Guilty Pleasure Movies!!!

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Guilty Pleasure Movies!!!


Post by Bomby » Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:19 pm

AKA Movies that we like them in spite of (or because of) their crappyness.

My top three:
#3: The Room
Obvious choice, but whatever. Smart move marketing the film as a comedy, even though watching the film it's obvious that it was actually a failed attempt at a melodrama.
#2: Storm Riders
Might be the most unintentionally hilarious film of all time, thanks to the outdated CGI and cheesy acting. Ekin Cheng is the king of so-bad-its-good cinema.
#1: Twins Effect
Number one because my enjoyment of it isn't purely ironic. Also, what could possibly be a better concept for a movie than having two cute Chinese girls slay vampires? Also, has Ekin Cheng.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:35 pm

ThanksKillling's probably my favorite of movies like this; Troll 2 and The Room are also great.

And then there's the Nicolas Cage collection: The Wicker Man, Face/Off, Vampire's Kiss, The Rock, etc.
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Post by LOOT » Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:21 pm

Rambo: First Blood: Part II. I'm with AVGN, it's ridiculous but surprisingly still enjoyable.

Also, Bambi II and Lion King II. *Shrug*

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