Banned Episode of PPG.
Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:10 pm
Here it is, the banned episode, See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey:
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The gnome cult probably started the process, and then once the insanely high amounts of Taoism came into play there was no chance. Cartoons may have religious or philosophical subtexts sometimes, but it's never that overt.I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote:Um, can anyone tell me why it was banned exactly?
kool faxIn this musical episode in the style of rock operas Jesus Christ Superstar and Tommy, the girls are overwhelmed with the crime in Townsville. An evil gnome grants them the wish of peace in exchange for their powers and ends up inducting the people of Townsville into a cult.
Notes: McCracken wrote the part of the gnome with Jack Black in mind while Black was still an underground comic, but were unable to get him by the time they were ready to make the episode.