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Post by Valigarmander » Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:41 pm

So, in the recent past I've gone back and watched some of Disney's animated films, mostly from the nineties... Aladdin, Little Mermaid, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Lion King... some of the most influential animated features of modern day as well as my own childhood. Aladdin remains my favorite to date. And I still get chills watching the opening to Lion King.

And I got to thinking... what do we have now? Beverly Hill Chihuahua? Damn it, Disney, why can't you produce a really fantastic movie anymore without the help of Pixar? Go back to your roots, we don't want anymore talking animals, and the only time I want to see Tim Allen in your movies is when he's an 8" tall toy astronaut.

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Post by Jesus » Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:19 am

Modern disney movies have lost what the older disney movies had. Memorable characters, more serious plots, and action. The last good movie I think Disney made was Finding Nemo. I will admit Chicken Little was good, but it didn't have the "disney magic". Isn't it funny how the Kingdom Hearts series contains ALL of the good disney characters including Chicken Little as a summon? If WALL-E makes it to KH3 I will be PISSED.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Sat Oct 18, 2008 12:52 am

^I'd say that Wall-E and Enchanted were both great Disney movies. Enchanted was so good because it was Disney parodying itself, and Wall-E...well, how was that NOT good?

But, in terms of the more traditional cartoon Disney movies, yes, they have been lacking. I did hear, however, that they are making another movie based off of the Frog Prince Fairytale, and rumor has it it's going to be more like the oldschool cartoons - Alan Menken doing the music, good animation. Here's to hoping.

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Post by Señor Luigi » Sat Oct 18, 2008 9:34 am

Disney now wondering: How else can we make a movie with a talking dog?

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Post by 1-up Salesman » Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:00 am

Disney sucks now. Kingdom Hearts is the only way you can find good use of Mickey.

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Post by Greenmarioman » Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:14 am

^ bah.

I really enjoyed Enchanted. It was a great movie with an ending that suprised me. Wall-E was pure gold, and Chicken Little was intresting... in a good way.

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Post by Valigarmander » Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:19 pm

I just saw a trailer on TV about a new CGI film starring Tinkerbell.

I'd like to add to my original post that Disney should also stop raping it's classics with direct-to-video sequels and awful spin-offs starring background characters.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:27 pm

Especially with older movies. I mean, seriously. Two sequels to Cinderella in the 2000's? How long has that movie been out? Fifty years? What the ****?
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Jesus » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:08 am

Super Murdero Bros. wrote:I just saw a trailer on TV about a new CGI film starring Tinkerbell.

I'd like to add to my original post that Disney should also stop raping it's classics with direct-to-video sequels and awful spin-offs starring background characters.
Yeah they decided to give Tinker Bell a lot of friends now. I have some of their disney pins. Disney had the magic when they weren't using full 3d animation and kept to the oldschool stuff like Mulan and Lion King. Those were my favorites. I just found WALL-E to be annoying. Just my personal opinion though.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:13 am

Apparently, they want the Tinkerbell and Co. fairies to become the new equivalent of the Disney Princesses (due to Tink's immense popularity).

But to try and replace the Princesses? *scoff*

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Post by Valigarmander » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:24 am

^ Damn straight. I didn't get all those pictures taken at Disneyland for nothing, man.

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Post by X-3 » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:27 am

Colin Greenwood wrote:Especially with older movies. I mean, seriously. Two sequels to Cinderella in the 2000's? How long has that movie been out? Fifty years? What the ****?
Exec: We need money. Ideas?
Guy: 'Nother sequel to Cinderella!
Exec: Great! How can we make it great?
Guy: Well, them kids love time travel. Why don't we have some time travel of some sort?
Exec: Brilliant!

I think Cinderella 3 had time travel. :shrug:

Besides Pixar's movies, Disney hasn't really shown me anything good recently, save perhaps Enchanted or something.

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Post by Bad Dragonite » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:28 am

I heard that they're making a LIVE ACTION remake of the original beauty and the beast ...starring jay lo...*sigh*

Toy story 3 set to come out in a couple of years.

I haven't really paid much attention to disney for a while.
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Post by Valigarmander » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:29 am

^^ Cinderella 4 will have Cinderella's evil stepmother return as a robot.

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:51 am

Swiffer Sweeper Vac wrote:I heard that they're making a LIVE ACTION remake of the original beauty and the beast ...starring jay lo...*sigh*

Toy story 3 set to come out in a couple of years.

I haven't really paid much attention to disney for a while.
Accept for kh stuff.

Pretty sure that first part is not true.

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Post by Bad Dragonite » Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:37 am

Like I said ,I HEARD it,that means it's a rumor.
I heard it on the john-boy and billy show,and they're usually right about these things.

But it's still a rumor.
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Post by t3hDarkness » Sun Oct 19, 2008 3:39 am

I know what I would like to watch, even though I know Disney will never do it.

The original stories, those dark moral tales that make even modern human depravity look mellow in comparison.

EDIT: Actually didn't Fantasia have some pretty frightening scenes?

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Post by Vapor » Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:00 am

^Yeah, Fantasia was excellent.

Given all the preteen pandering crap that Disney has been doing now with Disney Channel and such, they should do the following:
  • Dig up Uncle Walt.
  • Wrap his body in copper wire.
  • Replace his tombstone with a giant magnet.
Hopefully this will make him generate electricity as he spins in his grave.

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Post by Pyropunk » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:40 pm

If you think JUST the movies are getting bad... you guys should hear some of the complaints going on with what they're doing to the theme parks... moreso Disney World. Lot of residents around here and close friends of mine that used to/still do work at the parks are FURIOUS and are betting that Walt is DEFINITELY turning in his grave. Stupidest decision this year? Closing down Pleasure Island =/ I wish they'd go back to the roots for everything. The old classic movies, the way Walt imagined them, as well as the classic ideas he had for his parks... *sighs* I'm going to shut up before I go on a total rant.... Now days with what they're doing, I could go on for hours =/

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Post by DarkZero » Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:09 pm

Everything we've ever looked up to is going to the grave; why does Disney have to do it, too?
shane nuked my best posts

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