Jurassic Park 4

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Jurassic Park 4


Post by Bad Dragonite » Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:10 am

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jurassic_P ... sic_Park_4
Jurassic Park 4

In June 2002, director Steven Spielberg told Starlog magazine that he planned to produce Jurassic Park IV and that director Joe Johnston, who helmed Jurassic Park III, would direct it. In November 2002, screenwriter William Monahan was hired to write,with the film's release slated for summer 2005. In July 2003, Monahan completed the first draft, with the story no longer set in the jungle. Actor Sam Neill said he was returning as Dr. Alan Grant, with filming expected to begin in 2004 in California and Hawaii. In September 2004, screenwriter John Sayles was re-writing the script, with the film re-slated for a winter 2005 release.

In October 2004, paleontologist Jack Horner said he would return as technical adviser for the fourth film as he had done for previous Jurassic Park films. By April 2005, special effects artist Stan Winston explained that the delay in production was due to repeated revisions of the film's script, none of which satisfied Spielberg. According to Winston, "He felt neither of [the drafts] balanced the science and adventure elements effectively. It's a tough compromise to reach, as too much science will make the movie too talky, but too much adventure will make it seem hollow." In March 2007, Laura Dern was asked to return for the new film, which Universal still wanted to release by 2008. Director Joe Johnston was also reported not to be directing the film. Richard Attenborough has been contacted about reprising the role of John Hammond.Jeff Goldblum has expressed some interest in reprising his role for the fourth film.

In December 2008, Frank Marshall and Kathleen Kennedy were asked if there was any development on the sequel. Kennedy responded, "No... I don't know. You know, when Michael Crichton passed away, I sorta felt maybe that's it. Maybe that's a sign that we don't mess with it."While Marshall and Kennedy were no longer signed with Universal Pictures in a production capacity, the two will remain involved with the studio and its plans for Jurassic Park IV. In November 2009, Joe Johnston discussed the possibility of Jurassic Park IV, stating that the story for the film is completely different from that of its predecessors and would take the franchise into a whole other trilogy.

Jurassic Park III director Joe Johnston revealed in an interview in January 2010 that Jurassic Park IV was set to be the beginning of a second Jurassic Park trilogy. He also added, “Jurassic Park 4 is going to be unlike anything you’ve seen.” Johnston says once he finishes Captain America, he hopefully will develop Jurassic Park IV with Steven Spielberg. Joe Johnston enthusiastically has confirmed the likelihood of the film's production more than once. On June 15th 2011, it was reported that Steven Spielberg has been brainstorming with writer Mark Protosevich on a film that happens to be the fourth film in the franchise. It is unclear whether it is a reboot or the fourth installment of the original series. During a new interview with Joe Johnston in July 2011, he states that Jurassic Park 4 is being discussed and will be a spin off of the history of the first trilogy.

At the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con, Spielberg confirmed that preparations for Jurassic Park 4 were in progress, with a story ready and a script being written. Spielberg said that it would be possibly released "within the next two or three years", with a representative from Universal saying 2013 would be the preferred deadline for completion.

Interesting.. I know at some point there was talk of a more sci-fi aspect of militaries weaponizing the dinosaurs. Essentially being the same idea as an old Saturday morning cartoon.
That said, No idea where they're going. Thoughts?
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Post by Deepfake » Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:19 am

My thoughts are that they should let this awful series stay dead, and that anyone involved in the making of the third one should definitely not be allowed near the film industry again.
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Post by Booyakasha » Fri Sep 09, 2011 10:21 am

Should have stopped at one.
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Post by Leinad » Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:28 am

First thing I thought of when VGFian mentioned weaponising the dinosaurs was Dino Crisis 3.

I hope this never happens, I mean the dinosaurs are incredibly inaccurate (much as I do love the original film and book) and the third film was terrible. That said I always thought lost world wasn't that bad, but then I saw it last when I was about ten.
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Post by Antisocial » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:42 pm

did you spot the pun

Hollywood seems dead set on overkilling classic franchises.

More than usual.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:45 pm

This might end up being better than Die Hard 5, which was also recently announced...
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by CapitaineGame » Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:35 am

Recently got back from seeing the original JP on the big screen again since it first released, had a great time.

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