ML made a video

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ML made a video


Post by Marilink » Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:52 pm

This was the Sophomore Class Video for Winter Carnival at my college this past week. Check it out!


Edit: For some reason the original audio comes back at 5:35 for a second. I have no idea why, because the audio that comes back is from the very end of the footage. iMovie is buggy and stupid sometimes.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:21 am

I lol'd when the guy in the gym talked for like 30 seconds and then the transcription was just

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Post by Deepfake » Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:55 am

Not bad, found that pretty entertaining. Got excited when I saw you in it at the end. Who did the shoot?
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Post by United Nations » Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:55 am

Pretty entertaining! If this isn't the final version, I would recommend speeding it up like they do in silent films. This will give it more of silent film feel, get rid of awkward pauses, and keep the audience's attention better. Just a suggestion. :)

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Post by Marilink » Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:16 pm

CL: That joke would be even more meaningful if you knew Richie. He is very...verbose. :P

AI: I did all the camera work myself. Since every shot was stationary, I just had to set it up and let it roll, which made it easy for me to just sneak into a scene at the end.

UN: Thanks! It actually was sped up to about 120%. I decided that would be enough so it wouldn't look too ridiculous, and that consecutive gags wouldn't get covered over by audience laughter (because it's shown at the talent show, and that's a pretty rowdy crowd). But yeah, it's the final version, since I didn't want to upload it to Youtube before it's "grand opening" at the Talent Show. :P

Thanks for watching, guys! I'm quite proud of it. :)
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