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Best, Worst, Weirdest
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:38 pm
by Apollo the Just
What is the best, worst, and weirdest of the anime you have seen? The cartoons?
"Best" can either mean literally the best-quality show you've seen, or it can be one that you admit is not all that great but that is your favorite. Whatever floats your boat.
Anime, for me:
BEST= FMA:Brotherhood. God this show is awesome. I mean, I have a lot of anime that I fangirl over, but this one a) is not 8 billion episodes long, b) is not filled with.. fillers... and c) has Roy Mustang. Mmm.
I also really like DuRaRaRa, which I only got around to seeing recently. Shows I fangirl over include Detective Conan and One Piece.
WORST= Garzey's Wing dub, which is arguably not all that bad because of the insane levels of amusement... and because it's everyone's go-to bad anime. Sorry for being unoriginal. The other bad anime I've seen I didn't stick around to watch enough of to remember the title, unfortunately.
I saw enough Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh to know exactly why I should never see them again, though. Not god-awful per se but certainly not really worth the time, imo. I wouldn't call either of them the worst anime I've ever seen but I would not call them good either lawl
WEIRDEST= really really hard to choose because so much anime is weird by definition, but I would say so far that Mirai Nikki takes the cake for the weirdest show I've seen. It's both awesome and ****ed up and I'm pretty sure my favorite phrase while watching it was "what the hell?"
now, for cartoons--
BEST= Avatar: the Last Airbender. Amazing. Love. Also, Toph. <333
I'm also quite a fan of Invader Zim now that I've gotten around to watching it. And no, not just because GIR, unlike pretty much everyone I know lawl
WORST= I might get hate for this but Ed, Edd and Eddy is quite possibly the biggest pile of crap I've ever had the misfortune of watching. There are plenty of awful cartoons, and I don't want to really name all of them, but this is one that sticks out as something I hate with a fiery burning passion.
WEIRDEST= ......... ill get back to you on this one
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:41 pm
by DarkZero
I tend to avoid -est terms because everything is really in it's own category for quality.
Also, I don't watch much anime, anyway.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:44 pm
by Apollo the Just
i have this strange inkling that you may or may not like this cartoon called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but i could be mistaken sir ;{D
You don't have to limit yourself to just one [god knows I didn't], you can just rave about any shows you love, vent about a show you hate, and mention strange mind****s you've seen recently.
Or you can go chill in the MLP thread. whatever bro :{D
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:41 pm
by Spritedude
Not sure if I've really watched enough anime/cartoons to have a such a range as best to worst, but here's my two cents.
Best: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I've been reading the manga since it first started, and it's been my favorite manga series since, but I was thrown off by the fact that the anime had a completely different story. Then Brotherhood came out, and 'twas awesome. Though I still liked the manga a bit better, there's a few things I always nitpick about in the anime (I HATE Al's voice >_<).
Worst: Pretty much any of those animes made to promote toy frachises, like Bakugan, Beyblade, etc. Two exceptions would be the original Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh series, just for nostalgia if anything. Also, Naruto and Bleach are on my list for "not bad, but really overrated".
Weirdest: Fooly Cooly. But it's weird in a good way, I enjoyed it.
Best: Jeez, that's like asking what child I like best. I'm gonna agree with CL and go with Avatar: The Last Airbender. Probably the most epic and well-made kid's adventure show.... maybe ever.
Worst: Way too many to list. Most of the shows Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon have been airing have dipped in quality lately (key word "most"). ...Now that I think of it, I can't stand Squidbillies, so that.
Weirdest: Out of the cartoons I've watched, I'd have to say Courage the Cowardly Dog. Defenitely a few times where I asked myself "wtf am I watching". Still a good show of course.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:45 pm
by Apollo the Just
(I HATE Al's voice >_<).
Did you watch Japanese or the dub? I know people who love the dub and can't stand the Japanese, and vice versa.
