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Movies You've Always Wanted to See but Haven't Seen

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:17 am
by b l a n k
The original Jaws
The Godfather and The Godfather Pt. 2
All the Lord of the Rings trilogy
All the Matrix trilogy
Sam Raimi's original Spider-Man trilogy
The original 1978 Superman with the late Christopher Reeve
Hitchcock's Vertigo and The Birds
The Jazz Singer
Charlie Chaplin's The Gold Rush and The Great Dictator
The remaining four films of the Die Hard series
...And more!

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:43 am
by Bomby
I have a backlog of like 400 movies either in my possession, in my Hulu or Netflix queue, or on the Korean Film Archive's YouTube page that I haven't watched yet. Considering that I don't watch 5-6 movies per week like I did when I was in college (I was a film major. That's what we're supposed to do, right?), watching them all would be an endeavor that could take decades. And yet occasionally I find myself rewatching movies I've already seen like 4-5 times. Usually that's in order to show them to other people but sometimes it's on my own.

My name is Bomby and I have a problem.

So I'll just leave my list to this: I really want to see the 1967 movie Hong Kong Nocturne but I am not able to find a copy of it at all. Even the VCD is out of print at the moment.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:28 am
by Booyakasha
^^...just about all of Chaplin's filmography is hangin out over at YouTube. Like, if I'm not mistaken, they're all public domain at this point (hence the myriad Chaplin DVD boxsets available), so pretty much every one of them has been uploaded over there.

Ditto for Buster Keaton, incidentally. 'The General' is widely considered at once one of the best comedies and best Civil War flicks ever made---if you have seventy-five minutes to spare, you could do worse than to check it out. You could do worse by a long chalk.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:25 am
by ThatDude100
I didn't like Jaws much. I always heard it was supposed to be this psycho popular movie, and I just didn't enjoy it much. I like old movies, one of my favorites is The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951), but, I don't know. I'm sure at the time it was a great movie, but, it's been joked about so many times and nothing special anymore, so, I don't know, oh well.

Anyway, i've always wanted to see The Langoliers ever since I saw that stupid Nostalgia Critic review of it. It seems so stupid that it's good! People say IT is stupid, but, I enjoy the crap out of it! Maybe i'd enjoy The Langoliers!