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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure megathread: Magician's Red is actually called Surfin' Bird

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 3:48 am
Since I'm sure we're clogging up various topics enough as is, I wanna bring conversation to a separate topic and also in hopes of drawing other people to this work which is silly because WHY ARE YOU NOT TAKING IN JOJO ALREADY

Long story short, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a long running manga (In fact second longest in Shueisha next to some cop comedy manga edit: SEVENTH LONGEST RUNNING MANGA OF ALL TIME) that follows the Joestar bloodline, generations destined to fight evil that increases in power and absurdity. The series starts with Jonathan Joestar in Part 1 and proceeds to have a different main character in each part. These characters are focused on saving humanity and combating evil alongside friends and comrades.

I'm going to split up each part into spoilers to help keep stories separate, even though I haven't even gotten through half the series yet (about 1/4th through part 4). I'll try not to spoil much of anything but be wary anyway.



Humble beginnings puts us first with Dio Brando, recently orphaned (by his own hand) and taken in by George Joestar, a widower and father of Jonathan Joestar. The two kick it off like new brothers do, with Dio breaking Jonathan in many ways until Jonathan is pushed too far and beats the tar out of Dio. That was just the first episode! From there, Jonathan is now grown up and plans to travel out in the world, while Dio plots to gain fame and fortune, and yet the Stone Mask, a mysterious artifact from Mexico, stays in his mind. After the powers of the Mask are unleashed, Jonathan vows to put an end to this vampire menace. Joined by Robert Edward O. Speedwagon and Zepelli, who teaches Jonathan the way of Hamon, the group travels into the darkest corners to fight off the ruler of these vampires: Dio.

In short, this is the intro to all of Jojo's. Many agree that Jonathan is quite a shallow character and even Araki admits he wrote Jonathan wrong by not focusing on his flaws, particularly how naive he was. It's still important, as it shows Dio Brando becoming a dangerous force in this world, the martial art of Hamon, and Robert Speedwagon joining Jojo and eventually contributing a lot. How much? His name is heard through THE ENTIRE MANGA.

Phantom Blood was originally made into a movie, however it was so poorly received that it never came to home release. Instead, years later the Jojo anime was created, and started from the start with this and is very faithful to the manga. Described as Fist of the North Star with vampires, it's your call to either start with this, watch the condensed version on Crunchyroll, or just skip it. However, Phantom Blood is easily the shortest part in the entire series, and is only 9 episodes long in the 2012 series.[/spoiler]


After the tragedy of Part 1's ending, this takes place decades later with Jonathan's grandson, Joseph Joestar. He first appears to save the young Smokey from a couple of cops utilizing latent hamon power, showing a much cockier side in the Joestar line. Later after finding Speedwagon, Joseph discovers that the Stone Mask that Speedwagon had initially destroyed was merely a tool created by powerful, god-like creatures. Four have been discovered and they possess terrifying power... and glorious bods! With Caesar, Zepelli's descendant, at his side, Joseph aims to fend off these tyrants lest the world falls under their tyrannical rule once more.

Another unique aspect is this is the only series in the first six parts to not have anything to do with Dio's work, although it actually instead shows the powers that eventually MADE Dio into what he became in part 1. The Pillar Men were godlike creatures (AND BEEFY HUMMINAH HUMMINAH HUMMINAH) who are awakened and show impressive power and reveal why the Stone Masks were created. Also with names like Kars, Esidisi, and Wamuu, it's no wonder Araki went with bands to name most of his non-human characters.

The second shortest part in the series, Battle Tendency managed to include many memorable characters and one hell of a plot.[/spoiler]


The most recognized chapter of JJBA. Stardust Crusaders focuses on Jotaro Kujo, a stoic 16 year old with an attitude as strong as his potential. Grandson of Joseph Joestar, Jotaro begins the story by throwing himself into jail due to an unknown spirit coming from him and acting very savagely. Joseph comes to Japan from America and reveals to his grandson the truth: he has a Stand, a powerful spirit with great power that aids the person. Afterwards Jotaro's mother/Joseph's daughter falls into a great sickness. Her own stand is awakening but it's poisoning her as well. Along with Avdol, Joseph's friend from Egypt and a long time stand user, they figure the cause is none other than the revived villain himself: Dio, who stole the very body of Jonathan Joestar! The group proceeds to travel along with Kakyoin, a strange student from Jotaro's school, and Polnaraff, who seeks to slay the man who killed his sister. These Crusaders will stop at nothing to reach Egypt and kill Dio, once and for all.

