anime lengths

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anime lengths


Post by Apollo the Just » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:52 am

Sometimes it is refreshing to watch a nice like ten-episode series so that you watch it, get the plot, get attached to the characters, and wrap it up.

Then, you might get hooked on a series that goes on for five thousand episodes, happy that, if the series is awesome, at least you don't have to worry about it ending for awhile. However this also means that the plot takes its sweet time actually going anywhere. Have fun with filler episodes, filler ARCS even, and fifty-episode boss battles more often than not.

Then there's those in between, that are long-ish but actually get to the point without going on forever and ever and ridiculously ever.

What type do you usually watch? Do you give up on anything longer than 30 episodes? Do you get frustrated when a series ends too soon? What is your preference?

Personally I tend to get into longer series. My favorite series include FMA, which isn't that long but isn't really short either, and then OnePiece and Detective Conan, which are stupidly long. So I'm a patient type. x{D

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Post by Bad Dragonite » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:36 am

My favorites are usually around 26 episodes or less , wherever in the categories that land. ( I guess short)
(Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, etc.)

I'll sometimes try to watch a stupidly long series (like DBZ (or any DB series), One Piece or Naruto as a few examples people like to throw out,) but the length tends to be intimidating/ too time consuming so I move on to something shorter but (usually)better and less filler filled.

I do like some longer series, just I don't think Ive ever seen one all the way through because of the length(s).
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Post by Valigarmander » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:43 am

I'll watch anime of any length, but I rarely have the interest or the attention span to stick around and watch every episode.

To date I think the only anime series I've seen every episode of is FLCL.

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Post by Ace Mercury » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:26 am

The ones I watch are about 13 to 26 episodes long. I'm talking about...
  • Lucky Star (and other KyoAni series, like Haruhi, K-ON!)
  • Rozen Maiden
  • Bakemonogatari
  • Cowboy Bepop
  • Clannad
  • Honey and Clover
  • Kino no Tabi
  • etc.
If it's good, it'll usually get supplemented with another season (of 13 or 26 episodes). Also, there's nothing quite as awesome as an OVA for a series you love.

I watched a few longer series before I got bored of it. Ruruoni Kenshin petered off. I accidentally started watching Bleach for a while, before I realized that it's the new Naruto (which was the new Inuyasha, which was the new Dragon Ball Z, etc.). Long running series typically don't have a lot of meat per episode, since there's stuff like "recap from last episode" and "recap from two or three episodes ago".

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:44 am

Me? I'll watch anything.

I only can't stand it if the formula stays the same for too long, like Inuyasha. I mean the characters were good, and it had a nice setup, but it just never ended.

I haven't finished Hokuto No Ken, but I believe that's evidence of making a long anime good.

Also, I know there will be someone who'll say I'm stupid, but Dragon Ball Z is another good example.

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Post by t3hDarkness » Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:36 pm

I prefer for the series to have at twelve to twenty eight episodes and a clear ending.

I don't think anything other than Slayers has ever been any good after fifty episodes.

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Post by Rainbow Dash » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:56 pm

t3hDarkness wrote:I don't think anything other than Slayers has ever been any good after fifty episodes.
one piece


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Post by Speed » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:36 pm

My favorites are usually on one end of the spectrum or another, Baccano, Durarara and Bebop being in 10-30 length and One Piece and FMA being considerably longer.

Although Code Geass falls in the middle so exceptions to every rule.

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Post by Jenocide » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:36 pm

I usually prefer shorter anime.

I can't pay attention to Inuyasha, Naruto, or Bleach, but for some reason I liked DBZ and Yu Yu Hakusho.

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Post by chibimod3 » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:35 am

I can get to about 3 seasons at most then it just starts to get repetitive.

Eureka Seven (2 seasons and an awesome ova)
Gunslinger Girl (1 season and OVA might be 2 haven't checked.)
Nabari no Ou (1 Season)
Outlaw Star (1 Season)
Cowboy bebop (1 season one movie)
Ghost in Shell (3 seasons? x ova's)
Samuri Seven (1 Season)
Hikaru no Go (2 or 3 seasons can't remember)
Baki the Grappler( 1 season that I've seen)
Code Geass (2 seasons)
Lupin the 3rd (To much to count)
I tried on Naruto till they hit the wall of fillers after Sasuke leaves. And YuYu Hakesho till right after the tournament. Plus after so long its just to expensive to buy. I mean the running total of DBZ and Naruto and Bleach is well in the hundreds and hundreds of dollars.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:16 am

I tend to avoid the really long series as well just because unless I REALLY like it I really don't want to devote that much time to it, especially since they get forever to get anywhere. That's why there are really only two that I've bothered with. I gave up on Inuyasha after they got all of the pearl fragments the FIRST time, since I didn't like it enough to keep going. Same with both Naruto and Bleach-- after a certain point, I usually decide I just don't care enough to keep watching, so I don't.

Short anime, however, I'll almost always stick through with till the end because even if I don't particularly like it, I usually find it worth at least seeing how it finishes since it's not that long.
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Post by Deepfake » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:08 am

I like a few longer series, but have never seen all of something as long as DBZ and definitely not Ranma 1/2

To me, FMA:Brotherhood is probably near the top end of the spectrum in terms of the length of continuity I'd be willing to follow. I just don't have the attention span for hundreds of episodes with nothing happening in them.

FLCL is pretty high on the top of my list, and it's only 6 episodes, so I can't really say that being a short series detracts. After all, I do tend to like the feature film format better than the serialized format.
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Post by Apollo the Just » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:36 pm

Yeah, I really like the lengths of both FMA series, actually. They're long enough that lots of stuff can happen, but short enough that you don't have to devote your entire life to it and they are to-the-point.

Really long series are either all or nothing for me. If I really like it I'll stick around until the end; if I don't find it any better than just alright, I don't bother after fifty episodes or so.
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Post by Jere » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:41 pm

hmm i don't know, i steamrolled through 3 seasons of beyblade some time ago and i really enjoyed grenadier (for the story).

i think it comes down to a good work balance: story, animation and characters.

I list some to give a little pointer.

Black laggon 1
Love Hina 1-2
Digimon 1-2 (need a pointer to what the friggin pritt stick happend in the later series, pm me)
Yu gi oh Abridged
Ladies VS Buttlers
Panty & stocking

it's just that i read them more than watch the series.
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Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:44 pm

I like the shorter ones that give a clear story line with awesome characters and leave you wanting a heap more... :D
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Post by [sage] » Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:15 am

It doesn't really matter how long an anime is, as long as the series has an ending. I like watching stuff that's already finished. My ideal length is around 50 episodes, but some of my favorite series are much shorter and some are longer.
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