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Your All-Time Favorite Movie(s)
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:13 pm
by ThatDude100
Back To The Future Trilogy - I've been a fan of this for as long as I can remember. For some reason, i've always liked the 2nd one the best, even though alot of people say the first one was better. It's a classic, no doubt, but, the 2nd one was always my favorite. It's got the freakin' hoverboard! Anyway, I think all of the BTTF movies are great movies, even the 3rd one. I used to hate it, but, it's become a favorite of mine. Definitely some great movies!!!!!!!!
The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951) - This is without a doubt a Sci-Fi classic! I didn't care much for the 2007 remake. As a movie itself it was good, but as a remake, it sucks. Anyway, the whole movie was just entertaining from the time you hear that strange theme song, to the end speech. I'm a fan of classic Sci-Fi as it is, but, this is definitely at the top of greatest Sci-Fi movies of all time for me. Michael Rennie as Klaatu was great, I don't think they could have got a better actor.
James Bond Series - I think we've all seen a James Bond movie at some point, even if we haven't we all know who James Bond is. It is funny though, all of the movies are basically the same, but, they're all still different somehow. I do miss Desmond Llewelyn as Q though, he was perfect for the part.
Godzilla series - Godzilla is no doubt probably the most iconic monster of all time, I think the only one that could ever disagree is King Kong. Godzilla is definitely one of those fun time waster movies. It's always fun to see the fights though. Any movie with King Ghidorah in it is all right by me! I do hope Godzilla makes a return soon, we need to see Godzilla again! My fav. one no doubt is Godzilla VS King Ghidorah, everything about that movie was good. I do miss that strange noise that King Ghidorah makes though, that's the only thing that sucks about the movie.
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:27 pm
by Bomby
In no real specific except the first, though even that's more my de facto favorite.
Chungking Express (1994)
Dir. Wong Kar-Wai
One of the few movies that manages to be simultaneously artsy/experimental and also a ton of fun to watch. The whimsical sense of humor about two heartbroken police officers, a drug dealer, and the original and best Manic Pixie Dream girl in the history of movies ever works wonderfully, as does the beautiful cinematography of Andrew Lau and Christopher Doyle. Wong Kar-Wai really knows how to get the best of his actors and crew.
Ugetsu (1953)
Dir. Kenji Mizoguchi
One of the greatest films from Japan, this proto-feminist story of ghosts and poverty is a wonderfully eerie and emotional journey. A masterclass in long takes, cameras in motion, and atmosphere.
Magnolia (1999)
Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson
This movie is unbelievably ballsy. A three-hour long network narrative melodrama about parent-child relationships with a musical number that comes out of nowhere and an ending that no one could ever see coming. If you don't get the ending, you need better instincts.
Peking Opera Blues (1986)
Dir. Tsui Hark
One of the most fun movies ever made. An unforgettable cast of characters with a narrative that elicits the whole spectrum of human emotions. There are films with better action sequences, but there are no better action films.
Love & Pop (199 8)
Dir. Hideaki Anno
Shot on consumer-grade digital cameras using wild camera angles, voice over narration, classical music, and a fracture narrative, this is one of the most creatively liberating films to watch. Even for those who don't make films themselves, there's a haunting a story of the real life practice of enjo-kosai, in which teenage girls go on dates with older men for cash.
The 400 Blows (1959)
Dir. Francois Truffaut
Taxi Driver (1976)
Dir. Martin Scorsese
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Dir. Francis Ford Coppola
Tokyo Story (1953)
Dir. Yasujiro Ozu
Play Time (1967)
Dir. Jacques Tati
Goodbye, Dragon Inn (2003)
Dir. Tsai Ming-Liang
Trainspotting (1996)
Dir. Danny Boyle
Linda Linda Linda (2005)
Dir. Nobuhiro Yama****a
Love Exposure (200 8)
Dir. Sion Sono
Days of Being Wild (1990)
Dir. Wong Kar-Wai
Barking Dogs Never Bite (2000)
Dir. Bong Joon-Ho
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (2005)
Dir. Park Chan-Wook
The Day He Arrives (2011)
Dir. Hong Sangsoo
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Dir. Quentin Tarantino
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly (1967)
Dir. Sergio Leone
Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 3:29 pm
by CaptHayfever
1) Head (196 8)
Dir: Bob Rafelson; Writ: Bob Rafelson, Jack Nicholson, the Monkees (uncredited)
My favorite movie is about my favorite band. The Pre-Fab Four are hilarious in the bizarre vignettes that comprise this film's cyclical non-plot about their inability to escape either their image or their corporate masters (mutiny against Don Kirshner aside).
