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Animated Video Game Adaptations

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:50 am
by Apollo the Just

How many anime/animated movies/whatevers have you seen based on video games? Why did you decide to watch them [because you liked the game it was based off of or because it just looked interesting]?



so, I ask this because I've been sporadically watching the Persona 4 anime. By "sporadically" I really mean I've just been watching the Naoto episodes because Naoto is all that matters. Anyway, there are some aspects of it I really like and think are cool but it gets lamely slapstick at points and DEAR GOD THE JAPANESE VOICES ARE ATROCIOUS COMPARED TO THE AMERICAN ONES WHY.

Anyway, I usually find these shows are worth watching because if nothing else they satiate my desire for MOAR. The ToS ovas, for example, were pretty abysmal as far as stand-alone anime are concerned but I enjoyed them nonetheless for no reason other than the fact that it was ToS.

The Abyss anime was better although not perfect. I heard somewhere that the adaptation of Vesperia is actually kind of a PREQUEL to the game, which I thought was really neat and could be great but I should play the game again first because I don't remember anything much other than there was a squirrel in the final panel of the game [the little picture of happiness that says the end].


THEN OF COURSE THERE IS THE LAYTON MOVIE. The only game-based adaptation of any sort that was actually, like, SUPER AWESOME. I watched it expecting it to suck but it was amazing and had giant robots and puzzles and swordfights and swordfights on top of giant robots and it was brilliant.

tl;dr no matter what you come up with the layton movie wins this thread but you can go ahead and try. What things do you like that have to do with video games. Tell me. now

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:55 am
by Valigarmander
I see you've already brought up the Layton movie.

I can't recall many video game cartoons. There were those terrible DiC Mario/Zelda/Sonic/Captain N cartoons in the early nineties. There was also an Earthworm Jim cartoon, which wasn't all that bad. Sonic X was okay, but the FUNimation dub kind of ruined it. Ditto for Kirby: Right Back At Ya.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:04 am
by Booyakasha
'Sonic SatAM' was pretty good. SMBSS was all right, too.

Still haven't watched the Layton movie. Because I'm a terrible person.

I've seen a lot of fighting game adaptations. 'Street Fighter II---The Animated Movie' is jawsome, as is 'Street Fighter Alpha'. 'Street Fighter II V' is...just okay. The 'Tekken' movie, the 'Samurai Shodown' one, and the 'Fatal Fury' series are pretty good, and 'Night Warriors' is nuts. 'Power Stone' is kind of crap (unforgivable, considering the greatness of the source material). I guess little kids might like it.

Is '.hack' a game-to-show adaptation or the other way round? Either way, it's great.

'Sonic: The Movie' was sort of odd. I liked it enough to try and find it on DVD, but it's hard to find these days.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:04 am
by Ace Mercury
There was the Chrono Trigger OVA, which had Gato the robot terrorizing people. I forget the details of the plot, but it was kinda bad, but watchable.

Eternal Diva was pretty awesome. Layton plots always revolve around a false pretense: what you thought was impossible really was impossible and some other impossible thing happened instead. And then giant robots for some reason. I liked Remy though, the April O'Neil lookalike, and it lends the "kickass detective" action that Luke doesn't satisfy.

And, um, Pokemon? That counts too.

Re: dubs -- Yeah, dubs always sound weird. Assuming they're done by actual professionals, it doesn't matter which one you hear first (Japanese or English), the second one is always weird.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:17 pm
by X-3
the only voice that annoys me is Rise's

Persona 4 is a good adaption if only because of Narukami.


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:51 pm
by Booyakasha
Ace Mercury wrote:And then giant robots for some reason.
Giant robots are a reason unto themselves.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:17 pm
by Apollo the Just

and the Mario ones of course but I remember the former more vividly. Such pure atrociousness that it is AMAZING. [strike]yes I have watched all of it[/strike]

I watched a ton of Sonic cartoons, too. I watched Sonic X ALL the time because of the SA/SA2 arcs that me and my sister fangirled over, even if it isn't that great of a series and Chris Thorndike can jump off of a cliff.

I really liked SatAM, though. One of the few successes on America's part when it comes to video game cartoons.

....not sure how I managed to forget about Pokemon. d'oh.


^^ The fact that Rise's voice is the only one that annoys you implies that you can ACTUALLY STAND Teddie's. And that is beyond my human comprehension. His voice is like cheese grates scraping against my eardrums

^ Giant Robots are what makes the Layton series what it is. Take perfection and add giant robots, achieve ultimate win.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:23 am
I remember watching the Fatal Fury adaptation, that was something neat.

The Art of Fighting adaptation was just plain strange. Then again the original series had such a cliche plot and generic characters (Robert Garcia not withstanding, the classy mother****er). Also the one I saw was in Spanish so I could only follow like 1/20th of it. Apparently not many people liked it at all, so eh.

I saw a bit of that Tales of Vesperia prequel movie. Yuri being his sarcastic self was awesome.

I'll echo Boo's opinion on the Street Fighter II movie, that was excellent ****.

Other Tales series, I saw a couple episodes of the Tales of Eternia anime. Neat, but holy crap the character models are uhhhhhh

I didn't see much for Tales of Phantasia, but I'm just surprised there was DUB of it.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:51 am
by Kargath
The only one I've watched for any reasonable length of time is Pokemon.

Actually, does Digimon count as an adaptation?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:48 am
by Booyakasha
^^Hardly needs saying, but Chun-Li vs. Vega battle is fantastic. Probably my favourite anime fight scene. Also, anime purist lamers can say what they want, but whoever made the decision to shoot the blah original music out of the saddle in favour of KMFDM--'Ultra', that man is a champion.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:12 pm
by FlyingWaffles
I started watching the Disgaea anime after getting into the game, but the game is a lot better in my opinion. As awesome as it was to see Flonne shooting rocket launchers at Laharl in the first episode, the anime does things ALL out of order.
Just couldn't really get into it. :/

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:43 pm
by Apollo the Just
Loot wrote:Other Tales series, I saw a couple episodes of the Tales of Eternia anime. Neat, but holy crap the character models are uhhhhhh
WORD. That's exactly how I felt about the ToS ova... everyone looks really retarded and awkward.

They should've copied the manga's style. The manga's art is really adorable and pretty and everyone looks not stupid

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:59 pm
by 1-up Salesman
My siblings and I really enjoyed the Layton movie- we just watched the Sonic: The Movie DVD, since my little brother's been on a huge Sonic kick (he beat Sonic Generations in three days :D ) and it was enjoyed by all, despite the dubbing, naturally, being criticized.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:45 am
by Apollo the Just





Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:29 pm
I would certainly hope they make main guy's personality good since he's just awkward to look at

[QUOTE="CuccoLady, post: 1325993, member: 30977"]WORD. That's exactly how I felt about the ToS ova... everyone looks really retarded and awkward.

They should've copied the manga's style. The manga's art is really adorable and pretty and everyone looks not stupid[/QUOTE]

Well the ToE anime is basically 90's American adaptions of video games, oddly enough.


Compare to typical Tales art


... boy for a red-headed hero he's dressed rather silly, I just noticed.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:30 pm
by Apollo the Just
^ lmao yeah that screen looks like it coulda been taken from Lodoss War