Characters You Were Wrong About
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 1:50 pm
You met them. You were like "oh man, it's THAT kind of character." You didn't like them, or maybe you were just annoyed by the bad writing surrounding them. BUT THEN YOU WERE SO WRONG, THEY ARE ACTUALLY YOUR FAVORITE, EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM WAS SO GOOD, YOU COULD HAVE NOT BEEN MORE WRONG.
-at first I thought Future Trunks was THE ~Original Character Do Not Steal~, who just wrecks Frieza in 2 seconds when he had taken like 30 episodes to beat last time? Goes SSJ like it's nothing after Goku struggled to reach that level? There literally aren't any more Saiyans who the hell are you?? WHO IS THIS BOWLCUT LOSER OH MY GOD GO AWAY WHAT IS THIS A SELF-INSERT FANFIC
.............i was so so so ssssoooooo wrong
-Homura in PMMM is probably the primest example of this
-Along opposite lines, I thought at first that I would love Goku. I was so excited to have MISTER SHOUNEN PROTAG also be a Dad. I was stoked for that. Boy. oh man
-I am ashamed to admit that I watched Sonic X in its entirety.. and that I thought I would hate LITERAL self-insert green alien plant lady. Like, I was not wrong about her being a self-insert Original Character Do Not Steal (ok but who in the Sonic cast DOESN'T fit that description), but I ended up actually liking her a lot.
[spoiler=Season 3 of Sonic X was really weird]then I cried to really bad AMVs set to "In The End" of Tails shooting an explodey laser at her when she turned into a giant tree?? I THINK THAT HAPPENED I FEEL LIKE I DIDN'T MAKE IT UP[/spoiler]
-at first I thought Future Trunks was THE ~Original Character Do Not Steal~, who just wrecks Frieza in 2 seconds when he had taken like 30 episodes to beat last time? Goes SSJ like it's nothing after Goku struggled to reach that level? There literally aren't any more Saiyans who the hell are you?? WHO IS THIS BOWLCUT LOSER OH MY GOD GO AWAY WHAT IS THIS A SELF-INSERT FANFIC
.............i was so so so ssssoooooo wrong
-Homura in PMMM is probably the primest example of this
-Along opposite lines, I thought at first that I would love Goku. I was so excited to have MISTER SHOUNEN PROTAG also be a Dad. I was stoked for that. Boy. oh man
-I am ashamed to admit that I watched Sonic X in its entirety.. and that I thought I would hate LITERAL self-insert green alien plant lady. Like, I was not wrong about her being a self-insert Original Character Do Not Steal (ok but who in the Sonic cast DOESN'T fit that description), but I ended up actually liking her a lot.
[spoiler=Season 3 of Sonic X was really weird]then I cried to really bad AMVs set to "In The End" of Tails shooting an explodey laser at her when she turned into a giant tree?? I THINK THAT HAPPENED I FEEL LIKE I DIDN'T MAKE IT UP[/spoiler]