You've most likely found out about JJBA because of this part in particular. This is where the Stands originate, some have their own battle cries, as well as Dio's various attacks. This is also MUCH longer than the previous parts, and is often split into half: First is the journey to Egypt and the other is the group's actual efforts inside Egypt. The first half deals with stands based off the traditional tarot cards (The group has Star Platinum, Silver Chariot, etc. while facing off against blander named stands like The Emperor, The Lovers, etc.) while the second is more along Egyptian gods.

Stardust Crusaders has had quite the following. There exists an OVA which unfortunately cuts out 99% of the comedy, a SNES RPG which cuts out 99% of the gameplay (HAH!) a few novels, and right now the anime is nearing the end of the story. Some people have started here and honestly it's not THAT much to miss if you do.)[/spoiler]




Years after the final battle in Egypt, Jotaro Kujo takes off to find a young man by the name of Josuke Higashikata. From a distance, Jotaro notices that Josuke stayed passive when confronted by a bunch of tough guys near the school entrance, yet the moment one of them insulted his hair, Josuke's demeanor changed completely as he brought out an amazing power: a Stand with the ability to attack and also repair. Smashing the faces of the hooligans yet also repairing so there were no lasting effects, Jotaro is convinced he has found the right kid. He reveals he was searching for Josuke because he is actually the illegitimate son of Joseph Joestar, who is now close to dying. While Josuke isn't too fond on following up on this, Jotaro also warns him of Stand users popping up. Apparently, the Bow and Arrow that was used by Dio to create many of his Stand army (including triggering his own actual Stand, The World) is causing other stands to pop up. These Stands possess much more unique - and dangerous - powers. Josuke's own Stand, Crazy Diamond, is very powerful, maybe more powerful than Star Platinum, yet this battle will require aid.

Oddly enough despite quite a bit of popularity, Diamond is Unbreakable has not had much media attention. Hopefully with Stardust Crusaders coming to an end we'll see this animated in great glory.[/spoiler]

I'll probably edit/post more later. There's four more parts after Diamond is Unbreakable but again, that's as far as I am right now.

Right now Josuke is shaping to be even better than Joseph. Never piss him off about his hair.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 3:21 pm
I just want to say, I liked Jonathan a lot because he was a simple, pure character. I think people try to make so many complicated ones that these types are actually refreshing.

Also, how is Crunchyroll's version condensed? Curious because I watched that one.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 3:36 pm
i meant there's a few episodes on Crunchyroll that basically abridge the first two parts. Probably better job than the Phantom Blood movie anyway.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 7:46 pm
by StarryPeach
I got into JoJo due to a good friend of mine (and a some of the memes on the internet). I'm rather obsessed with it right now but for me, that's just my nature of being obsessed with something while I'm still interested in it.

I've only seen Phantom Blood, Battle Tendency and the first half of Stardust Crusaders in their entirety. I'm working on the Egypt arc. Without much context, nothing really made sense at first but as I kept watching the anime, a lot of things fell into place.

[spoiler="my thoughts within; contains spoilers"]Dio's a jerk. As of this posting, I hate him. I've still yet to figure out how he's like at the end of Stardust Crusaders to really make a full judgment on him though because my friend likes him and said that if I did also, kudos to me.

Joseph's probably my favorite JoJo. I feel that he's quite the troll (I find that funny) but when he's serious, he really gets things done. As Indiana JoJo (aka Old Man Joestar) I like that he imparts wisdom but there is still some of the younger version of him. I like that Jonathan sees the good in everyone he meets (despite his naïvete), even though he knows Dio is a terrible person and feels bad about having to kill him. Jotaro's ability to keep his cool in the most dangerous situations and his intelligence appeals to me. Plus him batting off the fangirls is hilarious.[/spoiler]

I might add more to this post as I continue to watch.

Also the intros/outros are awesome too.

[QUOTE="Loot, post: 1533303, member: 21459"]Right now Josuke is shaping to be even better than Joseph. Never piss him off about his hair.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like Polnareff. :lol:

also when I see the title of the Pokémon forum here I think of JoJo lmao

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 2:25 am
Josuke is really awesome. He has the anger of Jotaro, the smart mouth of Joseph, and still has a great deal of originality to him. He's probably the best Jojo in the entire series, followed by Joseph and Jolyne.

