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Best American Football movies.
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:59 am
by VG_Addict
In honor of the Super Bowl, what are the best movies centered around American Football?
I specified American Football, so there won't be any smart-asses posting about association football movies.
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:11 am
by DarkZero
Rudy is like the only one I know.
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:16 am
by Red
Anybody "Remember the Titans"?
Probably the only Football Movie I've seen.
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 11:45 am
by Bomby
Does Silver Linings Playbook count? If not, I guess I'll go with Brian's Song, which is actually a TV movie from 1971, but it's really good.
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:23 pm
No better way to induce maximum boredom than a sports film.
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:24 pm
by Booyakasha
^Depends. If a movie's good, it's going to be good, regardless of the setting.
Actually, maybe football's the exception. Can't think of any good football movies. Plenty of boring sports have good movies. Baseball has 'Bull Durham' and 'League of Their Own' (and 'Field of Dreams', I guess, if you're a big dweeb). Soccer has 'Shaolin Soccer'. Golf has 'Caddyshack'. Bowling has 'Big Lebowski' (arguably). Football...I can think of a lot of movies that I specifically avoided watching because they looked dull.
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:24 pm
by Marilink
Remember the Titans, hands down. Movie's phenomenal.
Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:38 pm
by VG_Addict
[QUOTE="Booyakasha, post: 1585413, member: 17381"]^Depends. If a movie's good, it's going to be good, regardless of the setting.
Actually, maybe football's the exception. Can't think of any good football movies. Plenty of boring sports have good movies. Baseball has 'Bull Durham' and 'League of Their Own' (and 'Field of Dreams', I guess, if you're a big dweeb). Soccer has 'Shaolin Soccer'. Golf has 'Caddyshack'. Bowling has 'Big Lebowski' (arguably). Football...I can think of a lot of movies that I specifically avoided watching because they looked dull.[/QUOTE]
Baseball also has 'Major League'.
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:36 am
by CaptHayfever
There are some good football movies; there just aren't any good NFL movies*:
Remember the Titans (high-school football)
The Waterboy (college football)
Rudy (college football)
The Longest Yard (prison football)
MASH, if you wanna stretch the definition. (military football)
*Unless you count Silver Linings Playbook. Which you shouldn't.
And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:48 am
by Calamity Panfan
Remember the Titans
Friday Night Lights
Brian's Song
The Longest Yard (original, obviously)
those are the best ones. Rudy, Invincible, The Blind Side and Any Given Sunday are fine.
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:54 am
by Marilink
Is The Replacements any good? I've never seen the whole thing.
Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 2:46 pm
by Booyakasha
^It was okay. Like, I remember watching that and 'BASEketball' the same summer up at camp, and I thought 'BASEketball' was a far, far better sports movie, on top of being better and funnier just in general. 'Replacements' had too many of them soppy "we few, we happy few" moments, for my tastes. Those work fine in war movies--------in sports movies, they come off as pretentious sh*t.