M_K gets bored and responds to Val
Granted what I'm about to say is nothing more than conjecture (or just joking around).
Valigarmander wrote:How can X-Wings and other starfighters break, bank, turn and perform other maneuvers like they're airplanes when they're in space?
X-Wings have 4 engines, right? Maybe power is increased/decreased from specific engines to make them turn. Ditto for any other Fighter with >1 engine. Everything else, I can't begin to guess.
Speaking about Naboo and Amidala in particular, what kind of society would elect a 14-year-old to be their leader? Apparently the Queen is more than just a figurehead here... and also democratically elected to limited terms of office.
Maybe it has something to do with her parents dying... it seems to still be a Monarchy at heart.
Coruscant is a planet completely covered by city, with over a trillion inhabitants and zero arable land. Where does all the food needed to support all those people come from?
Other Planets? And don't ask for the specifics; I'm not
that into Star Wars.
How did the Republican cavalry arrive so suddenly on Geonosis? Padme suddenly says "Look!" and dozens of ships are descending from the skies right above them. How is it that they made it through the planetary defenses so easily? Everyone seemed pretty caught off guard (the Jedi, Dooku, the newly-organized Confederation). Was nobody looking up at the sky or paying attention to any alarms that whole time? Had every single Geonosian on the planet abandoned his post to watch the overly-elaborate execution of the heroes?
Your answers in order:
Warp Speed?
See future answers...
I'd assume so.
Amidst the Clone Wars, how was Chancellor Palpatine able to slip past his personal guards (which I assume he must've had, after all, he's the leader of the Republic and it's the middle of a damn war) to fly around the galaxy and confer with his various minions as Darth Sidious? It makes more sense when he isn't doing it in person and does it via hologram or something, but even then, where does he go to put on his sinister Sith hood and robe and pose for a holographic telegraph? His bathroom?
I assume that his personal guard were in on it. Were you assuming that Corruption
doesn't exist?
The Trade Federation droids are able to communicate with one another by speaking in plain English (I mean, Basic). Why? Talking like that takes time and is easily overheard by enemies. It makes sense when having to interface with humans or other sentient lifeforms, but when communicating with one another, why not just communicate internally via radio, or by using ultrasonic blips that can't be detected by organic beings?
Maybe their creators aren't really smart after all...
What was the point of the Imperial gunners not firing at the escape pod containing C-3PO and R2-D2? What could the possibly lose from firing a bolt at it to make sure?
Because they assumed there was no one (living) aboard, but you have a point so... they don't want to waste ammo on (what seemed to be) nothing? And please don't start on what they use for ammo and if they may have infinite ammo, 'cause I'm not sure at all.
Obi-wan mentions that the blaster marks at the Sandcrawler were too precise for Sand People, and must've come from Stormtroopers. Yeah. How many encounters did the heroes have with Stormtroopers throughout the trilogy? And how many times did those dozens of highly-trained, well-armed soldiers actually hit their damn target? In fact, in all three movies, the only time the Stormtroopers EVER hit one of the heroes was in RotJ, when they had them cornered outside the bunker on Endor. And even then all they did was land a single nonfatal shot on R2, and graze Leia, who at the same time was picking Stormtroopers off the tops of walkers that were several yards away. Come on.
Well...... maybe
they weren't trained to use their weapons yet. :p
Can Chewbacca even pronounce his own name?
Grrrawwwwww. XD
What're the odds that Luke could crash land at a random point on the planet Dagobah, and happen to come across Yoda in no more than a few hours?
Depends on how fast Yoda moves and how big Dagobah is. Considering that, I'd say <1%.
Why the hell were the Stormtroopers stationed within the forests Endor wearing shiny white armor? Maybe that's why they lost to said coalition of poorly armed Rebels and spear-chucking teddy bears.
...Maybe they thought Endor was their personal Fashion Stage??? :p
How on Corellia is an AT-ST suitable for walking around in a rugged, forested area like that of Endor? From what we've seen they're big, awkward, fragile, and trip fairly easily. All-terrain? Are you sure?
Maybe that the "feet" Smashed the ground to suit their footing.