Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2003 11:22 pm
LMAO!!! The butter knife is what got me the most.
-It's going to star some guy named Dewwy who's mute.
-You have to kill Lavos again at some point in the game.
-It features an entirely new and even suckier magic system.
-It takes place on an even smaller part of the Chrono Trigger world, with all of the events talking place in a one square mile forest behind Crono's house.
-Masa, Mune and their sister Doreen morph with their cousins Ultimate, Super, Duper, Power, Mura and Same to form the "UltimaMasterMasaMuneSupaDupaPowaMuraSame" Butter Knife.
-All of the characters in the previous games are either dead or not shown in the game.
-The goal of the game is to find the "Chrono Break", which will explain all of the plot holes, plot confusions, plot annoyances, and plot controdictions in Chrono Cross.
-Oh yeah, and Leo is in the game. He's in Booyaville.
Does that help?-jay
Damn, can't Shane add a laughing graemlin to the 11? It'd make life easier. (Okay, not really, but that's five less minutes I'd spend wasting time)