Detective Series
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:42 pm
As most of you know, I had a detective series phase in high school. Or rather, my detective series phase began in high school and is ongoing.
Detective Conan is one of my favorites, mostly because it's a shoujo masquerating as a shounen with murders on the side. I love playing the "try to figure out how it happened" because when you have LITERAL HUNDREDS of different locked room mysteries, they get to the ridiculous stupid no-one-would-ever-guess-that-ever territory. In one episode some monk flooded a room and rode a floaty to hang another monk from the ceiling and then drained it after???
Also, the plot is so full of WHAT THE HELL EVEN plot twists, and it's even more out of nowhere considering the show only HAS plot approximately once every fifty episodes.
In other words, it's great.
The Professor Layton movie also totally counts, and is fantastic.
Also, in more recent news, I am finally getting to the recent chapters of the Pokemon Special manga and the Black/White chapter is a part-time terrible detective manga FEATURING POKEMON, and it's the greatest thing ever.
I love terrible detective series. I love the fact that it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to figure out what's going on because of how ridiculous and cartoon-physics-y everything is. But then every now and then they'll be like "THAT couldn't have happened, that's IMPOSSIBLE" despite the fact that something equally ridiculous legit happened in the previous episode.
Has anyone else sunk as much time into terrible detective anime or is it just me? Because everyone should.
Detective Conan is one of my favorites, mostly because it's a shoujo masquerating as a shounen with murders on the side. I love playing the "try to figure out how it happened" because when you have LITERAL HUNDREDS of different locked room mysteries, they get to the ridiculous stupid no-one-would-ever-guess-that-ever territory. In one episode some monk flooded a room and rode a floaty to hang another monk from the ceiling and then drained it after???
Also, the plot is so full of WHAT THE HELL EVEN plot twists, and it's even more out of nowhere considering the show only HAS plot approximately once every fifty episodes.
In other words, it's great.
The Professor Layton movie also totally counts, and is fantastic.
Also, in more recent news, I am finally getting to the recent chapters of the Pokemon Special manga and the Black/White chapter is a part-time terrible detective manga FEATURING POKEMON, and it's the greatest thing ever.
I love terrible detective series. I love the fact that it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to figure out what's going on because of how ridiculous and cartoon-physics-y everything is. But then every now and then they'll be like "THAT couldn't have happened, that's IMPOSSIBLE" despite the fact that something equally ridiculous legit happened in the previous episode.
Has anyone else sunk as much time into terrible detective anime or is it just me? Because everyone should.