doors creaking and magic footsteps had little effect on me. There was nothing I thought of as genuinely scary, just shocking and unpleasant. I know reviews on this movie are polarized, and I guess I'm on the other side of the fence on this one.

And if it's coming across that I'm one of the mainstream people who loves gorefests, that is not me. I can barely stomach the milder slasher films... as CL can probably testify to. xD

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Post by Valigarmander » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:35 pm

I've heard some people say it was the scariest thing ever, while others have said it was a bunch of cheap scares. Judging from what I've read about the movie, I'd probably end up in the latter category.

So for now, I'll skip out on seeing it. Maybe when it's released on DVD, though.

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Post by Sean P Kelly » Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:44 pm

^ Actually, I would recommend that if you see it at all, see it in theatres, late at night.

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Post by Bad Dragonite » Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:31 pm

I would like to see it honestly.
I like the idea, and think it has great potential.
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Post by Joker » Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:47 pm

I support small Indie films even the ones that sell out to major distribution labels. Besides I liked Blair Witch Project....I was high at the time but I digress.

How about a Magic Trick?? I'm going to make this pencil dissapear !

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Post by Sean P Kelly » Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:13 pm

^ I like it too

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