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Good/Bad Movie Sequels/Remakes

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:42 pm
by ThatDude100
Anyone that likes movies can definitely tell you that some movies are classics, and nobody can ever outdo the original, and yet, some people try, and it ends up being a cinema turd, but once in awhile, it's actually better than the original! Then sometimes, movies will come out with sequels, and some of them are great (Back to the Future 1 and then 2? Empire Strikes Back, and then Return of the Jedi?)

Anyway, for me, there's 1 movie I always think about when it comes to remakes that was just a giant turd in cinema, that movie is called......The Day The Earth Stood Still. The movie has been redone several times, with different titles even, but, the one I always think about is the 1951 version, and then the 2007 version. The 1951 version was a great movie for it's time, especially it's message, and at the time it came out, it worked perfectly. Yeah, the effects are definitely campy as crap, and it's definitely and old movie, but, once you get passed how bad it looks by today's standards, it's a great movie. Michaels Rennie as Klaatu was amazing, Ms. Benson was amazing, Professor Barnhardt was amazing, everybody just did great. The movie even came out with one of the most memorable quotes in Sci-Fi history (Klaatu Barada Nikto), then in 2007, someone just had to go and screw it all up!

Don't get me wrong, I like Keanu Reeves just fine, i'm not one of those people that talks about like he's a robot with no emotion, he's a good actor (most awesome in the Bill and Ted movies by the way), and i'll even admit he was perfect for the part of Klaatu. I did miss Michael Rennie, he had a great voice that you just wanted to listen to, and he actually came across as someone who might be a cool dude to hang out with. Keanyu Reeves was just fine for the part, but, the movie itself just totally forgot what it was about. Oh, and don't even get me started on the part of Bobby! From a "That's swell! Want to see a movie Mr. Carpenter?" to a, "Ew! I don't wanna listen to anyone! The whole worlds a doo doo head!". That character just totally ruined the movie for me! Even the whole message of the movie is different. Honestly, if you did not know it was a remake of the Day The Earth Stood Still, you would have just thought it was another Sci-Fi movie. They could have easily have called it, "Man we got aliens!", and nobody would have ever thought, "Huh, this is like The Day The Earth Stood Still.". As a remake, it SUCKS! One of the worst remakes in history, but, as a movie by itself, it's not bad at all, it's actually a good movie. If you watch it as a remake, you'll hate it, if you watch it as a movie by itself, you might enjoy it.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 5:27 pm
I tend to like remakes more usually. The newest King Kong is my favorite, despite not being great.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:57 pm
by Bomby
Best sequels I can think of off the dome: The Godfather Part II, Once Upon a Time in China II, Infernal Affairs II, Drunken Master II, Noriko's Dinner Table and The Empire Strikes Back. The first nearly equals the original, and both rank among my all time favorites. OUATIC II beats the excellent original by a smidgen, and is my personal favorite film of its genre. Drunken Master II, Infernal Affairs II, and The Empire Strikes Back are improved sequels over good originals. Noriko's Dinner Table blows Suicide Circle (which I like but must admit is a complete mess) out of the water.

Best remake I can think of off the dome: The Departed (remake of Infernal Affairs). I wouldn't go so far as to say it's an overall better movie than the original, but it definitely improves in certain areas. I like how it cuts back on the sentimental moments of the original, but it also lacks Infernal Affairs's unsettling ending, and combines all of the female characters into one person.

The 1978 remake of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers was pretty good, too.

Worst sequel I can think of off the dome: Attack of the Clones. I've long since lost my enamor of the Star Wars series (The Empire Strikes Back is the only one that really strikes a chord with me that much to this day), and Attack of the Clones is largely responsible for that. It's an absolutely painful and endless chore to sit through.

Worst remake I can think of: the US version of My Sassy Girl. I like the original Korean rather well, despite being moderately overrated, but this **** is absolutely unforgivable. Just watch the trailer. I don't want to explain. Even if you haven't seen the original you can smell that **** from a mile away.