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Iron Man 2
Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 2:27 am
by Deepfake
Anyone else seen it yet? I think that, science = magic aside, the film was seriously well pulled-off. They did such an awesome job making that Hammer guy look like a douche, and Downey was just as likable as Stark as before - and while the fight scenes were cool, the Stark segments really make the film.
Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:11 am
by CaptHayfever
We don't get it until Thursday night.
And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"
Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:24 am
by Booyakasha
Probably won't get around to seeing it until next week. I'm cautiously optimistic---kind of getting a weird vibe from the trailers. Can't really explain it.
Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:25 pm
by Calamity Panfan
Going with a group of friends Friday night. Very excited.
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:17 am
by Nomyt
Saw it monday. Very good. It's on par with the first film.
[Spoiler] Suit case suit is epic. Want one so bad. [/Spoiler]
Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 1:54 pm
by Speed
Going to see it today, will post thoughts.
Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 11:38 pm
by Benthpilp
it was hot and it was bit more adventure. i am fan of Iron Man since i was young and this movie looks more brilliant with making it a modern super hero arrival. the adventures and the drama contains about the crisis of power about weapon technology was extraordinary too.
Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 11:05 pm
by Galefore
Anyway, so, I saw this tonight. Loved the [spoiler]Thor teaser at the end[/spoiler], though when my little brother saw it he shouted "MANDARIN" at the top of his lungs and the other people who stayed til the end of the credits were like "lol no". I dunno, kid just really wants to see the Mandarin.
I loved the movie, though the pace seemed to wear on the families around me. And, just as I expected, Mickey Rourke stole the ****ing show. Dude's ****ing awesome.
Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:53 am
by Deepfake
^ Werd. Dude is seriously one of the best actors in my recent memory, he ****ing owned in Sin City.
Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:06 pm
by Deku Tree
Saw the movie last night. Gotta say I agree with the praise for Downy, Rourke, and Rockwell. Also, that's probably the hottest I've seen Scarlett Johansson.
Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 5:22 pm
by Rainbow Dash
apparently genndy tartakovsky was involved in designing the stark expo or something??
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 8:47 pm
by Booyakasha
Just saw it. It was really good.
I kind of got the feeling that Scarlet Johansson was grafted on in a rewrite or something. Like, they realised there weren't a lot of ladies in the movie, so they tacked her on. Not that she felt out-of-place----more that she didn't seem to add a lot to the movie, aside from her fanservice-y tight leather jumpsuit-clad luchador wire-fu. I don't know...maybe I'm just seeing something that isn't there.
Oh, and I'm still a little annoyed that Nick Fury is a black guy now, but that's not really a gripe about this movie.
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:08 am
by Deepfake
^ At least it's better than Kingpin in Daredevil. I mean, it doesn't take much to be better than Daredevil, but it's there.
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:25 pm
by Booyakasha
^Oh, yeah. And Nick Fury got turned black in the comics first, so, like I said, not a gripe about this movie in particular---more with the arbitrary retcon of turning him into SLJ in the first place. Could just as easily have come up with a whole new character---Nick Fury either retires or essentially gets thrown out (like happened in the 'Fury' miniseries), and his replacement looks like SLJ. Maybe lose the eyepatch, but otherwise you're there.
Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:33 am
by juli888
Unfortunately the first part I did not see, but the second has turned out perfectly! Very much it was pleasant to me!