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Simpsons can make fun of you, but you can't make fun of the Simpsons.....

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:28 pm
by Jesus

Something to think about. Could it be because The Simpsons has "no sense of humor"? I mean, I know lots of people who think the Simpsons are hilarious and stuff, but really their jokes are worse than Family Guy's. Bart Simpson skateboarding naked is apparently hilarious but brian getting annoyed about "Cool Hwhip" is considered unfunny?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:38 pm
by X-3
At best, the Simpsons made small teases about Family Guy, like Peter being a clone of Homer in a Treehouse of Horror episode

Here, we have Quagmire having sex with Marge, and then killing the main Simpsons cast.

I can't help but feel there's a difference here...

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:46 pm
by Calamity Panfan
at least the simpsons stabs at family guy were short gags, the family guy stab at simpsons wasted two minutes that could involve PLOT.

PLOT is what's wrong with Family Guy. There's none. The Simpsons doesn't spend all its time with cutaway gags, they have jokes that have to do with the plot. 80% of the Family Guy jokes are unnecessary.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:21 pm
by Greenmarioman
Well, that was unexpected. What episode is that from?

I see what they're getting at, but the joke was a little... messed up.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:22 pm
by Metal Man
It's rather simple.

Pre-shark jumping Simpsons had a mixture of comedy and some less comedic moments. The difference between these moments made them 'pop', so to speak.

Then Maude died and Phil Hartman died and stuff started popping out everywhere. Culminating in things such as Bart being naked and a horrible retcon so everything starts in the 80's is considered in good taste by the remaining producers.

Family Guy never had much of a part before it jumped the shark, opting instead for more perverse and disgusting jokes followed by some stuff that seems ripped off from the Simpsons. The only thing unique to it appears to be the flashback style stuff I've heard is involved, but even that is laced with the same sort of gross humor.

Gross humor in general is like mixing turpentine with sugar water. It turns something sweet into something poisonous, at which point I hate it and the people who made it.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:38 pm
by Jesus
Regardless, Fox decided not to air it because they wanted "the feud to end". Family Guy never made any previous stab at The Simpsons before so you can't really call it a feud. The other thing to take into consideration is that Matt Groening knew of this before it was aired and didn't have a problem with it. It was FOX who had a problem with Family Guy's joke.

Putting Peter Griffin's face on a wanted poster with the word "PLAGIARIST" under it is a pretty deep stab at Family Guy if I do say so myself.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:47 pm
by X-3
Uh, no it wasn't. There was an episode where Stewie ran over Homer.

Also, I remember seeing this on Fox when the episode first aired. :\ The episode's wiki page has nothing about anything being banned.

Everyone needs to learn to take jokes, without making extreme jokes in return. If they could take South Park's episodes about Family Guy, I believe they can take a small poster joke that takes up a few seconds of the episode.

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:21 pm
by Jesus
How come Seth himself said in the DVD commentary that Fox editted that part out?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:46 am
by Deepfake
Family Guy is usually pretty funny, but that just seemed really petty. It'd be different it if came off as a joke, but I'm pretty certain Quagmire just ****ed Marge and then shot everyone. What's the punchline, that he's a murdering nymphomaniac?

If I drew a picture of myself having sex with your mom, and called it a joke, does that make it a joke?

...Although, I'm pretty certain I could make that funny. By showing you a badly-drawn picture and saying "this is your mom" to interrupt you every time you tried to argue with me, under the context that I had asserted it was "photographic evidence". After you had a long-winded rant that I ignored, I could then tell you "Yeah, sure dude, I could see how you'd be upset about those photos. They're pretty incriminating."

See how good writing can make a difference?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:57 am
by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds
Nevermind the fact that an owning company reserves the right to say, "uuhh that's not appropriate, we do not approve of your depiction of our characters".

It wasn't even funny. I hesitate to call it a "joke" at all.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:26 am
by Bomby
Dear God, this is a great social outrage...

Brothers, hear this call to arms! Our beloved Family Guy has been treated unfairly by the evil demons at Fox for the last time! It is now time that we complain about it tirelessly until they start giving Seth MacFarlane the respect he deserves. Never mind that they've asked him to develop yet even more shows for them. They clearly don't appreciate him, considering that they would consider The Simpsons, which has been on air and provided steady ratings for them for almost 20 years, to be a more valuable asset. We will fight on the streets! We will fight on the beaches! We will fight in the living room! We shall never give up this great endeavor, clearly the most important of our generation!
or we could all just get lives instead
That bit wasn't even remotely funny.

However, to defend one thing about Family Guy, plots are for the weak-minded. However, Family Guy generally just isn't funny anyways.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:33 pm
by Jesus
Well Seth did get the stereotypes of the Simpson characters down pretty well. He also did a good job of making some of them sound really whiny.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:13 pm
by Rubber Band Man
1) When I first saw this little segment I thought it was funny at the beginning (Simpsons up next, and Marge being trampled by Quagmire) but the second part was a waste.

2) As far as FAmily Guy plot goes, there isn't really one, and that's the point. That's what they thrive off of, because THAT'S WHAT THEIR AUDIENCE LIKES, and God forbid they should cater to it.

Episode usually has one main plot or situation that gets interrupted by Peter or someone doing something outrageously stupid to make a simple task more complicated. Insert some pretty funny skits here and there and you've got a 30 minute show. The reason that American Dad and the Cleveland Show will have some slight success is because it follows the same structure and will take the same audience (the only main difference is American Dad seems to have less cutaways).