Dragon Ball Z: Eath Defender

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Dragon Ball Z: Eath Defender


Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:51 pm

I almost quit the game on the first level, but I thought that the upgrades were kinda fun so I played around for a while, but got bored quickly. But I was too far to quit, and decided to force myself to the end. What a chunk of wasted life, one for which I cannot account nor atone for.

To be honest, the game had potential, but it was wasted. If it were ported to the DSi store for like 200 points, had Wifi multiplayer, an actual story, better graphics, music, and sound, along with a save feature, it'd be a good game. But as it is...don't play it.

DragonBall Z: Earth Defender Game - Free Online Action Games - Flash Action Games game online JARKEY

(hahah, and I give you the link anyway)

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Apiary Tazy
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Tue Jun 30, 2009 6:23 pm


Flash Games usually have no replay value, and suck ass.

Still, they are a time consumer.

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