Stardust spoilers, especially about near the end of the anime:

[spoiler]You'll see Dio at his most evil soon enough, although you'll also see the scene where my avatar comes from that the OVA managed to keep and even make extremely enjoyable for watching Dio at his worst. Hint: that red in the background is blood on the back windshield.

Also lol Cold Ice **** really, Crunchyroll? They may not even do Part 4 at this rate if they're that scared of using the actual names. Steely Dan, Oingo and Boino, Enya (more of a mistranslation probably), J. Geil, apparently even All Star Battle changed Polneraff's name to Eiffel. I'm not **** making this up, I joke about JJBA being dubbed to Nickelodeon and the various changes, I would NEVER have tought of that[/spoiler]

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 4:14 am



Okay this is stretching the name. His name is Giorno, and the unofficial name is "Giogio's Bizarre Adventure" which is actually what the PS2 game would have been called if it was brought to the states. So this series follows son of Dio in Jonathan's Body, Giorno, and this is where the craziest **** starts to happen. Special shoutout goes to a stand named "Aerosmith". Yeah.[/spoiler]



More straightforward (?!?!?!), this series focuses on daughter of Jotaro Kujo, Jolyne Cujoh. Yeah the last names are spelled differently, I have no idea, LEAVE ME ALONE. Not much I know, except apparently she is infamous in Japan for spoiling the famous plot twist of the Sixth Sense. GOOD. She's really cool though, I can tell in my soul[/spoiler]




yeah that's what it's called. Focuses on the paraplegic Johnny Joestar who apparently rides on a horse all the time and his non-paraplegic friend (from what I saw in All-Star Battle) Gyro Zepelli. that's all I got[/spoiler]



Currently this is where the manga is right now. A young man named Josuke who... is a sailor? I think he swears quite a bit. Hell if I know. Art is certainly in a weird direction. [/spoiler]

Next I'll probably focus on the games and then the 90's animated adaptation of Stardust Crusaders. Hoorah.

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 1:55 am
updated the descriptions in the original post to make somewhat a lick of sense.



this is canon

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 12:17 am
by StarryPeach
hurrrgh trying so hard not to read that spoiler about the end of Stardust Crusaders but I'll be good and wait until I'm caught up

[spoiler="recently watched episodes on my part"]So I met Alessi and D'Arby. I **** HATE ALESSI. OH MY GOD. He's such a despicable b****** but I'm glad Jotaro beat the crap out of him. And D'Arby... what a snake. It was so satisfying when Jotaro beat him with a bluff.[/spoiler]

will probably edit this post with more reactions under spoiler tags as I continue to watch the anime. well I apparently lied since my previous post was supposed to do that. oh well

HOMG I'M ACTUALLY EDITING THIS POST though I suppose I could make a new post

[spoiler="latest series of episodes I've watched-5/30"]Okay this set of episodes was a nice little breath of fresh air before more intense stuff. It was amusing watching Hol Horse stick his fingers up Polnareff's nose and then the prediction coming true a little while later. I liked how Hol Horse missed killing Jotaro because he fired Emperor too early lololol that makes me think of something else ahahahaha and then ended up shooting himself in the face. Also Iggy... that freakin' dog.

Also I really miss Kakyoin.


Just met Pet Shop. Talk about animalistic killing. Sucks that Iggy lost his leg, but at least he got him in the end. ALSO YAY KAKYOIN HAS RETURNED~ I liked how "STAND PROUD" played while they were at the entrance to Dio's mansion, all of them determining their goals upon defeating Dio.

Next is the other D'Arby. Should be interesting.[/spoiler]

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 12:58 am
Spoilers about Alessi sort of

[spoiler]I **** forgot what made him gross because his Eyes of Heritage version made him really cool and he could turn EVERY CHARACTER YOUNGER EVEN THOSE THAT DIDN'T MAKE SENSE like he made Jotaro, Kakyoin, Polnareff younger, but he could actually turn Dio into HIS SEVERED HEAD CARRIED AROUND BY WANG CHAN THAT IS **** AWESOME[/spoiler]

Forget the OVA, by the way, get the raw anime right now. If you want translation I'll send you the basic conversations they have. We are in, what, the last four episodes of Stardust Crusaders? IT'S GOING TO BE AMAZING.


Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 1:10 am
by StarryPeach
[spoiler="why i thought alessi was gross"]I hated how he picked on people weaker than himself. That makes him scum and gross in my eyes.[/spoiler]

I wouldn't even know where to get the raw anime. As far as I'm aware, the place I watch my anime (it's got subs) at is on [spoiler]Vanilla Ice[/spoiler] right now. Too bad I really only watch anime during the weekends but if I'm in the mood, I marathon that ****.

although I would rather slow down and savor each episode because I don't want it to end and also I can really only take so much. JoJo can be intense sometimes.

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 1:19 am
That's where the series just ended at so far. Right now it's at

[spoiler]Dio's WORLD right now, which is basically where we see Dio using his stand The World (GREAT TITLE HUH?!) and more major **** happens. Being at the Vanilla Ice fight is good since we're nearing the end.[/spoiler]

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 1:22 am
by StarryPeach
argh Loot now you've got me wanting to marathon the rest of the anime tomorrow. I'm 9 episodes away from the currrent end and I have a particular interest in [spoiler]Pet Shop[/spoiler] after my JoJo friend told me about it. Having a more light-hearted set of episodes before getting into the nitty-gritty again.

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 3:52 am
THAT LAST EPISODE HOT DOG[DOUBLEPOST=1432972370,1432972266][/DOUBLEPOST][spoiler]Dio in cape, the car chase, launching the senator, all there. Also great to finally see The World in all of its glory. I think it may be making noise like in the OVA dub, not sure.[/spoiler]

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 11:10 pm
by StarryPeach
ahhh all these spoiler tags are killing me i need to hurry up and watch the rest of it

eta because I didn't feel like double posting:

[QUOTE="Loot, post: 1533920, member: 21459"][spoiler]Enya (more of a mistranslation probably)[/spoiler][/QUOTE]

[spoiler]Okay so I clicked and read that spoiler but I've already forgotten the pertinent information. They call her "Enyaba" but I think it's more "Enya-ba". It's like calling her "Old Lady Enya" since I think "ba" is short for "oba".[/spoiler]

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:08 am
by Galefore
i wanted to pop my head in here because i have recently gotten into JJBA as well. i've watched every anime episode released so far, but once stardust crusaders is over i won't be able to wait for the anime adaptation of Diamond is Unbreakable so i'll probably start reading the manga from that point forward. it's definitely one of my fave franchises now. i'm a big fan of Joseph so he's an easy favorite so far, but i really love Jotaro's ability to basically no-sell literally everyone he fights. it's beautiful.

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:41 pm
by X-3
haha, didn't expect that to happen

[spoiler=Episode 47]Dio hijacking and interrupting the OP, just as the lyrics reach END OF ZA WARUDO. On that note, I really missed Takehito Koyasu shouting and it's great to have that back after so long. Pretty ugly episode quality-wise though.[/spoiler]

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:04 pm

I'm actually not sure how they'll be able to fit the rest of the battle into the last episode next week[/SPOILER]

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:33 am
by StarryPeach
Marathoning JoJo; attempting to catch up. I'm going to edit this post with my reactions once I'm done.

edit: my feels. oh my feels. utterly destroyed. at least I'm all caught up though.

[spoiler="ep 47 stuff"]They fit in a lot of stuff in ep 47 though. I was waiting for the moment in which Dio would take Joseph's blood. This is going to be epic.[/spoiler]

[spoiler="also other stuff"]also so much death. Avdol. Iggy. Kakyoin. Joseph. my feels destroyed. Suzie knowing her daughter is in poor health. everyone getting the **** beat out of them. it was a **** rollercoaster[/spoiler]

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:36 am
[spoiler=Other stuff]At the very least, Vanilla Ice got a VERY satisfying death. He lost several limbs to the sunlight and kept getting egged on, and finally was given just a shove by Silver Chariot to dispose of him, making for a very humiliating death.[/spoiler]

We got one last episode to go through. Less than a week and we'll see an end to one of the best chapters of Jojo's.

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:41 am
by StarryPeach
[spoiler="other stuff"]You have no idea how glad I was to see that **** Ice die, and in the way he did.[/spoiler]

It's been quite a ride, starting all the way from Phantom Blood and now getting here. holy **** it took two months.