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The Spirit.
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:20 am
by Bad Dragonite
I'm surprised noone has posted this yet.
It's a movie based off of a newspaper strip of the same name.
I personally love how the director describes the character.
(possible spoilers,but I'm not sure.)
[quote="Frank Miller]The character has a terrifying side to him. This is a man who's died and come back to life. So it twists into fantasy. And of course there are tons of women in it. There have to be — it's the Spirit. They’re all in love with him"]
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 3:51 am
by t3hDarkness
You're doing it wrong.
I can't say I'm too excited with the trailers so far.
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:25 am
by Booyakasha
I hadn't heard of any of it before I started seeing trailers.
The one thing that's really grabbed me about it is the whole 'MY CITY SCREAMS' thing. It's such an odd line. Needless to say, I've been working it into conversations and/or yelling it at people apropos of nothing for the last few weeks.
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:36 am
by CaptHayfever
For the record, spoiler tags have to go inside of quote tags.
And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 2:37 pm
by Bomby
In general, the trailers make it look awful. Frank Miller really needs a co-director, or at least a decent cinematographer.
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 4:58 pm
by Perrin Aybara
I think the trailers look freaking awesome.
Plus it has SLJ.
Instant win.
Will be there opening day, even if it's opening on Christmas.
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:47 am
by Dr. Furball
I've never read the comics, but I've heard great things about Will Eisner, the author.
And when did Frank Miller start making movies of other people's comics?
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:57 pm
by Sean P Kelly
If you look up the original comic, you can see that it looks totally different to the film (Frank Miller gives the film a "Sin City" look)
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:15 am
by Deepfake
Looks good, IMO.
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:02 pm
by Bad Dragonite
If nothing else,Samuel L. Jackson stars in it.
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:32 pm
by Bomby
The commercials don't look too bad, but the full length trailer looks UweBolltastic.
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:36 pm
by t3hDarkness
If you are already familiar with The Spirit and open to interpretations, then you might like the move.
If you have never read The Spirit, then the movie should be fine.
The target audience is people that don't read comic books anyway.
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:19 pm
by Bad Dragonite
Sure to become a famous line(if the movie's successful):
I'm gonna kill you all kinds a dead.
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:26 pm
by Booyakasha
^I don't know. That kind of line doesn't really work when you say it slowly, like in the trailer. Sounds unnatural. You need to bust it out fast. I bet Edward G. Robinson could have made it work. "Myahh, I'm gonna kill you, flatfoot, see? Myahh, I'm gonna kill you all kinds of dead. Put you on ice, see? Myahh."
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 6:41 am
by Deepfake
I really got a Dick Tracy vibe from the commercial, watching it again.
I'll try and find the trailer so I can see what Bomby's talking about, although I have to say Uwe Boll's films are horrible for a fantastic amount of reasons- writing being an especially big part.
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:38 pm
by Bomby
It's mostly the framing and lighting that bother me. If it weren't for all those big name actors I would've sworn it was made by Computer Science majors who had too much time on their hands.
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:25 pm
by Deepfake
Ah, I can follow you on that. Lighting can be a big part of films, even on a subconscious level to viewers that don't pay attention.
The framing in Sin City was largely influenced by the comics, so they probably had a much more specific concept in mind. This one is largely an adaptation of the Spirit into Frank Miller's visual style without comic panels to sort of pre-storyboard it. It would make sense that the lighting and framing is off a bit.
BTW, what did you dislike about 300, Bomby? I mean, aside from it being a senseless action film.
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:07 pm
by Bomby
Sin City was spectacular.
In all honesty, without the hype I probably would've just been indifferent to 300. Upon catching a few minutes of it recently, it was a mixture of a few things:
1. The lighting. This is a shame because the framing was actually impeccable.
2. Unnecessary over-usage of slow motion.
3. The CGI backgrounds were trying too hard to look realistic, which I found to be an eyesore.
4. Usage of British accents outside of Britain.
5. The voice over narration just didn't work. This is coming from someone who absolutely loves voice over narration when done correctly.
6. I have a preprogrammed bias against the "sword and sandal" genre. It's wrong, I know, but at least I admit to it.
I actually love senseless action films when they're well done. See Hard Boiled or the second half of Pineapple Express for a good example.
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:42 am
by Booyakasha
Went and saw it today.
Easily the worst movie I've seen all year. Everything about it is punishingly, gratingly stupid. Avoid.
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:54 am
by SephirothKirby