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Naruto Manga/Anime

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 2:51 am
by Ultra
Anyone read Naruto weekly? or watch the great anime? thoughts about the end of the series?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 3:19 am
by Rainbow Dash
oh is it over

i only read one piece of the big three

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 3:24 am
by Ultra
nope still going strong. i would only atticipate about 50 more chapters total. the way all the lose ends are wrapping up. And i love one piece. i like to watch it tho. i prefer the anime of one piece and bleach more that the manga.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:50 am
by Apiary Tazy
Looking at the Naruto Video Games, the plot seems interesting. I would like to see how it wraps up.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 8:44 am
by Marilink
I watched subbed Naruto when I was in gradeschool, but never got back into it after I left for High School. I loved it, though. My brother drew a picture with me as Sasuke, and I thought that was just about the coolest friggin' thing ever.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 8:52 am
by Booyakasha
I played 'Naruto: Rise of a Ninja' on 360 and had no idea what was going on. I'm given to understand it sort of followed the events of the first season---if it did, it either didn't do so too well, or I was too busy dinking around in the city to pay attention

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 2:23 am
by Ultra
The best way to get all the content with no filler episodes is to read the Manga. It is the pure story, and as of today, it is only on chapter 585, so at like 18 pages a chapter. you will get caught up in no time lol

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:51 am
The end doesn't seem close, I forsee a stretched out Ninja War and then a grand finale revealing a hidden "true" enemy.

Not to be a downer but I read a lot of Naruto, up to like 580. Honestly, I think the characters are a mess, concerning strength. Their strength and abilities are ambiguous. It's got some good qualities, but mainly it doesn't handle the flow of character power well, which is a big issue for me.

Another issue is that in martial arts manga of this nature, you can't just make everybody strong. Almost nobody in the main cast is particularly weak in contrast to the threat. Clearly DBZ handled it the best, with YuYu Hakusho a close second, and Bleach third. Even martial arts comedies like Kenichi and Ranma did better with pacing characters growth.

But now I'm in too deep, gotta keep going. I like the general concepts, like the sealed beasts and types of Ninjutsu, but I find the execution flawed.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:32 pm
by NickHaldenJr
DBZ! DBZ! Sorry Ultra but I'm glad someone is with me that DBZ is better than Naruto. I'll admit that I haven't watched or read it, but you have given me many synopses and I will stick with DBZ; although the Naruto games are way better in my opinion.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 2:13 pm
by Random User
I watched Naruto a lot when I was in fifth grade, but once the filler episodes came around I lost interest in it. I've peeked at some of the recent books, but otherwise I haven't really looked too much at the Shippuden.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:06 pm
by Apollo the Just
I watched Naruto in middle school, but then I stopped about when I stopped watching anime for a time [and instead played video games 24/7] and didn't get back into it when I started watching again.

Out of the big three I only watch/read One Piece. I just don't care enough for any of the characters in Naruto [or Bleach for that matter] to keep me going, and One Piece is just the most interesting out of them imo.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:23 pm
NickHaldenJr wrote:DBZ! DBZ! Sorry Ultra but I'm glad someone is with me that DBZ is better than Naruto. I'll admit that I haven't watched or read it, but you have given me many synopses and I will stick with DBZ; although the Naruto games are way better in my opinion.
Well, you should at least give Naruto a chance before judging it. Just to be clear though, I was specifically referring to things that DBZ did better. I didn't say that it is better...but damn, yeah, it's way ****ing better.

