That comic AS draws with all the animu girls in it.
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:55 pm
Another installment demonstrating my crippling loneliness.
Okay, my stupid self-depreciation shtick aside, I'm honestly thinking my comic series is overstaying its welcome on this site, but seeing that my threads still accrue a multitude of views a day, I can only assume a bunch of you still enjoy this. In addition to VGF currently trying to improve its activity, I can't help but contribute more to the amusement of others by continuing to post these comics I e-mail to HotD.
So here's thread number four. Let's see how far I get.
Introductory post below.
Including the irrelevant feedback. That's always enjoyable.

Jerk: Niin Tenn
Innocence twisted: Mirasu Fugu
Eversed Mirasu: Nidesu Fugu
Okay, my stupid self-depreciation shtick aside, I'm honestly thinking my comic series is overstaying its welcome on this site, but seeing that my threads still accrue a multitude of views a day, I can only assume a bunch of you still enjoy this. In addition to VGF currently trying to improve its activity, I can't help but contribute more to the amusement of others by continuing to post these comics I e-mail to HotD.
So here's thread number four. Let's see how far I get.
Introductory post below.
Feedback welcome but not mandatory.Anyway, these are comic strips I do every now and then. Some censored for the chaste eyes of VGF. First, a few things you should know.
1. I created these characters circa 2000 and developed them with HotD's help meticulously for around the course of five years, and the basic premise revolves around a Shy Guy who teaches a girls' P.E. class (no, seriously) including slice-of-life episodes of the students. You would probably think it's the brainchild of a socially bereft nerd who's making a lame attempt to mix up his fondness for Mario and manga art befitting of Deviantart and general fanfiction. Well, that's because it is. But hey, I'm showing it to you anyway.
2. I admit it--I like to draw stereotypical anime girls (MOE BISHOUJO STYLE REPRESENT). I have the intention to possibly use these characters professionally somehow someday (another harem series lol) and my basic concept is mixing manga with Western satire, but we'll see how that goes. As far as I'm concerned, I'm currently just drawing these for fun and faeries at the moment.
3. Speaking of Deviantart, I do not have a gallery anywhere on the internet (my tiny Photobucket page doesn't count). I do not have any plans to put up one anytime soon.
4. No, I currently have no desire to put up my own website for this. I'm posting them here for your amusement, and if that doesn't gel with anyone of authority, I honestly have no problem stopping altogether.
5. Some comics may be links. Click those comics for stupid Easter eggs.
Including the irrelevant feedback. That's always enjoyable.

Jerk: Niin Tenn
Innocence twisted: Mirasu Fugu
Eversed Mirasu: Nidesu Fugu