The music is outstanding, especially the group's best live recording ever ("Circle Sky", an achievement which literally can't be matched again because we no longer have all 4 Monkees), the script is awesome, & the imagery is beautiful. Cult-favorite character actor Timothy Carey steals his scenes as well.
2) UHF (1989)
Dir: Jay Levey; Writ: Al Yankovic, Jay Levey
Weird Al's sole foray into feature film lacks a bit in terms of technical polish (Al's DVD commentary reveals that even a slightly bigger budget would've allowed them to reshoot some mistakes or use tech advances to avoid some mistakes completely). Still, it's a movie with a lot of heart, a lot of brilliant parodies, & a lot of underrated comic actors (Kevin McCarthy, pre-Seinfeld Michael Richards, pre-Nanny-so-she's-not-exaggerating-her-voice Fran Drescher, Victoria Jackson, Billy Barty, Gedde "Long Duck Dong" Watanabe, Anthony "All My Children" Geary, & John Paragon).
3) The Princess Bride (1987)
Dir: Rob Reiner; Writ: William Goldman (based on his book)
In the 70s, he was the Meathead. In the 90s, he made North. But Reiner was untouchable during the 80s, in large part thanks to the genius book & script of Goldman, the guitar of Mark Knopfler, & dat cast!
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
4) Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie (1996)
Dir: Jim Mallon; Writ: Michael J. Nelson, Jim Mallon, Trace Beaulieu, Kevin Murphy, Mary Jo Pehl, Paul Chaplin, Bridget Jones (based on the TV series)
There are only 2 flaws in the movie. First of all is Mike's vocal delivery during the out-of-theater scenes. Second is that the movie is actually shorter than a credits-removed episode of the TV show (MST3K episodes had 90 minutes of content in 2-hour timeslots; this movie ran only 75 minutes). Aside from that, it's start-to-finish hilarity.
5) Stranger Than Fiction (2006)
Dir: Marc Forster; Writ: Zach Helm
This was sufficient proof for me that Will Ferrell can act. It was also one of the best metastories I've ever seen, & the way it's shot just blew me away. And once again, dat cast!
6) Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Dir: Edgar Wright; Writ: Edgar Wright, Michael Bacall (based on the comics by Bryan Lee O'Malley)
Wright's 4th film is not only his best, but also both the best comic book movie AND the best video game movie. The casting was brilliant, particularly in the subversion of Michael Cera's usual character type. And the audio/visual blend perfectly built the world in which Canadian hipsters actually could kill each other for digital points.
And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:09 am
by b l a n k
All the Star Wars saga.
All the Indiana Jones films.
All the Back to the Future trilogy.
Everything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The original 1931 Frankenstein and its satiric counterpart Young Frankenstein.
Every movie made by Pixar except the Cars movies, which I found were kind of meh.
And some interesting films I've seen recently in my studies, including Duel by Steven Spielberg, Die Hard by John McTiernan, Amélie by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, and Run Lola Run by Tom Tykwer.
And there are a handful of films I'd like to add to this list but haven't seen, which just gave me the idea to post a new thread right now about movies you've always wanted to see but haven't seen!
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:35 am
The Last Samurai, The Matrix. Step Brothers, Anchorman, Walk Hard...Can't name films well off the bat, but these are great.
Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:50 pm
by Calamity Panfan
A (very) loose top 10:
1. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010) [Dir. Edgar Wright]
2. Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind (2004) [Dir. Michel Gondry]
3. Inglorious Basterds (2009) [Dir. Quentin Tarantino]
4. Clerks (1994) [Dir. Kevin Smith]
5. Die Hard (198 8) [Dir. John McTiernan]
6. Groundhog Day (1993) [Dir. Harold Ramis]
7. Pulp Fiction (1994) [Dir. Quentin Tarantino]
8. The Princess Bride (1987) [Dir. Rob Reiner]
9. The Breakfast Club (1985) [Dir. John Hughes]
10. How to Train Your Dragon (2010) [Dir. Chris Sanders & Dean DeBlois]
Honorable Mention: Zombieland, Ghostbusters, (500) Days of Summer, Singin' in the Rain, Up, Aladdin, The Empire Strikes Back, Serenity, Shaun of the Dead
Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 12:08 am
by AlamoViewingEntertainment
Saving Private Ryan