Dreams Becoming Reality

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Dreams Becoming Reality


Post by SkyDragon » Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:31 am

I had a dream about this forum last night and I just couldn't shake it. I don't think I've posted here since I was in high school, and I don't think I was a particularly memorable or interesting poster for people to miss or remember me. I check on this forum every few years to see if it's still around, and it makes me happy every time that it still is, even though I haven't post here after checking due to not thinking of myself as particularly interesting...until this time! It sucks that reddit has taken over the niche of hobby forums, because they were so much better, but at least this still has recent posts, and isn't merely just around. We're all much older and wiser now (hopefully), and I wish everyone's doing well!

Oh yeah, I still like video games! I just replayed Demon's Souls.

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Re: Dreams Becoming Reality


Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:28 pm

Hey, I'm not particularly interesting either but it hasn't stopped me from posting for...decades! Lol.

Welcome back though. And yeah, Reddit and modern social media in general have pretty much gutted traditional forums. Some linger but it's really too bad this style has largely fallen out of grace, I much prefer it for many reasons.

Demon's Souls huh? Not much of a fan of the Souls-like genre, but there's a few that aren't too bad. I'm more into fast-paced action games like the Ys series.

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Re: Dreams Becoming Reality


Post by SkyDragon » Thu Dec 14, 2023 12:05 am


Yeah, Demon's Souls isn't the best after playing something like Sekiro, but it's the OG, and has good atmosphere and lore. Sekiro's probably my favorite souls-like, and "Thymesia" has equally fast combat, although it's short. I also like fast paced games (hence why Sekiro's my favorite). Never tried Ys, they're action RPGs, right? Is the combat like the Tales games?

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