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Who will be the 12th Doctor?

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:37 am
by Heroine of the Dragon
MATT Smith who has played Dr Who on the popular BBC TV show since 2010, is set to make way for a new Time Lord in this year's Christmas special of the 50-year-old show.

The 30-year-old actor will stand down from the title role in this year's festive spectacular when audiences will be introduced to a new doctor, the BBC has revealed.
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Doctor Who marks its 50th anniversary in November with a special episode, which Smith has already filmed.

The BBC said Smith's "spectacular exit" was yet to be revealed and would be "kept tightly under wraps".

The 11 Doctors

1. William Hartnell (1963-1966)

2. Patrick Troughton (1966-1969)

3. Jon Pertwee (1970-1974)

4. Tom Baker (1974-1981)

5. Peter Davison - pictured (1982-1984)

6. Colin Baker (1984-1986)

7. Sylvester McCoy (1987-1996)

8. Paul McGann (1996)

9. Christopher Eccleston (2005)

10. David Tennant (2005-2010)

11. Matt Smith (2010 - 2013)

Speculation starts now...

Will it be Roger Moore? Will the next Doctor be female?

Who would you like to see as the next Doctor Who? :D

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:41 am
Since the whole "Regeneration could be either gender" you would think a 50/50 chance would mean female at some point.

Also Eccleston and Baker 4lyfe

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:10 am
by Calamity Panfan

turns out sherlock is actually the 12th doctor and watson is his companion

THE FOLLOWING IS A SHERLOCK SPOILER NOT DOCTOR WHO: [spoiler]it works because it explains how Sherlock is alive after the season 2 finale too so there[/spoiler]

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:29 am
by CaptHayfever
I would say Craig Ferguson, but his Late Late Show contract just got extended, so nope.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:31 am
by Rainbow Dash
hey panfan thanks for the spoiler that i didn't know was a sherlock spoiler since this is yknow a doctor who thread

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:44 am
by CaptHayfever
^He did start talking about Sherlock right before the spoiler; I took the hint.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:32 am
by Deku Tree
CaptHayfever wrote:^He did start talking about Sherlock right before the spoiler; I took the hint.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"
I did not. :(

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:57 am
by Scarecrow
Panfan wrote:CUMBERBATCH

turns out sherlock is actually the 12th doctor and watson is his companion

[spoiler]it works because it explains how Sherlock is alive after the season 2 finale too so there[/spoiler]
This is perfect.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:42 am
by Calamity Panfan
sorry guys i thought you guys would read my mind and know it was a sherlock spoiler, further cautionary measures have been taken

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:18 am
by Marilink
If it's anyone but Rupert Grint, I'm not watching

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:41 am
by Rainbow Dash
rupert grint would be a terrible choice

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:50 am
by smol Kat
Terrible? Maybe. Hilarious? Hell yes.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:54 am
by Deku Tree
Robert Carlyle would be cool.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:15 am
by Calamity Panfan
Marilink wrote:If it's anyone but Rupert Grint, I'm not watching
Dude if it's anybody who was in Harry Potter it's gonna be Matthew Lewis. NEVILLE ****ING LONGBOTTOM.

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:51 am
by 1-up Salesman
arin hanson

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:45 pm
by Marilink
^^That would also be acceptable.


Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:42 pm
by Nomyt
Right. As for the whole Ginger thing. In Gallifrey, the only ones to have red hair, where the people called Heroes. These people were Time-sentient (meaning they could see all of time at the same time). I doubt they'll ever make him ginger.

Also, while we're talking about Regeneration. River wasn't the only person who can control the way they look like when they regenerate. Romana (no, I shalln't post her full name.) also controlled the way she looked.

Since The Doctor can't control his hair, he can't also became a female timelord. (Now just watch as they announce a new female doctor.)

I for one, would not like to know who the next Doctor is. I wouldn't like someone overly famous. Nearly all the best Doctor's were unknowns, or little known actors.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:04 pm
by Deku Tree
Off topic a bit, but my wife and I watched the 8th doctor movie just recently. What's all this about being half-human?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 3:29 pm
by Softguitar
Please be an unknown person.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 5:55 pm
by Marilink
Deku Trii wrote:Off topic a bit, but my wife and I watched the 8th doctor movie just recently. What's all this about being half-human?
It's a wonder that they didn't retcon that whole movie (like they retcon a bunch of stuff in the Who extended universe), but it's considered canon now that the Eighth Doctor just lies about himself.