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Samurai 7
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:29 pm
This show was okay. The only reason I am making a topic about it is because the robot samurai, Kiku, was cool. Oh. and I wanna say that Kambe was a stupid character, and the fat emperor guy's son is like a character straight out of Death Note.
This show would likely have made a better novel or game, IMO.
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:20 am
by Apiary Tazy
Not really.
There was a game called Samerai 7 20XX ( or something similar). It didn't go to well.
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:38 am
by Kil'jaeden
I remember watching it. It was okay, but not great. It raises huge logistical questions though. If a few samurai with swords can cut up a lot huge robots with massive guns and deflect their lasers, why bother with the money, resources (metal, fuel, etc.) and labor required to make the giant robots and ships?
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:44 pm
by Bomby
Instead of Samurai 7, watch Seven Samurai.
Or watch both. But make sure you eventually watch Seven Samurai.
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:33 pm
by Galefore
1) Kambei is an incredibly well-portrayed picture of a war-torn samurai. His attitude, his skill, and his general outlook do a fine job of showing the effects of war on a human, especially one who consistently survives to witness his comrades fall. Strike one.
2) The emperor never even ****ing existed in the movie, which is one thing about the anime I hated. He wasn't a very well fleshed out character, and it further helped take away from the overall simplicity of the movie. (Going from a simple village conflict to a largescale war? Come on, that just ****s the entire point up.).
3) It was originally a movie, released several decades ago. And it is my favorite movie. So I tend to prefer people to wait to judge the anime until after they've seen the film. Strike two.
4) The game was horrendous. Strike three.
You're out.
However, I do agree that Kikuchiyo was done well in the animu. Aside from being a robot, they stuck to the idea that he was a simple man with a desire to be more, and in the end, a hero. He's one of my favorite characters in film history.
In all seriousness, though, watch the movie.
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:09 pm
I actually think I saw the movie and the Western version too. I figured there was a connection but I decided just to mention the anime.
Kambei: I just find him to be incredibly predictable, that's all.
But the emperor's character was good. He was a spoiled, selfish, highly intelligent, manipulative, evil, disturbed, and charismastic coward. He has more character than half of the heroes.
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:16 pm
by Galefore
Sorry, but no. The only reason for this is because the Anime creators would only take liberty with their own creations (with good reason) and (mostly) left the Samurai as they were in the original movie, save for in appearance and order of demise. Since the point of the movie was far different from the point of the anime, and since the anime takes the characters horribly out of their original personalities at times, it sort of ****s the balance between new and old up. As such, you end up with too much focus on the new characters (the village priestess and her sister, the empire) and less on the original cast and plot. The new emperor was a whiny, annoying little excuse for a deus ex machina, and I found his existence and concern with one little ****ing village rather pointless. I didn't find his level of manipulation any more entertaining than the myriad villains in anime who did the exact same HAHA U KILLD NOW I EMPEROR BORK **** that he pulled. As I always say, the best of the Samurai was Kikuchiyo, and really, he was part of the focus of the movie to begin with. The point was never to 'save the world from the villain'. It was to show that it is not the hero who truly wins, but the people he saves. And that is why Seven Samurai is my favorite movie, and I consider Samurai 7 a mere afterthought.
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:51 pm
The anime was obviously different for a reason, so I treat them as seperate stories. The characters must differ from their movie counter-parts at times since the setting and such are vastly different. And the new characters are central to the new story. This isn't a remake.
The emperor had the samurai and bandits at each other's throats, gained the trust of the peasants and such. Plus he showed his rage against robot samurai by smashing one apart, which was the one instance in which he lost his calm.
Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:53 pm
by Galefore
Yes. It
is a remake. Do not pull a Dai Grepher. Though it is understandably different, it is also pretty much the same basic story. The name is also the same, and as such, it is a remake. What other name could it be called by? "Adaptation" comes to mind, but even then, it is still a
version adapted to a different format. As such, it's still being 'remade'.
Therefore, it is a remake.
As an adendum, unless you're talking about the old emperor (the one that was killed), no, the
new emperor
did in fact lose his calm quite often, mostly in one of his juvenile fits of rage against the samurai. As well, during his final moments, he also makes multiple breaks in 'cool'. He was interesting as an additional villain, but not nearly as amazing as your stream of adjectives would have him seem. However, you are entitled to your opinion, and I apologize for lashing out; we're dealing with my favorite movie, here.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:40 pm
Okay: I think the anime, at most, is an alternate dimension adaptation of the movie, or at least it's inspired by the movie. Or it's like a "Red is Ash?" PKMN thing. But it's debatable so yeah.
Don't worry, I'm like that with DBZ. =D