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House MD


Post by Speed » Tue May 06, 2008 11:43 am

This show quickly became one of my favorites after I started watching it a year ago. It's like ER for smart people.

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Post by Apiary Tazy » Tue May 06, 2008 11:48 am

You have seen the light.

And it is good.

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Post by Galefore » Wed May 07, 2008 6:33 pm

This show is awesome. I'll never be able to get enough of it.

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Post by Membou07 » Thu May 08, 2008 8:10 am

Hugh Laurie is truly a god among men. I can't figure out whether I like the show as a whole, or the character House more.

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Post by Brandon2390 » Sat May 10, 2008 11:18 am

It's a good show. I think it's a tad overrated but it's a good show.
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Post by Galefore » Thu May 29, 2008 2:46 am

Anyone catch the season finale? It had my mother in tears and me laughing. I was, however, a little disappointed in the stereotypical little
setup that seems to be happening. Rather annoying, that, but otherwise, it's nothing but a buildup to a new season.

As for House's new employees, Kutner is badass, Talb is annoying, and Thirteen is melodramatic. Foreman was always my favorite of the original three, so I'm glad to see him back. And lastly, I hate(d) "Cut-Throat Bitch"--
Even in death, because I felt the season finale was an experiment in love-hate. In the end, you feel more for Wilson than you feel for Heather.
--and I probably always will. Why? She is sort of House without being House. For some reason, it makes you hate her even if you really don't like the way House acts. And you really hate her if you fancy your attitude similar to House's.

Bottom line, an alright finale. I hope for a real twist next year, though.

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Post by Sheik » Sat May 31, 2008 7:41 pm

It's real smarmy, but fun to watch at the same time. A tasty treat.

*sweet synopsis
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Post by ZeldaGirl » Sat May 31, 2008 10:03 pm

^^Firstly, Amber and Wilson weren't married. Nice try.

Secondly, stereotypical? Really now?
This is HOUSE AND WILSON. Wilson has a million separate reasons for hating House - and most of them, House doesn't care a lick about. Yet, Wilson sticks by him. This time around, however, House DOES care. It's going to be an interesting dynamic... besides, Wilson is dependent upon a person with a dominant personality like House's (why do you think he went for Amber?).

So, while the setup has been used before, it's never been employed this way before. Think about it - House and Wilson don't have a conventional relationship. I think the writer's are going to take the opportunity to really exploit that, because it has the opportunity for many delicious twists.

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Post by Galefore » Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:11 am

I thought I had noted that.

First of all, Amber was referred to as Wilson's "wife" by House during the episode so that he could easily get to her. I was simply continuing that thought. Nice try on your part, but no banana.

Secondly, I pretty much know everything you're trying to communicate. I still think it's a cheesy setup; killing off more of House's livelihood? He already lost his team and his wife, and now he's losing his friend. It's a little much, but hey, I do think the dimensions are going to be interesting.

BTW, you may have noted I called her (Amber) Heather in my synopsis; this was a product of the inside joke. I thought I had explained that in post, but hey, it was 2 AM. I forgot.

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