The Manga Purists Thread

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The Manga Purists Thread


Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:31 pm

for all other souls who feel personally victimized when they hear people say that they prefer the anime of a specific series, post here about why those people are really wrong and horrible and the manga is way better.

xxxHOLiC. I will judge you if you say you watched the anime. i will judge you because no just read the manga please just do it
First off because sure everyone has CLAMP proportions but at least in the manga it's so detailed and pretty that you don't care. In the anime everyone just looks like animated noodles

and just come on just read the manga. please
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Post by LOOT » Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:23 pm

I read a manga once. It was stupid.

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:31 pm

I don't usually read manga. I don't usually watch anime unless its with Jen.

If you do want to know, I always found the Naruto manga as being a lot more... what's the word? Artsy? than the anime is?

Also, less stupid filler. :I

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Post by Valigarmander » Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:59 pm

The only manga I've read in its entirety (an impressive two volumes) was FLCL, which was actually based on the anime rather than the other way around, and had quite a different story anyway. I guess I prefer the anime.

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Post by Jere » Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:08 pm

Everyone should really give xxxholic a read just because you need to read so much more to really appreciate the story
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Post by Antisocial » Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:22 pm

Loot Miser wrote:I read a manga once. It was stupid.
I'm interested in what it was. Given that there are a lot of stupid manga out there.

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Post by LOOT » Wed Dec 11, 2013 10:44 pm

YuGiOh. The first stuff that was made into Season 0.

Yeah not a good place to start I guess but

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Post by Booyakasha » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:12 pm

I've heard a lot of people say the 'Akira' manga is better than the film. I've not read the whole thing myself (it's pretty expensive), but what I've read has been not so much better as just different. I grant the story in the manga is much more fleshed out, but, you know, there's something to be said for great animation and music, too.
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Post by Thanous » Wed Dec 11, 2013 11:33 pm

CuccoLady wrote:for all other souls who feel personally victimized when they hear people say that they prefer the anime of a specific series, post here about why those people are really wrong and horrible and the manga is way better.

xxxHOLiC. I will judge you if you say you watched the anime. i will judge you because no just read the manga please just do it
First off because sure everyone has CLAMP proportions but at least in the manga it's so detailed and pretty that you don't care. In the anime everyone just looks like animated noodles

and just come on just read the manga. please
omg, the xxxholic anime was so bad, but the manga was really awesome. it was one of the first I read, and it is just so amazing

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Post by Booyakasha » Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:53 am

...incidentally, I remember never bothering at all with 'xxxHOLIC' because the title sounded like some synonym for 'pornography addict', which made it a little hard for me to take seriously.

'Astro Boy' manga is way better than the original cartoon (not that I think anyone would claim otherwise).
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Post by The Missing Link » Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:30 am

I used to think manga was really cool. Then, $170 later after buying 17 issues of books that I tended to read through in about three hours, I realized how much of a money sink it was. Haven't bought much in the way of them since.

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Post by Kargath » Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:58 am

I tend to prefer manga to anime, simply because the anime tends to get adapted before the manga is finished and thus shoves in fillers or ends abruptly.
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Post by Sim Kid » Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:11 pm

On average I read manga way more than I do watch anime.

I can get through about three episodes worth of anime in roughly twenty minutes depending on how fast/slow my internet speed is. I would especially prefer this than to try and catch up to The Show That Never Ends-I mean One Piece. (I predict that the series is going to outlive Oda and will have to be finisehd by two generations of people compiling notes from his sketchbook(s) and computers.)

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Post by Kil'jaeden » Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:57 pm

Anime? You mean that retarded crap about pirates with water guns, tentacles, and ninjas? Why even bother?
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Post by Apollo the Just » Fri Dec 13, 2013 10:56 pm

lmao @ tmls implication that people actually buy manga

I mean, if I really like a series I'll buy a volume to support it, but I ain't paying for 800 volumes same as I wouldn't pay for 400 DVDs. hell naw man


As a general rule, I'm turning more toward the 'read/watch whichever came first, and then read/watch the other one if you're bored and want more' boat. Because the adaptation isn't gonna keep everything from the original, and if it's an anime based off of a manga, you can bet there'll be dumb filler


detective conan you are so guilty of this
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Post by Valigarmander » Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:07 pm

I've read some of the Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z manga, and it's kind of refreshing how concise it is. DBZ had an absolutely ridiculous amount of pointless filler.

Except the driver's ed episode. That one was comedy gold.

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Post by The Missing Link » Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:16 am

CuccoLady wrote:lmao @ tmls implication that people actually buy manga
At the time this happened, there was no manga service on the web. We're talking some five years ago. In those dark years before Facebook was open for all the web to use. You either bought, pirated, or did without... and I refused to pirate.
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Post by Jere » Sat Dec 14, 2013 8:51 am

i buy the stuff i like if it isn't + 20 books, i don't have the space.

But id like to find the ramna books that would be the exception.

I allready have all the Love hina series.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:36 pm

^^ Times have changed. 'Tis time to change with them, my friend
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Post by Kil'jaeden » Mon Dec 16, 2013 6:32 pm

99% of all manga is not and will not be available in English. Most of them are better than what we get. And the ones we do get got their exposure from amateur translators well before they became mainstream. I am not sure what you mean by manga services on the web or pirating.
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