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Post by Bomby » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:28 pm

Is amazing.

It's also notable for being the first movie with Natalie Portman in it that I actually liked.

(unless you count Darjeeling Limited but she wasn't really in it that much)

Anyone else seen it?

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Post by Deepfake » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:16 am

The name rings a bell, but I don't really know anything about it. Trailer? Details?
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Post by Deku Tree » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:11 am

I want to, I just have to figure out how to convince the wife to let me see a movie where Kunis and Portman [spoiler]have oral sex.[/spoiler]

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Post by Bomby » Sat Jan 01, 2011 12:35 pm

Well, the trailer's here, but it gives away more than I would have liked to know, personally. Then again, watching the trailer you don't know the context of everything that's happening yet, so...

It's very much a thriller, kind of reminiscent of Perfect Blue. I'd give it the comparison to Hitchcock but ****ing every thriller is compared to Hitchcock.

I would have spoilerized the whole Kunis/Portman thing but I guess people know about it out there. Actually, it's far from being the most memorable part of the movie, and I'm not just saying that to try to not sound like a pervert. Or maybe I just don't find Natalie Portman attractive. Mila Kunis is cute, though.

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Post by United Nations » Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:04 am

^Yeah, after the movie was over, my friends were like, "Ew, that part was unnecessary." I was like, "Actually, it made sense that it was in there." And then I forgot about that scene until now.

Definitely a great movie. I loved all the camera work. I loved that the thriller parts were actually enough to get your heart racing. I love how unpredictable it was, minus the basic plot line. I loved pretty much all of it. I think I might go see it again with another group of people.

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Post by rockinricky310 » Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:10 pm

I want to this see... I heard its really intense. From what i've heard, its def not a chick flick right?

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