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The Indie Film Topic

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:56 pm
by Sean P Kelly
I decided to create a topic based on those small films that aren't released by a major studio and are usually only receive a limited release (though technically that comment about studios isn't really valid, since all the major studios have divisions for indie films -- i.e. Fox Searchlight, Paramount Vantage, Sony Pictures Classics, & Warner Independent Pictures).

I usually try to check out independent releases once a month and with this topic I mention all the films that I see (everyone else is free to do the same).

A few weeks ago, I went to see The Wackness, which was hyped to death on I liked the film, but I doubt it was worth all the hype FirstShowing was giving.

I also recently saw Gonzo: The Life and Times of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. The film was good in terms of how documentaries go.

Films on the horizon that I want to see are Baghead, Hamlet 2, and Choke.

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:57 pm
by Bomby
You forgot the juggernaut Focus Features.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:56 pm
by Sean P Kelly
Saw Hamlet 2

Didn't really make an impression.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:01 pm
by Calamity Panfan
I had no interest in it. The fact that it was claimed to be "This year's Napoleon Dynamite" didn't help.