2010: Oh... My... God...
Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 4:49 pm
Must-Sees (at least for me):
Iron Man 2: Easily #1 on my list. Not only the awesomeness of Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow. But the new cast members. Samuel L. Jackson, Mickey Rourke, Scarlett Johannson, and Don Cheadle as ****ing War Machine? Bad. Ass.
Robin Hood: It's ****ing Russell Crowe (one of my favorite actors ever), directed by ****ing Ridley Scott, and I love Robin Hoode in general. **** Yes.
Tron Legacy: Never seen the original Tron, but the story's always interested me. Plus Daft Punk soundtrack. Need to see.
Toy Story 3: Toy Story is awesome, and Pixar's been on a hot-streak for the past two years, so I have extremely high hopes.
The Green Hornet: I don't like Seth Rogen that much, but casting him as The Green Hornet is really interesting, plus Michel Gondry is one of my favorite directors, so I'm definitely going to see it.
The Expendables: I have a penis, so it is my duty to see this movie. I mean, Arnold Schwarzenneger, Bruce Willis, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Sylvester Stallone, and Mickey Rourke in the same movie? How can I not see it?
Alice in Wonderland: Love Tim Burton's movies, love Johnny Depp's movies. Seems to be a perfect fit with director and movie. Really pumped to see it.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1: Really interested in how they're gonna split up the book into two movies. Even with its flaws I loved the last movie, so I'm pretty psyched for Deathly Hallows.
Inception: Don't know anything about the movie, but Christopher Nolan is a damn-good director and the trailer has me really interested.
The Last Airbender: I was a decently big fan of Avatar when it was on TV, so the movie interests me. But M. Night isn't really one of my favorite directors and I'm already ready to be disappointed. It's got a chance though.
Kick-Ass: Was never really familiar with the comics, but it seems interesting and the cast is pretty decent (even though Nicolas Cage is awful)
Prince of Persia: It's a video game movie, but Jake Gyllenhall is a good actor, and Jerry Bruckheimer can produce a good movie half the time, so I'll give it a shot.
Percy Jackson: Chris Columbus' last directorial film looked awful, but throughout the **** he's been associated with this decade (Fantastic Four, Christmas with the Kranks) he's managed some good movies (Harry Potter, Rent). So it's a possibility I might see it.
Clash of the Titans: If I get bored and want to see a dumb action movie, this seems to be top dog for dumb action movies (well, besides The Expendables but that's gonna be kick-ass)
Of course there is stuff I'm not interested in at all this year like The Karate Kid remake and Eclipse.
Must-Sees (at least for me):
Iron Man 2: Easily #1 on my list. Not only the awesomeness of Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow. But the new cast members. Samuel L. Jackson, Mickey Rourke, Scarlett Johannson, and Don Cheadle as ****ing War Machine? Bad. Ass.
Robin Hood: It's ****ing Russell Crowe (one of my favorite actors ever), directed by ****ing Ridley Scott, and I love Robin Hoode in general. **** Yes.
Tron Legacy: Never seen the original Tron, but the story's always interested me. Plus Daft Punk soundtrack. Need to see.
Toy Story 3: Toy Story is awesome, and Pixar's been on a hot-streak for the past two years, so I have extremely high hopes.
The Green Hornet: I don't like Seth Rogen that much, but casting him as The Green Hornet is really interesting, plus Michel Gondry is one of my favorite directors, so I'm definitely going to see it.
The Expendables: I have a penis, so it is my duty to see this movie. I mean, Arnold Schwarzenneger, Bruce Willis, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Sylvester Stallone, and Mickey Rourke in the same movie? How can I not see it?
Alice in Wonderland: Love Tim Burton's movies, love Johnny Depp's movies. Seems to be a perfect fit with director and movie. Really pumped to see it.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1: Really interested in how they're gonna split up the book into two movies. Even with its flaws I loved the last movie, so I'm pretty psyched for Deathly Hallows.
Inception: Don't know anything about the movie, but Christopher Nolan is a damn-good director and the trailer has me really interested.
The Last Airbender: I was a decently big fan of Avatar when it was on TV, so the movie interests me. But M. Night isn't really one of my favorite directors and I'm already ready to be disappointed. It's got a chance though.
Kick-Ass: Was never really familiar with the comics, but it seems interesting and the cast is pretty decent (even though Nicolas Cage is awful)
Prince of Persia: It's a video game movie, but Jake Gyllenhall is a good actor, and Jerry Bruckheimer can produce a good movie half the time, so I'll give it a shot.
Percy Jackson: Chris Columbus' last directorial film looked awful, but throughout the **** he's been associated with this decade (Fantastic Four, Christmas with the Kranks) he's managed some good movies (Harry Potter, Rent). So it's a possibility I might see it.
Clash of the Titans: If I get bored and want to see a dumb action movie, this seems to be top dog for dumb action movies (well, besides The Expendables but that's gonna be kick-ass)
Of course there is stuff I'm not interested in at all this year like The Karate Kid remake and Eclipse.