On the contrary, I have every intention of seeing this film. I also acknowledged that I hadn't yet seen the film and therefore couldn't pass judgment on whether or not the article speaks correctly. I simply thought the article made some good points (especially about Tarantino's principal funding for the film being supplied by the German "Ministry of Culture"), and decided to go ahead and link to the article as a matter of interest.Bomby wrote:You're looking for an excuse to disown a film you haven't seen. Even if you ever do go see it, you will probably have already made up your mind to dislike it before the opening credits even start. I'd give you a serious debate but I'm afraid that I can't take you seriously.
So, if the film isn't an ejaculation of anti-Semitism by the same filmmaker who made Sidney Poitier's daughter play a character named "Jungle Julia" in Death Proof, then the article doesn't hold water and the film has nothing to defend itself from. If, however, it is an ejaculation of anti-Semitism by the same filmmaker who had Christopher Walken fly into a rage and kill Dennis Hopper after Hopper accused Walken of being descended from black people in True Romance, then the light the article sheds on the subject will be a good thing.
Either way, the innocent have nothing to fear.