Some Anime Opening and Closing theme songs.

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Bad Dragonite
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Post by Bad Dragonite » Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:52 pm


Here's the opening, hope it helps.
YouTube - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Opening B-A HD


The most obvious choices that have been ignored.

Cowboy Bebop opening (Tank) - YouTube - カウボーイ ビãƒãƒƒãƒ—「Tank!ã€

Cowboy Bebop ending (The Real Folk Blues) - YouTube - Cowboy Bebop Ending

Trigun opening video - YouTube - Trigun open (perfect)

Hellsing opening video - YouTube - Hellsing opening

Full opening song by yasushi ishii - YouTube - HELLSING OPENING(FULL)

Hellsing - Left Foot Trapped In A Sensual Seduction (Alucard's theme) - YouTube - Hellsing OST - Alucard´s Theme

Hellsing - Shine No Muku - YouTube - Hellsing Soundtrack - Shine No Muku
-I'm Vgfian

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