"Heroes": Is it worth my time?

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:40 pm


[spoiler]Minus Angela's convincing howl of agony, that was a piss poor season finale. And before anyone says it, I'm not even mad about the faux fight scene, I thought that was pretty clever actually.[/spoiler]

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:23 pm

[spoiler]I don't see how they had to keep Sylar alive... at all. I mean, if you're talking about talking to the president about all this, you had MATT PARKMAN WHO CAN CONVINCE PEOPLE TO DO THINGS telling Sylar to be Nathan. HE COULD JUST CONVINCE GOVERNMENT AGENTS TO LET HIM TALK TO THE PRESIDENT. Though of course, with Sylar's "new spot", they wouldn't know where to put whatever used to kill him, but damn it, letting him go freely and walk around (we already know that he's capable of overcoming other peoples' powers, so i don't see how Matt's mind control would be very different) is just stupid. Overall good season, overall terrible finale.[/spoiler]
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by CaptHayfever » Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:28 pm

[spoiler]He was able to overcome his father because he was much, much healthier. He was able to overcome the Haitian because the Haitian was busy suppressing all of Papatrelli's powers at once. He was able to overcome Doyle because his telekinesis is less limited, & he has better mastery of it.
Last night, though, Sylar was completely unconsious, & Matt went at him full-throttle. Also notice that Peter was able to best Sylar's shapeshifting via the element of surprise.[/spoiler]
I missed the first half; did they explain what happened to Hiro at all?

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:38 pm

^ [spoiler]not really, all that they said was HIRO DON'T USE YOUR POWER YOU GET HURT and hiro says NO IT IS DESTINY and uses his power and gets hurt[/spoiler]
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:08 pm

[spoiler]back to japan kbye[/spoiler]

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Post by CaptHayfever » Fri May 01, 2009 2:02 am

^Yeah, I saw that part; that was at the end.

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Post by Sean P Kelly » Mon May 04, 2009 11:43 pm

In a case of 20/20 hindsight, I'm curious on how the show would be if they stuck with the original plan of having a rotating cast.

Since there are some characters (i.e. Matt Parkman) who have been in limbo in the storylines (and it was obvious that Parkman was supposed to have been killed off in the first season finale -- who survives four bullets to the chest?)

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Tue May 05, 2009 12:03 am

I didn't even know that was the original plan...eh, I think if they rotated a large chunk of the characters that would've worked well, but the main problem with the show is the increasing focus on the powers and not the characters.

[spoiler]Also, I hate to say it but Quinto leaving the show is probably a good thing. Sylar was WAY over-played (and too powerful).[/spoiler]

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Post by CaptHayfever » Tue May 05, 2009 10:53 am

[spoiler]But now we have to see more of that puffy-snowsuit-arms-sticking-out walk Nathan does.[/spoiler]

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Post by Greenpee » Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:52 pm

I loved Heroes and then it lost me sometime this season. Just piping up. I think just watching the first season is enough, then it's just more of the same, and they do things with the characters that you just don't want them to (Sylar!).

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Post by Deku Tree » Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:12 am

Hiro called Charlie the Marle to his Crono. Good times.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:15 pm

^ seriously? I need to watch that episode right now.
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by CaptHayfever » Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:43 pm

For those who have been wondering...
[spoiler]Even on the brink of death, with his brains scrambled & his powers gone haywire, Hiro continues to be awesome.[/spoiler]
That is all.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:00 pm

Ok I actually watched this on Netflix over the past month and caught up completely (in order) to the end of the current season.

Season 1 was good. 2 was ok. 3 took too long to get to the point. 4 was awful. I did this over 3 weeks. In that span my opinion went from "this show is great how did I miss this" to "please god cancel this show."

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Post by Deku Tree » Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:06 am

I kinda thought seasons 2 and 3 were a bunch of bull****, but liked season 4. Well, except for most of the Claire stuff, as usual.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:03 am

I thought the pacing in 4 was absolutely horrible. It didn't pick up and go anywhere until the last 4 episodes. The premise was retarded to begin with, and it only showed that the bulk of the cast should have been killed off by now. Parkman is just jamming the gas with the car in neutral at this point, Claire is an exercise of "oh ****, we went 4 seasons and forgot that she was supposed to be a teenager, and left out all of the teenager stuff like social life and boyfriends," Sylar should have either been killed off early on or turned good by midway Season 3 latest (the waffling on that was horrible), Peter's mom isn't going anywhere anymore, Peter's ok, Hiro needs to either die or lose time travel power because time traveling is a horrible plot device, HRG is stupid outside the company, etc. Also, the idiot that thought up the Carnival in the first place should be fired and blacklisted. Bad idea with even worse execution.

It kind of bugs me that the only people they've killed off are the INTERESTING characters.

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Post by Swordmaster Link » Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:26 am

I'm done with this show. Though this season wasn't as bad as 2 IMO, the pacing was terrible and the plot resolutions were anti-climactic, which I have come to learn are staples of the show.

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Post by anny » Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:17 am

Hero deserve one more season?

Heroes is a serial saga about people all over the world discovering that

they have superpowers and trying to deal with how this change affects

their lives. Some of the superheroes who will be introduced to the

viewing audience include Peter Petrelli, an almost 30-something male

nurse who suspects.......
As the season has gone so far, does the show deserve one more season?

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Post by CaptHayfever » Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:46 pm

Yeah, I think one more short season could work, to see how things pan out with Claire blowing cover & Sylar wanting to be a bona fide superhero now.

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Post by abrocks22 » Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:14 pm

I feel bad for them. They totally weren't able to get back from the season 2 failure

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