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Tron: Legacy
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 1:39 am
by Acradius
This movie blew my freaking mind out the back of my skull, and then made sweet love with the hole it left.
Very rarely does a digital masterpiece do such things as:
1) Give me the hots for a female character that is not dressed scantily, and is completely wholesome in personality.
2) Make old men look like the most awesome thing that ever happened to the world.
3) Force me to question my own ability to affect the world around me in any significant way.
It's the shiniest laser light show you'll ever see, set to an epic and emotionally involving story. All to a constant assault of the greatest electronic score ever composed, and performed by the masters of multitudes of mechanical musical mayhem, Daft Punk.
To the ordinary civilian, this movie is a masterpiece. To me, it was an epiphany.
Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 1:53 am
by Ace Mercury
Also, everything glows for no reason.
I never saw the entire original Tron movie before today, so we had a "screening" of the original Tron movie at work (we just took a projector and played it in a meeting room). Therefore, when I was watching this in the theatre tonight, I was totally nostalgic. I was all like, "Hey! That brings back fond memories of... three hours ago."
Also, I agree that Quorra is totally cute/hot. Especially that one scene where she's just chilling, laying down on the couch. She is dressed in a skin-tight latex suit, though, so it is pretty scanty (if you know what I mean).
[spoiler]Also, we all giggled at the end when he said to Quorra "I have something I want to show you." Because we were thinking it was his penis.[/spoiler]
Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:26 pm
by Deepfake
Acradius wrote:This movie blew my freaking mind out the back of my skull, and then made sweet love with the hole it left.
Very rarely does a digital masterpiece do such things as:
1) Give me the hots for a female character that is not dressed scantily, and is completely wholesome in personality.
2) Make old men look like the most awesome thing that ever happened to the world.
3) Force me to question my own ability to affect the world around me in any significant way.
It's the shiniest laser light show you'll ever see, set to an epic and emotionally involving story. All to a constant assault of the greatest electronic score ever composed, and performed by the masters of multitudes of mechanical musical mayhem, Daft Punk.
To the ordinary civilian, this movie is a masterpiece. To me, it was an epiphany.
Finding your credibility on the subject questionable, if you'd credit anything DP does over Juno Reactor. Just saying.
I'm interested in this film, in part because it represents to me that Disney is interested in creating more original film concepts, even if they're just resurrecting an abandoned franchise. There's a lot of untapped potential in the ideas surrounding Tron, it's too bad they've always explored it more as a commercial product than as an artistic thing.
I've read a few reviews, mostly criticizing the plot as shallow suspense/chase scenes. I could agree that it's disappointing they would setup an absent father plot and then do so little to flesh out the motivations and insecurities of the characters. I do think that film has moved past sailing on the strengths of actors alone, however. Your priorities might be a bit skewed if you're so wowed by the visual effects that you're proclaiming it a masterpiece. Most of the visual effects are procedurally generated, anyway. It's certainly attractive in comparison to the original, though.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 1:49 pm
by Jenocide
Tremble Rod wrote:it's too bad they've always explored it more as a commercial product than as an artistic thing
Yeahhh... at Disney World they had all sorts of Tron merch already and even had a Tron monorail.
I haven't seen it yet, but I'd like to. I like pretty pictures as much as the next girl, but I hope this movie is a little more than that :/
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 7:07 pm
by Apollo the Just
also, needs more dragons
I heard that this movie suffered from Avatar syndrome... i.e., they focused too much on the pretty that they forgot that the plot is kind of important.
I'm not convinced it's worth seeing, personally.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:48 pm
by Valigarmander
I never saw the original Tron.
I saw the episode parodying it on Dexter's Lab, though.
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:40 pm
by Bad Dragonite
I saw part of the original, liked it. Quite loved the Tron level in Kingdom Hearts II.
Never played the games though I owned a copy of one of them at some point. It didnt work for my system, however so I gave it to someone else.
I want to see this. If not for the film quality (which expect to at least enjoy slightly) then for Daft Punk. Because obviously everything they touch turns to win.