Godzilla (2014)
Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:13 pm
I saw a few people have seen this movie in the 30/30 Movies thread, so I thought I'd make a separate thread on here for more discussion.
I saw it the other day and REALLY enjoyed it. Gonna spoilertag everything from here on out just in case people are interested and don't want it spoiled.
[spoiler]I really liked that they went the route of a Good Guy Godzilla. Godzilla coming to fight other monsters is just so much better than the government trying to dispose of Godzilla himself and just failing.
Though speaking of government that was the only thing I really didn't think worked for me. Or the human elements in general. A lot of the human elements were just boring and a lot of plot points seemed a little too convenient. Aaron Taylor-Johnson was super boring and Elizabeth Olson is a good actress but she just didn't have ANYTHING to do at all. Bryan Cranston of course was good and I wish his character survived because his character was the most interesting by far and really who doesn't need more Cranston running around screaming about things?
But the human stuff wasn't SO BAD ("SO BAD" is Roland Emmerich, btw) because when it comes down to it this movie is about a giant **** lizard kicking ass and it's so satisfying in that regard. I really like how the movie just teases Godzilla/the other monsters until the end. We'd just get glimpses of the monsters destroying each other on TV and stuff and that would be it and that made the last fight scene SO MUCH MORE SATISFYING. Like when Godzilla breathes fire into the other monster's mouth and **** decimates it wouldn't be nearly as cool if Godzilla had been breathing fire all over the place for the first hour and a half of the movie. Some moviegoers might not like the fact that the movie is such a tease but I don't think I'd like it nearly as much if it was just a bunch of destruction and then one big fight scene at the end. Suspense is important too (Michael Bay take notes).
Also this movie looks **** beautiful like the special effects are some of the best I've seen in a VERY LONG TIME like damn.[/spoiler]
Also apparently the director Gareth Edwards has a lesser-known movie named Monsters from a few years back and I should check that out. I've heard it's pretty neat. (WAIT JON HOPKINS DID THE SCORE FOR THAT MOVIE YUP I'M SO IN)
I saw it the other day and REALLY enjoyed it. Gonna spoilertag everything from here on out just in case people are interested and don't want it spoiled.
[spoiler]I really liked that they went the route of a Good Guy Godzilla. Godzilla coming to fight other monsters is just so much better than the government trying to dispose of Godzilla himself and just failing.
Though speaking of government that was the only thing I really didn't think worked for me. Or the human elements in general. A lot of the human elements were just boring and a lot of plot points seemed a little too convenient. Aaron Taylor-Johnson was super boring and Elizabeth Olson is a good actress but she just didn't have ANYTHING to do at all. Bryan Cranston of course was good and I wish his character survived because his character was the most interesting by far and really who doesn't need more Cranston running around screaming about things?
But the human stuff wasn't SO BAD ("SO BAD" is Roland Emmerich, btw) because when it comes down to it this movie is about a giant **** lizard kicking ass and it's so satisfying in that regard. I really like how the movie just teases Godzilla/the other monsters until the end. We'd just get glimpses of the monsters destroying each other on TV and stuff and that would be it and that made the last fight scene SO MUCH MORE SATISFYING. Like when Godzilla breathes fire into the other monster's mouth and **** decimates it wouldn't be nearly as cool if Godzilla had been breathing fire all over the place for the first hour and a half of the movie. Some moviegoers might not like the fact that the movie is such a tease but I don't think I'd like it nearly as much if it was just a bunch of destruction and then one big fight scene at the end. Suspense is important too (Michael Bay take notes).
Also this movie looks **** beautiful like the special effects are some of the best I've seen in a VERY LONG TIME like damn.[/spoiler]
Also apparently the director Gareth Edwards has a lesser-known movie named Monsters from a few years back and I should check that out. I've heard it's pretty neat. (WAIT JON HOPKINS DID THE SCORE FOR THAT MOVIE YUP I'M SO IN)