^ Bleach has great characters. Namely, Kenpachi and Byakuya. They're about as badass as it gets.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 11:59 am
by Ultra
The thing naruto does that is better than DBZ is that it doesnt take 7 episodes for one battle lol. Ive fallen asleep watching Goku charge up Kamehameha before, to much action not enough plot kinda ruined DBZ for me, atleast it made it boring. The fights are cool, but when the characters are demi-gods with near unlimited power (flight, energy beams, regeneration) it get a little unbearable for me to watch them fight for 4 episodes only with 4 lines of meaningful story advancing dialogue. Im acknowledging that the naruto series has its demi-god characters, but im also presenting the argument that they are vulnerable, and human, i thing i prefer the human element, point noted, DBZ is about sayins. lol look at me ranting at DBZ on a Naruto thread bahahah.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:03 pm
by NickHaldenJr
^ Calm down Ultra. DBZ is better and you know it. I don't know if I want to even get into Naruto because it's so fricken long. But I may have time this summer. Point of the matter is that neither of these animes would be here without Journey to the West, so we should really thank the Chinese.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 2:47 pm
by Marilink
I always felt like the Naruto characters were a lot more developed than DBZ characters.

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 5:49 pm
by Apiary Tazy
DBZ was a very early anime. You have to admit that things will improve on it over time.

That and the anime had to wait for the manga to pass by enough for an episode like all the time, and they handled it in possibly the most haphazard ways.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:12 pm
Ultra wrote:The thing naruto does that is better than DBZ is that it doesnt take 7 episodes for one battle lol.
The only series with more filler than DBZ is Naruto. The ninja- children battles are faster paced when they aren't goofing, I admit.

Ultra wrote:The fights are cool, but when the characters are demi-gods with near unlimited power (flight, energy beams, regeneration) it get a little unbearable for me to watch them fight for 4 episodes only with 4 lines of meaningful story advancing dialogue. Im acknowledging that the naruto series has its demi-god characters, but im also presenting the argument that they are vulnerable, and human, i thing i prefer the human element, point noted, DBZ is about sayins. lol look at me ranting at DBZ on a Naruto thread bahahah.
Some DBZ characters dwarf the power of their universe's God, some rival it, and others become uselessly weak. In Naruto, it seems there's strong and stronger in the cast, nobody left behind in terms of power. That's boring. Even Sakura became powerful, and their damn animals too.

Oh, and DBZ is not about Saiyans. The Namek and Android Sagas revolve around Namekians and Androids. You must not be a DBZ fan, you don't seem to know you're stuff. I've followed both, and as a fan of this type of manga, DBZ did most important things better.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:49 pm
by Ultra
^ You make good points. I read the manga for naruto, so i didnt get the full force of the filler episodes. There was just an inheritance of power at the start of shippuden, ill admit that, especially with sakura and other non main characters. At least for the main characters, like naruto and sasuke they actually show the training and explain how they achieve more power. I and not a huge DBZ fan, i watched episodes here and there. I did however read and watch DB.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 12:19 am
Ultra wrote:^ You make good points. I read the manga for naruto, so i didnt get the full force of the filler episodes. There was just an inheritance of power at the start of shippuden, ill admit that, especially with sakura and other non main characters. At least for the main characters, like naruto and sasuke they actually show the training and explain how they achieve more power. I and not a huge DBZ fan, i watched episodes here and there. I did however read and watch DB.
True, Naruto and Sasuke were well developed in strength through story. I concede there, because those parts were actually some of my favorite scenes. I don't even mind that Sakura caught up, but they caught everyone up. That was my beef. Hell, even background characters had become developed (Really? They're gonna make the Hokage's kid grandson useful to some degree? Leave somebody out, hotdamn).

Well, DB is quite different in style than DB, though it quickly evolved from gagmanga territory. You should try the DBZ manga, and maybe the Kai series.

Naruto got a few things on DBZ. Namely, they kept things fresh. I respect that when done well. Bleach seems to have been stumbling near the last finished strory arc, and I don't know what to think about the current one.

On the subject of these types of anime, does anybody know some good ones aside from the mentioned manga in this topic? I think my well's running dry.

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 12:22 am
by Marilink
I don't think Ultra ever claimed to be a DBZ fan.

What do you mean that "even Sakura" becomes powerful? Was she not supposed to...?