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Life of Pi

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:39 am
by Bomby

From 20th Century Fox and Ang Lee, the director of Brokeback Mountain and ****ing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon comes Life of Pi, based on the novel by Yann Martel.
It's about a boy who survives a disaster to be stranded on a boat with a Tiger, if you couldn't tell from the trailer.

Normally this isn't something that would pique my interest, but there's some fantastic images in the trailer and the film has been getting rave reviews. Plus, Lee's aforementioned Crouching Tiger is the movie that made me want to make movies, so this is definitely one I'll be trying to check out.

I generally still detest 3D but my understanding is that it uses 3D in some sort of super special amazing way that enhances everything. Of course, that's also what they said about Avatar, which introduced the world to 3D in shallow focus which somehow managed to be a worse idea than it sounded. Either way, I doubt I'd be able to watch it in 3D without getting an unbearable headache, but if anyone catches that version, let me know how it was.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:09 pm
by kirbyklone
Absolutely loved it. I'm hugely anti-3D but here it's used in such a nuanced, integrated way that logically enhances the atmosphere Ang works so hard to create. I'd also bring in Hugo as a film that was suposed to help us rethink the execution of 3D, but also found myself disappointed by it (felt the same way you did about Avatar).

As great as the visuals are, Ang's storytelling remains the focal point. It's one of my favorite directors doing a film adaptation of one of my favorite books, and after seeing it I'm convinced that nobody else could have executed it quite like he did.

There are some people saying that it's a little bit dumbed down to appeal to younger audiences (the book gets more deeply into the spirituality and expresses the suffering a lot more vividly, and is much much darker), but I was surprisingly okay with it. The core appeal of the book was still there. And kids in the audience at my showing seemed to really enjoy it.

oh and wassup dude!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:59 am
by Marilink
^Whoa, it's kk. Sup man?

I have surprisingly never heard of this movie until now. I'm definitely intrigued, though. Let us know what you think when you see it, Bomby!

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:57 am
by Valigarmander
A wild kirbyklone appears!

Saw the trailer for this and wasn't particularly interested by it, but I have heard a lot of raving over this movie. I just might have to check it out sometime.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:35 am
by Deepfake
The lighting in it looks a bit too CGI, IMO. Looks like a good story, though.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:12 pm
by Calamity Panfan
Yeah didn't really interest me from the trailer by itself. But then hearing this was an Ang Lee and all the praise for it, I'm definitely gonna check this after the other movies in my backlog have been seen.