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The Rugrats
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:12 am
by Valigarmander
You ever look back on an old show, and realize how it's probably the only cartoon in your own personal history to have stood the test of time? :(
Seriously. Rugrats was brilliant. At least before all that Dill and All Grown Up bullcrap.
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:19 am
by Rainbow Dash
Rocko's Modern Life?
Tiny Toons?
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:06 pm
by Rubber Band Man
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:32 pm
by United Nations
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:35 pm
by I am nobody
I hated that show when I saw it years ago. That hasn't changed.
Then again, I'm not a big fan of cartoons in general.
Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:55 pm
by Seeking Attention
I remember it. It was alright, the all Grown Up show was craptastic though.
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:46 pm
by spooky scary bearatons
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:48 pm
Is it just me or did the creators try to use Chucky as a catch all for the minority? If I recall right he was: left handed, a red head, wore glasses,and had an outie bellie button.
- You stupid dog!
Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:56 pm
by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds
The best part of the Rugrats was Peter Chung's involvement.
But seriously, I used to love the show when I was younger. All Grown Up is
awful, though.
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:00 pm
by Deepfake
..speaking of which
still awesome
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:03 pm
by deathscythe
Courage the Cowardly dog.
if u dont love that show.
i love you less
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:05 pm
by Greenmarioman
Powerpuff Girls
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:33 pm
DELICIOUS POISON wrote:..speaking of which
still awesome
I keep wanting to pick up the collection for the PSP, even if it's not a good movie player system.
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:27 pm
Rugrats...I can't stand American cartoons that aren't for adult audiences now that I am in that audience...but I did watch Rugrats religiously as a kid. I can still remember them all too.
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:39 pm
by SephirothKirby
DELICIOUS POISON wrote:..speaking of which
still awesome
wtf is going on in that picture i cant even tell
Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:28 pm
by Deepfake
did you try using your eyes
and your brain
remember to use your brain
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:00 pm
Two words fan sevice.
Cartoons seem to have gone into a rather impressive downword sprile evers scince about 04 or so.
- You stupid dog!
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:24 pm
by Valigarmander
Since '04? You must be very young, since it takes an old person like me to realize things started going downhill since they ended Animaniacs in 1998.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 11:06 pm
by Rubber Band Man
I'd be inclined to say around 2003, because at least until then Cartoon Network had some decent stuff. When they dropped Johnny, Cow and Chicken and all that, they began to lose it.
Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2008 1:00 am
by Valigarmander
^ In my opinion, Cow & Chicken was the start of the "exhibit a character's bare ass as a punchline" tradition of cartoons.
Not really a good thing.