Personally I like both casts, they each have their strong and weak points. The problem in Japanese being that both protagonists are so clearly voiced by womanly women that it is a bit distracting x{D
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:09 pm
by Spritedude
CuccoLady wrote:Did you watch Japanese or the dub? I know people who love the dub and can't stand the Japanese, and vice versa.
Personally I like both casts, they each have their strong and weak points. The problem in Japanese being that both protagonists are so clearly voiced by womanly women that it is a bit distracting x{D
I only watched the Japanese version once, and yeah, the protagonists sound way too young, especially Ed. I'm okay with most of the English voices, in fact they're pretty much spot on how I imagined them to sound like. The thing that bothers me about Al's voice though, is that he's supposed to be 14, only 1 year younger than Ed, but he sounds like a little kid, and in the Brotherhood dub, I can tell he's voiced by a woman at times. I know that Al is supposed to be a rather soft character, and I know they were going for the irony of a kid's voice coming from a huge suit of armor, but I think they could still get that effect if he sounded just a little closer to his age. Maybe hate is too strong of a word. His voice works, but it just wasn't what I had in mind. Just my opinion though.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:13 pm
by Apollo the Just
Oh no, I completely agree with you. I really don't like Al's voice either. I was just curious which you watched
One more thing that bugs me about the dub is that despite Ed's voice being awesome, it really does NOT work for the flashbacks where he's ten x{D
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:36 pm
by Booyakasha
Well, I don't know from 'best', but 'Bebop' is sort of the total package, as far as I'm concerned. Animation's top-notch, writing and characterisation are class, and the music...yeah. The first series of '.hack' really struck a chord with me, too. 'Champloo' and 'Trigun' are class. I liked 'Evangelion' and 'Berserk' a lot, even though they both get a little screwy towards the end.
I've actually spent more time on cartoons than on anime the past couple years. 'Avatar' and 'Samurai Jack' are the bee's knees. 'Adventure Time' is a lot of fun, and I've yet to see a bad episode of 'Phineas and Ferb' or MLPFiM.
(EDIT: 'Archer' is one of my favourite shows on TV just now. It's dead good----really sharp, clever writing. You go watch it, my son.)
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:51 pm
by Bomby
Anime -
Best: Neon Genesis Evangelion. Sure, it's not a perfect series by any means, and I don't blame anyone who felt alienated by it. Personally, I feel that at its best, it reached artistic heights that very few anime or cartoon series I've ever seen have accomplished.
I also feel the need to mention Paranoia Agent. R.I.P. Satoshi Kon.
Worst: Samurai Champloo. What was the point of this?
Weirdest: Fooly Cooly. Obvious answer is obvious. Azumanga Daioh had its beautifully strange moments as well, but I wouldn't consider the show to be that weird overall.
Best: Daria. That girl has my sense of humor.
Pretty much just as good: Early seasons of The Simpsons, Warner Bros. Looney Toons and Merrie Melodies shorts. The Warner Bros. stuff has some of the highest quality hand-drawn animation in existence.
Worst: I know I've probably seen worse, but the first thing that comes to mind is American Dad. That Seth Macfarlane guy and I just don't click. At all.
Weirdest: Baman Piderman. No comment.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:01 pm
by Apollo the Just
^^ I've never even HEARD of Archer. I will put that on my "try this out when you want to procrastinate" list lawl
^Oh god I forgot the Warner Brothers shows. Classics.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:24 pm
by Rainbow Dash
Best: Gurren Lagann probably. Robots.
Worst: why did i watch lucky star again
Weirdest: Nichijou, and that's only from the two episodes I've seen.
Worst: I can't believe I ever liked Kids Next Door.
Weirdest: Courage the Cowardly Dog. Show owned though.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:30 pm
by Valigarmander
Best anime? Cowboy Bebop. It's just fantastic.
Worst anime? I don't think I've seen enough anime to have a worst one.
Weirdest anime? Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. I still don't understand what it was about.
Best cartoon? Maybe Batman: The Animated Series. Also, I've only seen a little bit of Avatar, but it seemed pretty great to me.
