Rainbow Dash wrote:phantom menace has midichlorians boo
revenge of the sith is better because of space battles and ****
The battles in RotS don't have any narrative weight. It's just one group of neutrally-aligned completely interchangeable pawns being directed against another. I guess one could derive enjoyment from watching that, the same way you might enjoy watching a football game between two teams you don't care at all about.
I'm not saying TPM is loads better, but there's at least a chance of emotional involvement at seeing actual people fight for their homes against an invading force. Plus, this was before the whole prequel saga became a massive clustercuss of 'all right, so both sides are taking orders directly from Chancellor Satan---so why the hell should we be rooting for anyone?'
Like, the second Palpaltine takes supreme power, the war becomes immaterial---the only interesting thing is seeing if anyone in-universe is going to realise what's actually going on.