G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

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G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra


Post by Bad Dragonite » Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:21 pm


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Post by DarkZero » Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:26 pm

I had plans to watch this, along with Harry Potter 6.

Haven't seen many good movies this year, except Star Trek.
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Post by Red » Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:33 pm

Look like Iron Man 2 with those suits.

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Post by Spritedude » Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:21 pm

Just saw it. 'Twas awesome. I didn't have much expectations for it, I thought it was going to be a cheesy action movie (which it kinda was), but it was really good. Yes, there was is a lot of CGI and explosions, but I think the action was done really well, and was pretty much nonstop. The story wasn't the best and was a bit cliche, but the action scenes more than made up for it.

If you're looking for a deep story, I wouldn't recommend it, but if you want nonstop explosive action, then go see it.


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Post by Sean P Kelly » Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:07 pm

Some spoiler tag notes.
After all the fuss over the accelerator suits, there ended up being only one action sequence that used them.

The film was very flashback heavy. I get the flashbacks detailing the backstory of Duke, Baroness, and Cobra Commander, and the Destro ancestor was toleratable, but did there really have to be TWO flashbacks for Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow.

I'm not sure about the literal translation of Destro from the cartoon (i.e. his face is metal instead of wearing a mask), but at least the futuristic technology in the film explains for it.

Cobra Commander was the best part of the film and too bad they didn't use him more. There was even one moment (when he was not wearing the respirator) when Joseph Gordon-Levitt got the voice nearly spot on.


Overall I thought the film was not bad, even though it was only an origin story in every sense of the word.

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Post by Deepfake » Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:14 pm

The trailer for this totally looks like fail.
I muttered 'light as a board, stiff as a feather' for 2 days straight and now I've ascended, ;aughing at olympus and zeus is crying

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Post by ShyGuy727 » Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:12 am

Oh God they're already planning out a sequel for this ****bomb. Stop raping my childhood Hollywood.

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Post by Sean P Kelly » Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:11 am

ShyGuy727 wrote:Stop raping my childhood Hollywood.
I really hate that term.

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Post by Metal Mario » Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:24 am

I was never into Transformers or G.I. Joe. I was into Ninja Turtles. And those movies turned out awesomely awesome.

So my childhood remains unraped.

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Post by PK FIRE! » Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:30 am

I just saw G.I joe tonight, I enjoyed it quite abit, granted I'm not a fan of the franchise so I don't know what they didn't do right. The only part that I didn't like was revealing Cobra commander's face, I don't know why that bugs me but it does.

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Post by Calamity Panfan » Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:24 pm

hey at least they're not making something stupid like a stretch armstrong movie

that would just be silly
and that's the waaaaaaaaaay the news goes

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Post by Sean P Kelly » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:13 am

^^ There was a moment when they revealed Cobra Commander's face in the cartoon and it looked like a snake.

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Post by Lurch1982 » Sat Nov 07, 2009 2:52 am

I just got this in from Netflix. This movie was a steaming pile of dog****. The basic plot was fine. The whole tech thing was ok. Action scenes ranged from good to great. The biggest problems were the cornball dialogue and the "filler back story" that dragged the movie 30 minutes too long.

I'm not expecting Shakespearian dialogue. I would have liked something that the actors either didn't deliever with a "hyuck-hyuck" attitude, or lines that weren't awful. The snake-eyes backstory filler was golden. The entire subplot with Duke and the Baroness was garbage and it dragged it. How do you ruin a good action movie? Make every single non-action sequence seem painfully long and drawn out. Half of the filler and non action things could have been cut outright. I shouldn't be checking my watch on a movie that's less than two hours, and I shouldn't have been rolling my eyes any time anyone spoke. This wasn't even the forced 'fan references' like transformers. This was just a ****ty script that managed to butcher an otherwise good concept.

The only actors worth a **** were Ray Park (because he didn't talk), Levitt, and Lee Byung-hun. Arnold Vosloo could have been great, but he wasn't on screen long enough. Quaid mailed his performance in. Waynes was not the good Wayans we saw in Requiem, but sort of like if you take Will Smith in any Will Smith action movie and add in more cornball bullcrap. Channing Tatum was pretty much awful, and you could have probably gotten more replacing him with John Cena.

ShyGuy727 wrote:Oh God they're already planning out a sequel for this ****bomb. Stop raping my childhood Hollywood.
This was at least more true to the source material than Transformers.

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