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Series 6/32 of Doctor Who.
Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 7:07 pm
by Nomyt
Very, very exciting first episode. Spoilers follow
[Spoiler]Doctor gets shot[/Spoiler]
Didn't believe that when it happened. I was all "Wow, that's different"
[Spoiler]The aliens that you forget about when you look away from them[/Spoiler]
Interesting idea. Kinda weird, but guess it works.
[Spoiler]The spaceship from "The Lodger" has the same controls as the ship that River and Rory where in[/Spoiler]
Same one?
[Spoiler]Amy says she's pregnant at the end of the episode, is she?[/Spoiler]
Again? Although, I guess the first time doesn't count.
[Spoiler]Little Girl in the spacesuit getting shot by amy[/Spoiler]
Who knows what will happen next week to resolve that!!
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:51 am
by StarryPeach
The Doctor wrote:[Spoiler]Doctor gets shot[/Spoiler]
Didn't believe that when it happened. I was all "Wow, that's different"
[spoiler]then I saw him later and was even more "WHAT THE ****". River bitchslapping him was awesome, though [noparse]

The Doctor wrote:[Spoiler]The aliens that you forget about when you look away from them[/Spoiler]
Interesting idea. Kinda weird, but guess it works.
They're freaking CREEPY.
The Doctor wrote:[Spoiler]The spaceship from "The Lodger" has the same controls as the ship that River and Rory where in[/Spoiler]
Same one?
I doubt it, since [spoiler]it was destroyed in "The Lodger". Could be another one[/spoiler]
The Doctor wrote:[Spoiler]Amy says she's pregnant at the end of the episode, is she?[/Spoiler]
Again? Although, I guess the first time doesn't count.
[spoiler]She did look like she put on a bit of weight, but I don't think that's what she wanted to tell the Doctor.[/spoiler]
The Doctor wrote:[Spoiler]Little Girl in the spacesuit getting shot by amy[/Spoiler]
Who knows what will happen next week to resolve that!!
That better get resolved. D<
All in all... a very good episode. I really like Eleven now--he's coming into his own. :3
Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:52 pm
by Nomyt
I liked Eleven not long into "11th hour". Sadly episodes 2 and 3 of series five/31 sucked, but he had brilliant episodes after that.
[Spoiler]it was destroyed in "The Lodger". Could be another one [/Spoiler]
Yeah, I meant that. Sorry.
Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 1:53 pm
by Nomyt
Wow, on the second episode "Day of the moon"
Answered some questions and added a load more but most importantly.......
[Spoiler] The little girl is a Timelord Child, she regenerates at the end of the episode. [/Spoiler]
I'm not saying any more than that. Just wow!
Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:32 pm
by 1-up Salesman
great episodes. Much better than Series 5. Vincent and The Doctor was one of the worst episodes ever made.
[Spoiler] Doctor getting killed. Guess that'll need to be resolved somehow.
Amy's pregnant. Still seems a bit like she loves the Doctor. They haven't quite gotten around that. When Rory brought it up, she was like, "Him? WTF, Rory?! It's not like I tried to pin him against my bedroom wall and make out with him. No, no."
Riversong is amazing. It was nice seeing all the aliens getting killed, and the Doctor didn't even cry about it. Niiiice.
The FBI guy was cool. Up until the end. That's. Really. Unnecessary!
My dad thinks that they bonded Amy and the Doctor's DNA to create that kid.
Oh, and about the fake TARDIS, I guess the Silence have made several. The characters may have even seen the Silence when they were in that room in "The Lodger," but they wouldn't remember it.
Overall, very good. [/spoiler]
Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:59 pm
by Deku Tree
Great start to the season. Really looking forward to seeing where this all goes. You know, I only recently thought about the fact that Rory is older than the Doctor.
Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 5:22 pm
by 1-up Salesman
^ You mean the actor?
Oh, you mean the android Rory. Yeah, but that's not really Rory, I don't think. Well, maybe there's a connection of sorts, like they mentioned earlier.
Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 9:47 pm
by StarryPeach
^ I think he means the actor. Arthur Darvill is about four months older than Matt Smith.
The Doctor wrote:Wow, on the second episode "Day of the moon"
Answered some questions and added a load more but most importantly.......
[Spoiler] The little girl is a Timelord Child, she regenerates at the end of the episode. [/Spoiler]
I'm not saying any more than that. Just wow!
That. I was all "what the hell"
[spoiler]River Song. I admire that woman more and more. Such a badass, omg. :3
Poor Rory. Having to live in the Doctor's shadow and never being sure of how Amy feels for him. :/[/spoiler]
Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:54 pm
by Nomyt
1-up Salesman wrote:^ You mean the actor?
Oh, you mean the android Rory. Yeah, but that's not really Rory, I don't think. Well, maybe there's a connection of sorts, like they mentioned earlier.
Actually Rory is Human Rory now. Since technically all the stuff before Pandorica Opens, never happened. But they still remember everything happening.
Vincent and The Doctor was one of the worst episodes ever made.
Hush! It's a beautiful story. Better than Beast Below, and Victory of the Daleks.
River is sooo bad-ass.
Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 1:55 pm
by Deku Tree
Nah, I meant the character. At least, his mind has more years of memories. You'd think he'd have gained some confidence at some point.
Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 7:52 pm
by 1-up Salesman
The Doctor wrote:
Hush! It's a beautiful story. Better than Beast Below, and Victory of the Daleks.
It's on, man.
It just didn't really feel right for two reasons-
1) The Doctor acting like an idiot
2) Them showing Vincent his future, when for the past thirty (at least) years, the Doctor has been going on and on about how you DON'T do that
3) The music playing at the end. It felt a bit cheesey and too Russel T. Davies-ish. Much like Twilight.
I can't agree more with you on River though.
The Doctor wrote:Actually Rory is Human Rory now. Since technically all the stuff before Pandorica Opens, never happened. But they still remember everything happening.
I know. But
that wasn't Rory. That was a robot, to put it to its simplest term.
Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 12:43 pm
by Nomyt
1-up Salesman wrote:1) The Doctor acting like an idiot
2) Them showing Vincent his future, when for the past thirty (at least) years, the Doctor has been going on and on about how you DON'T do that
3) The music playing at the end. It felt a bit cheesey and too Russel T. Davies-ish. Much like Twilight..
1.) The Doctor always acts Idiot-ish. To hide some of the genius.
2.) The Doctor uses his own digression on subjects like that. I'm guessing he knew Vincent wouldn't do anything different. Just give him peace of mind that he was making a difference to the world of art. Which was why he was slightly shocked that Vincent started crying.
3.) Can agree to a point. I don't like it when they put any pop/current music in it. (Britney "Toxic", soft cell "Tainted Love", and whatever song adelle sung in Impossible astronaut.) Although I liked ELO "Mr blue sky"
Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 4:47 pm
by 1-up Salesman
The Doctor wrote:1.) The Doctor always acts Idiot-ish. To hide some of the genius.
2.) The Doctor uses his own digression on subjects like that. I'm guessing he knew Vincent wouldn't do anything different. Just give him peace of mind that he was making a difference to the world of art. Which was why he was slightly shocked that Vincent started crying.
3.) Can agree to a point. I don't like it when they put any pop/current music in it. (Britney "Toxic", soft cell "Tainted Love", and whatever song adelle sung in Impossible astronaut.) Although I liked ELO "Mr blue sky"
1) Eh, okay, I guess. Though I don't remember him doing stuff like that. My problem was the whole "him swinging around a stick" and they're like "Doctor it's gone" and he's like "oh okay heh heh ya i'm smart."
2. Okay, maybe. But he just kinda acted like he had never said that was wrong. Also, there was the whole thing about cracked time going on. Look at what happened to Rose's dad. And what happened in that episode before the End of Time with him changing time. He KNOWS that will cause a disaster. Okay, maybe he knew that Vincent wouldn't do anything different, but he acted all suprised when he still killed himself. It just didn't work.
3. Whatever.
However, I do not wish to start an argument with you, but a polite discussion. I can understand that opinions may and will differ.
Posted: Sat May 07, 2011 6:59 pm
by Nomyt
Episode three has been shown over here. Slightly predictable. But it was still good.
[Spoiler] The women that amy saw through that slidey door appears again in this episode. I'm guessing that going to be the mid series finale or end of series finale[/Spoiler]
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 2:07 pm
by 1-up Salesman
Episode 3? Pure bull****.
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 4:49 pm
by Nomyt
^ Huh?
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:11 pm
by 1-up Salesman
It was terrible. The siren had the head of a five year-old girl and was just unimpressive. I'm not looking for MIND-BLOWING SPECIAL EFFECTZ, but the flying around was just...awkward.
Why did Amy need to [Spoiler] dress up like a pirate to save the Doctor? Just grabbing the sword would have been enough. [/spoiler] Also, [Spoiler] I can understand that the pirates were afraid because they didn't want to be cut, but what the crap was that about- Amy doing a bunch of sword-twirling. Sigh... [/spoiler]
[Spoiler] Rory near-death was unnecessary and useless. [/spoiler]
I swear, all these writers are just Russel T. Davies in disguise. However, the next episode sounds interesting, but looks overdone. Hopefully it will be good. You know why?
[Spoiler] The Doctor said something about a living Time Lord in the Episode 4 preview. [/spoiler]
The next episode's title: [Spoiler] The Doctor's Wife[/spoiler]
I'm sick of pointless filler. I want a more story-focused series, rather than just a beginning, filler, and a finale. However, Series 6 is getting close to that, because there will be a Mid-Series Finale as well.
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:19 pm
by Nomyt
1-up Salesman wrote: Why did Amy need to [Spoiler] dress up like a pirate to save the Doctor? Just grabbing the sword would have been enough. [/spoiler] Also, [Spoiler] I can understand that the pirates were afraid because they didn't want to be cut, but what the crap was that about- Amy doing a bunch of sword-twirling. Sigh... [/spoiler]
I think they fall under then "When In Rome" catagory cos to be honest.....I would totally [Spoiler]Dress up as a pirate if I were on a pirateship to save the others and spin the sword[/spoiler]...then again I'm a showman.
Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 5:35 pm
by Deku Tree
I like one-off stories, and Doctor Who is a nice vehicle for stories like this. I think they're easier to appreciate in reruns when you aren't eager to see where the bigger story arc is going.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:45 am
by 1-up Salesman
Well, stuff like "Blink" is good. But it feels like, for the most part, the one-off stories don't have too much thought put into them.