Worst cartoon? Johnny Test. Dear Goddard, Johnny Test. I've never seen anything so ****ty before.
Weirdest cartoon? I dunno. Chowder?
CuccoLady wrote:WORST= I might get hate for this but Ed, Edd and Eddy is quite possibly the biggest pile of crap I've ever had the misfortune of watching. There are plenty of awful cartoons, and I don't want to really name all of them, but this is one that sticks out as something I hate with a fiery burning passion.

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:52 pm
by Apollo the Just
my reason for creating this thread was definitely not just wanting new animu
Oh, Bebop's another one I've been meaning to watch. Because about ten different people who like the same stuff I do have told me to get on my lazy ass and watch it.
It's pretty short, right? I imagine next to One Piece I could go through it in a day or two x{D
^^ gee idk ur favrit cartun itz hard 2 tlel
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:55 pm
by Microphone_Kirby
Off the top of my head:
Like: Gundam Wing, School Days.
Hate: ... Can't say I hate any anime.
Cuckoo: FLCL, Midori Days.
Other Cartoons:
Like: MLP:FiM, Looney Tunes, Freakazoid.
Hate: Every Cartoon Network Original. Didn't like anything I saw.
Cuckoo: MLP:FiM (probably why I like it

), Freakazoid, anything Terry Gilliam makes.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:20 pm
by FlyingWaffles
Best Anime:
My favorite anime is pretty much FMA hands down (I've never seen Brotherhood). I actually like Al's voice, and I just couldn't imagine him having a more mature sounding one.
The first season of Death Note was fantastic, though I never watched it past then. Wolf's Rain starts off great as well, though it sort of loses its touch after a while. I practically grew up on the first season of Pokemon.
Worst Anime:
I haven't necessarily seen any that I hate with a fiery passion, but Naruto did start to annoy me a while in. Like Spritedude, I basically find anything used to promote toy products as terrible.
Weirdest Anime:
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. Dude fights with his mustache. I enjoyed DBZ, but the incessant screaming and obsession with fighting was pretty weird.
Best Cartoon:
Adventure Time. I love that shizz. Avatar seems pretty cool too, though I haven't seen much of it and what I did see was quite a while ago.
Worst Cartoon:
Johnny Test. I'd rather impale my eyes with a spoon.
Weirdest Cartoon:
Probably Adventure Time as well, though that's one of the reasons I found it awesome. Flapjack was just weird. In a creepy, slightly disturbing way.
Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:39 pm
by Apollo the Just
^Dude, my favorite anime was the 'original' FMA for the longest time. Halfway through Brotherhood I was convinced otherwise. You should definitely watch it :{D
also, for weirdest cartoon, [quote="mk]anything Terry Gilliam makes[/quote]
does anyone have any animated series from other cultures they like? As in beyond Japanese or American?
I ask because I absolutely love this French series called Wakfu and i need to find a place that has season 2 streaming because i must watch moar argh
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:51 am
by DarkZero
Valigarmander wrote:Best anime? Cowboy Bebop. It's just fantastic.
Worst anime? I don't think I've seen enough anime to have a worst one.
Weirdest anime? Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. I still don't understand what it was about.
Best cartoon? Maybe Batman: The Animated Series. Also, I've only seen a little bit of Avatar, but it seemed pretty great to me.
Worst cartoon? Johnny Test. Dear Goddard, Johnny Test. I've never seen anything so ****ty before.
Weirdest cartoon? I dunno. Chowder?

I revise my list; Val has all of my opinions.
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:00 am
by Apollo the Just
ok so maybe Johnny Test is slightly more ****ty than Ed, Edd and Eddy, but NOT BY MUCH. It's like saying successful murder is slightly worse than intended murder.
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:16 am
by Valigarmander
Explain yourself regarding EE'n'E. This is serious business.
Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:18 am
by Rainbow Dash
let's go eat jawbreakers without CL