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Character Who Could Beat Goku of the Month 4: Egg Man (One Punch Man)

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 2:36 pm
by Apollo the Just
Did you think I meant Eggman from the Sonic franchise? You fool. Eggman can't even beat a blue hedgehog.

No. I meant this egg man.... otherwise known as Saitama:


As you can see in the above photo, Saitama is an extremely menacing and powerful figure. This photo alone should be enough to convince you that Saitama could beat Goku. If, however, you need further proof, consider the following Evidences:
  • "Saitama possesses seemingly limitless physical strength and is capable of effortlessly defeating powerful monsters and villains with a single, nonchalant punch (although this strength is not limited to punches). Saitama's punch is so powerful that many enemies simply explode when struck. He is also shown to be able to effortlessly destroy walls and buildings. An example of this casual, yet overwhelming offensive power occurs when Saitama launches himself from the top of a building, blasts right through a city-sized meteor, lands safely and just calmly decides to go home. Another instance is when Sonic tries to slice Saitama's head in half with a steel sword and Saitama bites it, effortlessly breaking it into many pieces. Also, in the intro, Saitama was seen jumping to and fro at high speeds in the vacuum of outer space with just sheer strength, despite the fact that one would require a solid object to move there at all. When launched from the earth to the moon by a strike from Boros, he used his jumping power to return to the earth in mere moments, causing a huge shock wave and immense tremors on the surface of the moon as well as Boros' ship. A "normal" punch from him is shown to be very fatal to someone as durable as Boros. A single "serious" punch is able to somehow counter Boros's destructive energy beam attack, and split the sky in half along the whole planet effortlessly, and even then, Boros, who was the fatally injured victim of the said move, said that Saitama had plenty of strength to spare and that he did not even try to give it his best shot."
  • He can literally defeat anything with One Punch, and that includes Goku.
  • Saitama has never been shown to be fatigued or injured by any fight he has participated in. Goku, however, has not only shown signs of fatigue, but has also died on numerous occasions.
  • Saitama is immune to heat energy and electricity, as shown by him being unaffected by the burns of re-entering the atmosphere from space, and by being unaffected when struck by lightning. Goku, however, was able to be killed by Cell's explosion, meaning he does not have the same invulnerability. This also likely translates to Saitama being immune to ki blasts.
  • Even if not, Saitama was able to punch through Boros's destructive energy beam, so it is logical to assume he could do the same with Goku's ki blasts.
  • Saitama could punch Goku and win.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:01 pm

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:02 pm
by Apollo the Just
granted, the win would be pointless because goku would be wished back to life for the billionth time, but the point stands that saitama could beat goku

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:09 pm
[QUOTE="CuccoLady, post: 1615023, member: 30977"]granted, the win would be pointless because goku would be wished back to life for the billionth time, but the point stands that saitama could beat goku[/QUOTE]


thx google

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:15 pm
by Apollo the Just
um??? then explain this:



Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:18 pm
he let him


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:20 pm
by Apollo the Just
that may be true. however. if saitama, for example, had let goku punch him, he would be fine.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:22 pm
He would be fine. The transition to Otherworld is seamless.